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  1. Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Chris Funkhouser - 09.03.2011 - 15:20

  2. A Quick Buzz around the Universe of Electronic Poetry

    An introductory essay that offers readers new to electronic poetry a brief survey of the field as it was taking shape at the beginning of the new century. The essay provides a tentative definition of e-poetry and identifies various poets writing digital poetry along with links to their works.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.03.2011 - 13:03

  3. We have never had a mind of our own: A Poetics of the Integrated Circuit

    The black-and-gray background of the splash page for the performance artist Stelarc’s website appears to be an abstraction of memory blocks, logic boards, and input/output pads. Into it is plugged a block of small white introductory text, a blip of red text listing devices necessary to access the site, and a sketch showing a body wired with EEGs to catch the brainwaves, ECGs to trace the heartbeat, EMG’s to monitor the flexor muscles, and an array of contact microphones, position sensors, and kineto-angle transducers to chart everything else. In this integrated circuit, voltage-in probes the body; voltage-out extends it. In case the point is not yet clear, two neon-bright chunks of text in the middle of the page blink on and off to announce it: “THE BODY IS,” the first lines read all in a rush, then slowly, spelling it out, “O-B-S-O-L-E-T-E.” In this paper, I would like to argue that the transformation from an organic, industrial society to the polymorphous information system Stelac enacts allows us to think back to machine-human collaborations overlooked in expressivist approaches to poetry.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 16:02

  4. Translating E-poetry: Still Avant-Garde

    The American poetry critic Marjorie Perloff undertook the task of rendering a solid theoretical framework to understand the evolution of the art of poetry after Modernism. Furthermore, she traced the evolution of “Postmodern” poetry, analyzing the most radical experiments including the digital poetry of the present. Based on Perloff’s perspective, this paper will observe the evolution of translation as part of the poetics of the American poet Ezra Pound and Brazilian poet Haroldo de Campos. Following its transformation as a writing strategy, they understood translation as a process adjacent to poetry, though the incorporation of translation as part of their own work would be observed as unethical for many critics. Therefore, Haroldo de Campos coined the term “Transcreation” in order to refer his translations as an original work. Interestingly enough, the paradigm for this sort of writing is the Irish writer James Joyce, whose controversial piece Finnegans Wake introduced not only linguistic but also metaphorical and historical translation.

    Hannah Ackermans - 16.11.2015 - 10:46