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  1. Mar de Sophia

    Mar de Sophia é um conjunto de poemas virtuais apresentados em formato hipermédia, nos quais o texto animado na tela é gerado automaticamente a partir do léxico da poeta Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen, previamente estudado em termos de frequência. Esse léxico-base, que (re)constitui a obra de Sophia, e a classifica e mapeia na rede, está indexado em listas codificadas em linguagem XML, acessíveis ao leitor de vários modos, o qual as pode alterar ou adicionar novos vocábulos ou unidades de sentido. A animação do texto está ainda inscrita na componente sonora das variações combinatórias que deste processo resultam. Sempre que uma palavra se altera, o poema activa uma busca em bases de dados de som, com leituras do texto-base de que se aproveitou a sintaxe e a estrutura formal. Desse modo, o leitor pode recriar, no eixo combinatório da linguagem, um poema de Sophia, adaptando-o ao seu gosto, bem como enviar algumas das suas realizações, tanto sonoras quanto verbais, para um servidor PHP instalado num servidor da Internet. Aí, ficam arquivadas as várias versões de todos os leitores que participam na (re)leitura do poema.

    Rui Torres - 25.11.2011 - 22:03

  2. Erica T. Carter: The Collected Works

    “Erica T. Carter: The Collected Works," a haphazard vault installation of poetry generated under the pen name Erica T. Carter by Jim Carpenter's Electronic Text Composition (ETC) project.

    The installation features around 18,000 pages of poetry generated by three automated poetry stations. A selection of around 2,500 pages has been randomly arranged about the vault floor and is downloadable, link attached to this entry.

    Source: Slought Foundation

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 12:58

  3. Cut to the Flesh

    This multimedia poem was written by Jody Zellen, using a “page space” developed by Deena Larsen for this collaboration. Each of the question marks responds to a mouseover by triggering a line of verse moving diagonally across the poem’s surface along with a sound. The title’s reference to the flesh and the use of heartbeat, sonogram, and voice recordings saying things like “breathe” all reinforce a surgical conceptual framework, and metaphorically framing the diagonal language movement as cuts, slashing across the screen. The occasional variations in the sounds and word movement place the poem in conversation with some of the urban concerns which are so central to Zellen’s poetics, while the literalization of a metaphor through interface design is part of Larsen’s. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Deena Larsen - 20.06.2012 - 19:27

  4. News Reader

    News Reader is software for reading and playing the network news environment. News Reader initially offers the current "top stories" from Yahoo! News — which are always drawn from mainstream sources. Playing these stories brings forth texts generated from alternative press stories, portions of which are (through interaction) introduced into the starting texts, gradually altering them. News Reader is an artwork designed for daily use, providing an at times humorous, at times disturbing experience of our news and the chains of language that run through it.

    Source: Turbulence

    Patricia Tomaszek - 09.10.2012 - 13:02

  5. Rum Skab Værelse

    "This is my most comprehensive fictional work to date. It meditates the fact that most important words in the Danish language has either 'rum', 'skab' or 'værelse' as a suffix, hence the title (which rougly translates into 'Space Closet Room'). All the terms are 'roomy' terms which that opens up for some playing around. It is also a field-novel (describing a field rather than a narrative - to reflect a contigent reality) and one of the first hypertext-novels in Danish (actually it's the only one I know of)." -Martin Ferro-Thomsen

    Melissa Lucas - 12.10.2012 - 17:59

  6. Mystery House Taken Over

    The Mystery House Advance Team has reverse engineered Mystery House, the first text-and-graphics adventure game. Members of the Advance Team have reimplemented it in a modern, cross-platform, free language for interactive fiction development, and have fashioned a kit to allow others to easily modify this early game.

    Modified versions of Mystery House have been created by the elite Mystery House Occupation Force, consisting of individuals from the interactive fiction, electronic literature, and net art communities:

    Scott Rettberg - 25.10.2012 - 12:16

  7. Apple in Space - Search the World

    Crossing borders, experiments, the appropriation of reality instead of a depiction of the world, dialogic art, the play with associations: this is Reinhard Döhl's work. His probably most famous work is his concrete Apfelgedicht (Apple Poem) from 1965. 30 years later it bites its way through an apple in Johannes Auer's net poem "worm applepie for döhl". „appleinspace“: a multi-layer-hommage experimenting with internet, reality, textual reality as well as with the complete text assemblage of Reinhard Döhl which plays with the unconscious, simularity, and volatility. As an extension of „appleinspace“, Beat Suter und René Bauer plan a multi-layered human-search-machine-cooperation.

    Johannes Auer - 06.11.2012 - 10:48

  8. All wrongs reversed ©1982

    Screen Grab tutorial of how to make simple computer graphics using the BASIC programming language. This continues JODI's work for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer. (Source: Mike Connor - FACT Centre Liverpool)

    Luciana Gattass - 22.11.2012 - 14:51

  9. Lombrices (Minhocas)

    Author statement: "Estuve haciendo un video con Ricardo Pons. Compré frente al Club de los pescadores en la Costanera Norte un paquete de lombrices grandes, gordas. Las lavé en un balde para sacarles la tierra y las puse en el medio de una tabla blanca de 100 x 70 centímetros. Ricardo las filmaba mientras las lombrices se corrían hacia los costados cubriendo todo el rectángulo. Resultó un cuadro movedizo. Pensé terminar el video con una gallina hambrienta comiendo vorazmente el dibujo. No sé si lo voy a hacer. Pero me gusta la idea del arte que dibujan las lombrices, que luego es comido por la gallina y que después, se puede terminar, es defecado sobre un infierno de Boticelli. Es decir cubrir todo el ciclo: arte animal, arte comido y arte defecado sobre la idea principal de nuestro patrimonio cultural: arte suplicio, arte infernal, arte castigo. No se cómo llamar a esos cuadros horribles tan bien pintados." (Ferrari, Official Site)

    Luciana Gattass - 23.11.2012 - 15:22

  10. Dictionary

    DICTIONARY (FOR JACQUES DERRIDA). Internet project. 8 October 2004

    Natalia Fedorova - 30.01.2013 - 17:43
