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  1. Galatea

    Galatea is a work of interactive fiction set in an art gallery an undetermined amount of time in the future. The player takes on the role of an unnamed art critic examining works of personality referred to in the story as “animates.” Galatea is the name of one such animate however, unlike the other exhibits at the museum (which are forays into rudimentary artificial intelligence,) Galatea was a sculpted women who simply willed herself to life. The player must interact with Galatea through text commands until they get one of several endings.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:57

  2. Flight Paths: A Networked Novel

    Flight Paths: a networked novel seeks to explore what happens when lives collide - the airplane stowaway and the suburban Londoner. A supermarket car park lies directly beneath the flight path into Heathrow Airport. On at least five separate occasions the bodies of young men - stowaways - have fallen from the sky and landed on or near this place. This project explores the lives of one stowaway and the woman whose car on which he lands. The authors create multimedia elements that illuminate the story while readers are invited to contribute texts, images, sounds, memories, ideas, and stories. The project grows and changes incrementally. There is a long history of electronic fiction works that include user-generated content. But there are very few fiction projects that from the earliest, research phase attempt to harness participatory media as well as multimedia content in the way that Flight Paths does.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.01.2011 - 18:28

  3. slippingglimpse

    In slippingglimpse, we model a ring in which the roles of initiator, responder, and mediator are taken by all elements in turn. Our mantra for this: water reads text, text reads technology, technology reads water, coming full circle. Reading then comes to mean something different at each stage of the poem, in all cases involving sampling. Ryan reads and captures the image of 'chreods' (dynamic attractors) in water. Strickland's poem text, by sampling, appropriating, and aggregating artists' descriptions of processes of capture, reads this process of capture. And the water reads, via Lawson Jaramillo's motion-capture coding, by imposing its own sampled pattern. A variety of reading experiences are enabled: reading images while watching text; reading in concert with non-human readers, computer and water; reading frame breaks (into scroll or background); or reading by intervening. For instance, reversibility and replay are available on the scroll, as are reading in the direction and speed you wish; while, in the water, regeneration of text is available, as are unpredictable jostling and overlays.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 13:07

  4. Talking Cure

    Talking Cure is an installation that includes live video processing, speech recognition, and a dynamically composed sound environment. It is about seeing, writing, and speaking — about word pictures, the gaze, and cure. It works with the story of Anna O, the patient of Joseph Breuer's who gave to him and Freud the concept of the "talking cure" as well as the word pictures to substantiate it. The reader enters a space with a projection surface at one end and a high-backed chair, facing it, at another. In front of the chair are a video camera and microphone. The video camera's image of the person in the chair is displayed, as text, on the screen. This "word picture" display is formed by reducing the live image to three colors, and then using these colors to determine the mixture between three color-coded layers of text. One of these layers is from Joseph Breuer's case study of Anna O. Another layer of text consists of the words "to torment" repeated — one of the few direct quotations attributed to Anna in the case study.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.03.2011 - 10:20

  5. Signal to Noise

    "Signal to Noise" is a web-native hypertext designed for concurrent navigations by multiple readers, whose interactions with the text subtly influence one another's parallel readings in realtime. 

    Artist Statement:

    "Signal to Noise" is a web-native hypertext designed to be read by multiple people simultaneously. 

    The interface is linked to a database via Ajax. A PHP engine tracks the parallel navigations and behavior of active users and responds by broadcasting relevant fragments, subtext, and other ephemera to all readers in realtime. Readers' concurrent movements through the narrative have subtle effects on one another's experiences. While readers are unable to directly communicate among themselves or evoke representative avatars in the virtual environment (with one clear exception), echoes and ripples are unavoidably left on the surface of the global text with every followed link. In time, these ripples subside and disappear. 

    Scott Rettberg - 28.03.2012 - 12:28

  6. (2006) takes six classic novels (Moby DickUncle Tom's CabinThe Scarlet LetterLolita1984, and On The Road) and compresses them into four sentences apiece; at any point, if visitors wish to, they can write their own four sentence novel by using the tools included on the site.

    (Source: Artist's description, 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    eabigelow - 28.06.2012 - 03:25

  7. Hors Catégorie

    Hors Catégorie is an interactive fiction by Chris Calabro and David Benin developed in 2007.

    It is possible to play it on almost every system, even on Smartphone.

    The used Software is a z-machine Interpreter, which is a game’s requirement as the player needs it in order to emulate an Infocom machine.

    It takes place entirely in a single hotel room, with several subrooms. Unlike many adventure-like interactive fictions, location, possessions, and strength are not the main obstacles of this game, but rather player knowledge and moral choices. The point is to explore the inner conflict of the protagonist and shape his character. This is why the typical presence of interactive fictions’ obstacles makes Hors Catégorie innovative and different because here they are the player moral choices.

    The title of the game comes from the 'out of category' classification of difficult climbs in the Tour de France, where the game is set. The protagonist is a rider in the Tour, just waking, getting ready to take on the day's current stage.

    How to play:

    Scott Rettberg - 07.01.2013 - 16:24

  8. Skindoscope

    Web-art work that focus on the poetics of alterity – the game of identity and alterity. Based on interactors’ data (skin color, name, city, country, gender, height and weight) the work creates different visual kaleidoscopes intending to cause reflection about people’s differences and similarities.

    (Source: Artist's site)

    The artist also produced a version of the work for Second Life, where the kaleidoscope is formed by the leaves of a tree. Each avatar who interacts creates a leaf with his/her skin color and each 10 leaves created causes the tree to produce a coin of L$ 1,00, which can be taken by any avatar who touches it.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.01.2013 - 00:14

  9. Contemplating Flight

    Framed by various folktales, "Contemplating Flight" explores established female representations and further tests the limitations of participation in a challenging narrative grammatology.

    Artist Statement:
    Like previous artworks on "Contemplating Flight" explores the interplay between digital narrative, image and interaction. It aims to question the paradigm of interaction equating to empowerment.

    Bettelheim like many ponders the importance of the forest "Since ancient times the near impenetrable forest in which we get lost has symbolized the dark, hidden, near-impenetrable world of our unconscious. If we have lost the framework which gave structure to our past life and must now find our way to become ourselves, and have entered this wilderness with an as yet undeveloped personality, when we succeed in finding our way out we shall emerge with a much more highly developed humanity." The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning And Importance of Fairy Tales 1976.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.01.2013 - 01:28

  10. Epiglobis

    "Epiglobis" is an interactive video that explores consumption, desire, and issues pertaining to globalization through non-linear imagery and sounds called at random from a databank that generates continuously new juxtapositions.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:43
