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  1. I mellom tiden

    I mellom tiden er et hypertekstuelt nettkunstverk bestående at statiske og dynamiske elementer, lyd, skrift, bilde, video og grafikk. Verket er sentrert rundt fire temaer; venner, alene, familie og elskere. Ved å traversere verket får leseren mulighet til å oppleve ulike hverdagslige aspekter i livet, på tvers av de fire temaene. Gjennom sampling og et samspill mellom temaer, stemninger, modaliteter, sjangrer og ulik grad av brukerstyring framstiller I mellom tiden en mangefasettert og kompleks estetikk, der ulike livsverdener interagerer med hverandre, der det virkelige møter det kunstige, det private møter det offentlige, og der det åpne møter det dunkle. [verkbeskrivelse av Hans-Kristian Rustad / ELINOR]

    Scott Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 16:10

  2. These Waves of Girls: A Hypermedia Novella

    "These Waves of Girls" is a hypermedia novella exploring memory, girlhoods, cruelty, childhood play and sexuality. The piece is composed as a series of small stories, artifacts, interconnections and meditations from the point of view of a four year old, a ten-year old, a twenty year old.

    Winner of the Electronic Literature Organization's 2001 Award for fiction.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 22:19


    STRUTS is an algorithmic narrative collage created from a collection of fragments of facts and fictions pertaining to a place and its people, history, geography and storm events. Narrative resonates in the spaces between the texts horizontally scrolling across the screen, the flickering updating of monthly tide gauge averages, the occasional appearance of live weather weather warnings pulled in by RSS feed and the animated set of photographs of the ends of the struts that support the seawall that protectsa portion of foreshore from the rising tides of the Northumberland Strait. The photographs were taken on May 23, 2011 the second day of a five-week stint as Open Studio Artist in Residence at Struts Gallery and Faucet Media Lab, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, May 22 – June 26, 2011. The Saxby Gale of 1869 is the storm we compare all possible storms to. The tide gauge data represents the monthly tide gauge averages for Shediac Bay from the month I was born to the month I moved from Canada to England.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.09.2011 - 15:27

  4. The Walking Man

    "Obstacles become playgrounds, playgrounds obstacles." A study of the pedestrian's everyday encounters with the city.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 27.01.2012 - 11:56

  5. Hobo Lobo of Hamelin

    This comic strip narrative in prose and verse reinvents the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, but with a character called “Hobo Lobo.” Reimagining the comic strip using Scott McCloud’s notion of the “infinite canvas” the comic goes beyond the traditional implementation of a two-dimensional strip. The innovative aspect is that he uses layers to produce a three dimensional parallax effect when the reader scrolls and rethinks the panel by centering layers on adjacent segments on the strip, as he explains in his Parallaxer tutorial. The effect of these layers and panel transitions enhances narrative continuity in panel transitions by replacing the comics gutter with the more cinematic mise-en-scène. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry) This digital broadside adapts the story and setting of the medieval Pied Piper. A mixture of European folktale, political satire, and internet snark, Stevan Živadinović’s Hobo Lobo of Hamelin is one of the first examples of digital sequential art to make use of parallax and limited animation.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.12.2012 - 13:11

  6. hektor

     hektor is one of the main characters in the non-aggressive narrative - a mode of Benjaminian storytelling. The NAN proposes the "continuation of a story which is just unfolding." I use digital and traditional media to create encounters between an ambiguous 'I' and potential 'You.' By embracing memory as a collage in motion through multiple characters, the NAN implies an origin story that may or may not have occurred. You are invited to co-invent this unfolding 'past,' and its openness suggests possibility and multiplicity. In a 1965 interview with Michael Kirby, John Cage said that theatre is not done to its viewers; they do it to themselves.

    Scott Rettberg - 15.01.2013 - 21:08

  7. 4 Square

    4 square is an artwork that creates random juxtapositions of four different elements. Tap each square to change the images. Drag the squares to change their positions.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.01.2013 - 12:58

  8. Toward a Circulation of the Page

    This kinetic collage poem is built out of text by Soderman and quotes from eight pieces written by theorists and writers whose work reflects upon the nature of writing in spaces other than the printed page. Cut into lines and blocks of text, each of these textual portions are anchored or set adrift in a “page_space” designed by Soderman to allow them to move and rearrange themselves into new textual combinations. In addition to encouraging readers to click on texts to get other quotes from the same source, Soderman places several objects into the space that trigger different events, such as a book that stops the textual movement when clicked. The behaviors triggered by each of the objects remind the readers of how configurable the space for digital writing can be by enacting some of the concepts brought forth by the quoted writers. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 13:34

  9. Post-memoires

    Post-mémoires est un projet d'autoportrait littéraire et graphique. Les post-mémoires sont des souvenirs condensés en micro-récit, inscrits sur un post-it, qui s'affichent sur différentes interfaces. Ces feuillets sont ici réunis dans une application tridimensionnelle où se dessine mon visage. Par ses mouvements dans l’espace d’exposition, le visiteur peut survoler cette surface et parcourir ainsi des visions de mon enfance. Face projette le temps dans l'espace en modelant mon visage avec mes souvenirs. Façade est une interface d'écriture pour moi, et de lecture pour vous. Facettes mélange mes souvenirs enfouis pour révéler l'inatendu du surgissement. Le galerie facebook ouvre un espace discutable. La préface explicite mon intention de partager une expérience intime. Ainsi, le projet Post-mémoires relève autant de l'entreprise autobiographique que de la recherche d'une forme singulière de langage. Mémoire Une entreprise autobiographique est un travail de sélection et d’organisation de souvenirs qui vise à recomposer une mémoire dans un sens chronologique afin d’apporter un témoignage personnel ou historique.

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 18:07

  10. How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome

    How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome pieces together fragments of history, poetry, video, photography and cartography collected during an extended stay in Rome. This work reflects upon certain gaps - between the fragment and the whole, between the local and the tourist, between what is known of history and what is speculative. Rome is among the largest and oldest continuously occupied archaeological sites in the world. Daily life is complicated, even for the locals. Everything is running late, circuitous, or quasi-rotto. Romanticism and pragmatism must coexist. My struggles with slang, schedules, and social vagaries reminded me acutely of when I first moved to Montréal. Understanding what's going on around me now seems to be less a question of the acquisition of language than one of overcoming the dislocation of being a stranger. In her poem The Fall of Rome: A Traveller's Guide Montréal poet Anne Carson writes: "A stranger is someone desperate for conversation." I certainly found that to be the case. There were days in Rome that I did not, could not, speak to anyone.

    J. R. Carpenter - 12.12.2013 - 12:48
