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  1. Braid

    Braid is a puzzle-platform video game developed by Number None and considered an indie title. The game was originally released in August 2008 for the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade service. Ports were developed and released for Microsoft Windows in April 2009, Mac OS X in May 2009, PlayStation 3 in November 2009, and Linux in December 2010. Jonathan Blow designed the game as a personal critique of contemporary trends in video game development. He self-funded the three-year project, working with webcomic artist David Hellman to develop the artwork. An anniversary version is planned for release in early 2021 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, and Linux with updated graphics and developer commentary.

    Ana Isabel Jimenez Sanchez - 21.09.2021 - 21:50

  2. Toilet

    Toilet is a banner ad from the Brazilian pipe company Amanco Wavin and can be seen as a short interactive narrative. It features a toilet cubicle where the user can flush the toilet to learn more.

    "The image and text encourage the interactor to pull the chain and consequently flush the toilet by pulling the mouse toward him- or herself while keeping the button pressed, hence mimicking the action of pulling the chain of the cistern downward." (Bouchardon 2014, 163)

    (Source: Bouchardon, Serge. 2014. "Figures of Gestural Manipulation in Digital Fictions." In Analyzing Digital Fiction, edited by Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin and Hans Rustad, 159-75. Routledge.)

    Kira Guehring - 22.09.2021 - 10:54

  3. Ally Farson

    Ally Farson is a whodunit film made to emulate the success of the Blair Witch Project. It's "an alledgedly true story of a female serial killer operating in 1999, that uses alleged documentary video footage and supposedly official websites of the police department as well as newsgroups on which "police officers" answer the questions of skeptical readers" (Simanowski 2014, p. 203). There are two movies in the series—Ally Farson: My Private Life and Ally Farson: On the Run.

    (Source: Simanowski, Roberto. 2014. "Reading Digital Fiction." In Analyzing Digital Fiction, edited by Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin and Hans Rustad, 197-206. Routledge.)

    Kira Guehring - 22.09.2021 - 11:49

  4. le partage de l'incertitude

    Le partage de l'incertitude est un film interactif où l'internaute n'a pas à cliquer. Il manipule les vidéos par le biais de la souris. Un capteur de position inscrit ses mouvements et lui permet de déplacer les deux écrans. Il peut faire le rapprochement entre certaines images ou les éloigner. Les histoires entre les personnages s'interrompent toujours au moment même où elles auraient pu commencer. (nt2)

    Résumé : Une petite fille, un jeune homme, une jeune femme, un homme plus âgé :
    trois générations différentes. Dans une maison, sur la plage, au bord de
    l’océan, ces quatre personnages partagent des moments simples de la vie.
    Pourtant, tout est loin d’être évident.
    Relations et séparations, distance qui les sépare, dépendent des gestes du
    spectateur. Le rapprochement des images créé des tensions ou des liens
    entre ces instants de vie… (benoitblein)


    Kira Guehring - 22.09.2021 - 12:24

  5. Er/Sie: ein literarisches Internet-Projekt

    The digital project by Ursula Menzer and Sabine Orth is based on the book Er/Sie Vexus I-VII by Sabine Orth. They address “er” and “sie”, which is the German personal pronouns.

    Heidi Haugsdal Kvinge - 22.09.2021 - 13:16

  6. Zwei Tote? Ein digital-literarisches Rätsel

    German description from 

    Mathias Vetti Olaussen - 23.09.2021 - 09:41

  7. The Spoonbill Generator

    The Spoonbill Generator is an online collaborative poetry project. The first poem was written by Peter Christian in 1996, and has then been closed for new entries since 2007.

    Anyone who wanted was able to contribute, but not adding more than one single line at a time, to emphasize the collaborative element of the project.

    Mathias Vetti Olaussen - 23.09.2021 - 10:53

  8. Obéissance

    ''The human soul has need of consented obedience and of liberty.''


    Obéissance is a game about waiting.

    Ashleigh Steele - 24.09.2021 - 08:47

  9. The Stanley Parable

    The Stanley Parable is an interactive drama and walking simulator designed and written by developers Davey Wreden and William Pugh. The game carries themes including choice in video games, the relationship between a game creator and player and predestination/fate. 

    The player guides a silent protagonist named Stanley. As the story progresses, the player is confronted with diverging pathways. The player may contradict the narrator's directions, which if disobeyed will then be incorporated into the story. Depending on the choices made, the player will encounter different endings before the game restarts to the beginning.

    (Source: Wikipedia)

    Ashleigh Steele - 24.09.2021 - 13:28

  10. Trost der Bilder

    Trost der Bilder ist ein auf den ersten Blick undurchsichtiges Psychospiel: Während ein Männergesicht dem Leser Erfolg, Geld und sexuelle Erfüllung mittels 'Psychographie' verspricht, erzählt ihm kurz darauf ein Frauengesicht, dass Psychographie unsinnig sei. Dann soll der Leser ein paar Fragen beantworten und sich damit eine schöne Trostgeschichte auswählen. Doch: "Der Trost der Geschichten liegt nun darin, daß nichts passiert. Die sich ankündigende Katastrophe tritt nicht ein oder bleibt nahezu folgenlos. Die geschilderten Nicht-Ereignisse zeugen von genauer Beobachtung und sind ebenso präzis geschrieben", so Susanne Berkenheger.


    Kira Guehring - 24.09.2021 - 15:23
