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  1. Apple in Space - Search the World

    Crossing borders, experiments, the appropriation of reality instead of a depiction of the world, dialogic art, the play with associations: this is Reinhard Döhl's work. His probably most famous work is his concrete Apfelgedicht (Apple Poem) from 1965. 30 years later it bites its way through an apple in Johannes Auer's net poem "worm applepie for döhl". „appleinspace“: a multi-layer-hommage experimenting with internet, reality, textual reality as well as with the complete text assemblage of Reinhard Döhl which plays with the unconscious, simularity, and volatility. As an extension of „appleinspace“, Beat Suter und René Bauer plan a multi-layered human-search-machine-cooperation.

    Johannes Auer - 06.11.2012 - 10:48

  2. Hermenetka

    Hermenetka (acrônimo formado pela associação de Hermes, deus grego das comunicações e das trocas, Net, de Internet e Ka, figura mítica do antigo Egito, polimórfico, que presidia a passagem para o mundo invisível, o reino dos mortos) é um projeto de Net Arte que gera cartografias randômicas a partir de buscas em bancos de dados. O ponto de partida do projeto Hermenetka é o Mediterrâneo compreendido como cenário espiritual de pensamentos, como método e busca de conhecimento. Na era contemporânea, a metáfora do “mar entre territórios” se corporifica nos fluxos e nas trocas do ciberespaço. A proposta do Hermenetka é criar cartografias plurais dos mares de dados que povoam o cotidiano da cibercultura. O projeto é constituído por dois tipos de mapeamentos. No primeiro, é possível gerar um mapa em tempo real a partir de tópicos que orbitam em torno do conceito de Mediterrâneo. A segunda possibilidade consiste em responder à pergunta “O que é o Mediterrâneo para você?”. Nesse caso, a resposta irá buscar no ciberespaço imagens e textos que comporão seu mapa.

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 20:55

  3. How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome

    How I Loved the Broken Things of Rome pieces together fragments of history, poetry, video, photography and cartography collected during an extended stay in Rome. This work reflects upon certain gaps - between the fragment and the whole, between the local and the tourist, between what is known of history and what is speculative. Rome is among the largest and oldest continuously occupied archaeological sites in the world. Daily life is complicated, even for the locals. Everything is running late, circuitous, or quasi-rotto. Romanticism and pragmatism must coexist. My struggles with slang, schedules, and social vagaries reminded me acutely of when I first moved to Montréal. Understanding what's going on around me now seems to be less a question of the acquisition of language than one of overcoming the dislocation of being a stranger. In her poem The Fall of Rome: A Traveller's Guide Montréal poet Anne Carson writes: "A stranger is someone desperate for conversation." I certainly found that to be the case. There were days in Rome that I did not, could not, speak to anyone.

    J. R. Carpenter - 12.12.2013 - 12:48

  4. 52 Goymu

    "52 Goymu" uses telescopic text to gradually unfold a mini-digital fiction.

    mez breeze - 19.06.2014 - 05:10

  5. Tejido de memoria. Memory Waves

    Memory weaves is a dynamic work that incorporates input by the users, resulting in more dynamic content. It explores the topics of human rights, poverty and social inequality, providing access to videos, statistical information, graphics and images in an intuitive way. It provides a space that reveals itself subtly, in veiled layers that can be reorganized, forming a non-linear narrative that seeks to evoke the paths of memory. Memory that can be read as a “weave” that constructs and reconstructs our present (Source:

    Maya Zalbidea - 19.07.2014 - 23:40

  6. Word Market

    Word Market (WM) is a Website dedicated to buying and selling words, using a special currency, the Wollar. In times of privatization of public spaces and profusion of copyright laws, WM permits to operate and benefit from words. WM offers attractive discounts and promotions.

    Maya Zalbidea - 26.07.2014 - 10:42

  7. asciiticism

    asciiticism is a blend of ASCII and asceticism, an ascetic retro-futuristic TV set broadcasting asciitic images. It sends us back to asceticism of Soviet industrial design and the realia of the net art of the 90s. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:13

  8. Nine Billion Branches

    Nine Billion Branches is an interactive digital poem and fiction hybrid. It explores the unexpected beauty hidden in the seemingly mundane objects and places around us. And the desires is for this digital poem to open a curious hope in the reader, that in our local and immediate worlds there are wondrous and interesting narratives and poetics, streaming out from and around us.

    Note: Nine Billion Branches refers to a hypothetical number of the narratives within reach of all of us. And to experience it is to experience a book of poetry if that book was mutated and recreated as wondrous interactive creatures! Each section is different, each section is its own creation.

    This digital poem won the inaugural digital writing prize at the Queensland Literary Awards. The prize of $10,000 is the largest of its kind internationally.


    Jason Nelson - 27.04.2018 - 14:19

  9. _Internal Damage Report_

    “Internal Damage Data” uses the structure of a multiple choice questionnaire for self assessment of internal damage to shape the first part of the poem. For each question, Mez uses option C (maybe, unsure, other…) to develop her poem, seeking to transcend the traditional yes/no binaries in such questionnaires. In the part depicted above, she uses algorithms to structure her poem: using the logic and language of programming to guide the reader’s experience of the poem.

    [From the "I Love EPoetry" “Internal Damage Data” and “Fleshis.tics” by Mez Breeze Entry.]

    mez breeze - 11.08.2018 - 22:55

  10. Electronic Literature (DTC 338, Special Topics)

    Electronic Literature (DTC 338, Special Topics)

    Will Luers - 10.04.2019 - 23:41
