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  1. Curt Curtal Sonnet Corona

    Curt Curtal Sonnet Corona 
    Based on Sonnet Corona by Nick Montfort 
    December 2020 

    Gerard Manley Hopkins invented the curtal sonnet, a 3/4 abbreviation of the Petrarchan sonnet in which each section of the form is proportionately shortened: the octave becomes a sestet, the sestet a quatrain with an extra tail. 

    Irene Fabbri - 09.02.2021 - 17:42

  2. The British Library Simulator

    The British Library Simulator is a short browser-based game created by Giulia Carla Rossi during the 2020 lockdown using Bitsy, a free game engine developed by Adam Ledoux. It was published online in June 2020, while the Library buildings were closed. The British Library Simulator was created as a fun way to engage with our audience during the pandemic, giving them a chance to visit a different version of the Library, while learning interesting facts about the physical building and the Library as a whole. It was also a way to make the public aware of the services we continued to provide even during lockdown, by highlighting ongoing projects and the digital content that could be accessed from home (such as the Sound Archive and the UK Web Archive). Finally, it provided an example of the digital interactive narratives we are collecting as part of our work on emerging formats and new digital media.

    Irene Fabbri - 09.02.2021 - 18:06

  3. RE\VERSE: an elegiac e-poem

    REVERSE: an elegiac e-poem (2020-21) results from the collaboration between cyberliterary artist collective wr3ad1ng d1g1t5 (Diogo Marques / João Santa Cruz) and visual artist Daniela Reis during the first 40 days after the Covid-19 pandemic status (March – April 2020).Following a random plus (pre-)combinatorial logic, 40 textual verses and 40 pictorial fragments intertwine in order to provoke a self-reflexive reading of the verse(s) and reverse(s) characterizing the experience of confinement.
    Combined, image and text (un)veil a dialogic path that, although necessarily entropic, is made of continuous renewal.

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Irene Fabbri - 09.02.2021 - 18:46

  4. Merged with the Screen for Days

    Simulating computer-mediated environments that dominated our lives in 2020, in merged with the screen for days, computer-generated stanzas that move across a four-array structure play unpredictably together -- allowing, if the reader generates several versions, multiple views.

    The history of generative poetry is referenced in the background by Jonathan Swift's Lagado Engine from Gulliver's Travels. (the drawing probably did not appear until the 1727 third edition). Swift imagined this engine as a satire that predicted where literature, art, and science would go astray centuries later. But for years, I have been haunted by the beauty of his illustration. 

    In the first column, backgrounded by the Lagado Engine, some of the texts are taken from The Roar of Destiny, a work I began in 1995, while I was working full time online for Arts Wire. In The Roar of Destiny, I wanted to simulate the merging of real life and online life that occurred when at least half of one's life was spent online. I recall that we thought that many other people would soon be working in this way. But that did not happen until 2020, when it was mandated by an epidemic. 

    Irene Fabbri - 09.02.2021 - 19:06

  5. ToniZ - or forcing the virtual down the throat of the analog. It may even be understood as a design method. is oriented towards a culture of software that has been liberated from legal constraints. Crackers call software that is free from piracy protection mechanisms gamez or warez. toniZ is the attempt to free a (university) building at least a little bit from its legalistic, institutional rules and constraints. In the virtual environment imagination and subjective memories take over and offer other possibilities than reality does. 

    It is precisely the virtual that for years would have offered the opportunity to rethink, to reshape our environment, precisely by letting the virtual overwrite the analog.  

    In the case of the ToniAreal, toniZ is also the third attempt. Before that, there were constructions and 'occupations' by means of SecondLife (ca. 2007). There was also a demolition of the ToniAreal and a renaissance. All this can be seen in the virtual exhibition in the ToniZ. 

    Irene Fabbri - 09.02.2021 - 19:23

  6. PATTER(n)INGS: Apt. 3B

    In our piece we explore themes of intimacy, proximity, disruption and mediation through our audio-only documentation of suspended being(s) in the emerging and familiar spaces, patterns and troubled times of contemporary 2020 COVID existence inside the many rooms of Apt. 3B (wherever that is). We draw creative inspiration from personal historical accounts of plague and disease narratives (Boccaccio’s Decameron, Pepys’ Diary of Samuel Pepys, Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper,” for example), as well as reflections on home and storytelling (from Ursula K. LeGuin and others), combined with original texts, recordings and contemporary (2020) news reporting focused on global destruction, recovery, resistance, and homage. We remix, re-design and (sound) engineer an audio experience deliberately intended to evoke curiosity from eavesdropper-users, drawing them in, while distancing them through confusion and discomfort.

    Irene Fabbri - 15.02.2021 - 17:49

  7. The (auto)biography of 김정은

    The (auto)biography of 김정은 is a conceptual 'found' artwork in seven parts. It combines found code with found text. Multiple 'found' computational pieces have been modified with vocabulary drawn from multiple speeches delivered by the current North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un/김정은. In addition, vocabulary and phrases from journalism critical of the North Korean regime are also incorporated into these generative works.

    This work represents a ‘dystopic platform’. On the one hand, this work is an experiment in propaganda delivery: it emulates the relentlessness of the North Korean indoctrination machine and shows how born-digital writing can be stolen and misused; in so doing, it reveals digital literature's power. As part of this process, a Kim Jong-un 'poetic robot' has been created to demonstrate how such propaganda might be delivered/forced upon a populace. This work also seeks to capture the perspective of a curious, intelligent yet powerless North Korean citizen and demonstrate how they might (struggle to) engage with local culture.

    Carlota Salvador Megias - 22.04.2021 - 23:19

  8. Confinement Spaces: Isolation. and Loss in the Pandemic

    Confinement Spaces is an existential visual narrative of living in the United Arab Emirates under lockdown from March-August 2020. The initial days of the lockdown, when work turned to Zoom-time and simple actions like grocery shopping became an exercise in epidemiology, created a mix of anxiety and ennui that led to scanning the environment with an iPhone and 3D scanning software, creating beautiful, glitched dreamlike landscapes. As time passed and restrictions eased, other spaces, like the Cultural Foundation and Louvre Abu Dhabi opened again, and the artist went out to progressively scan the pandemic landscape. Eventually restrictions eased to allow travel to the other Emirates, and sites in Dubai, Sharjah, and the legendary airplane from the movie Lord of War (in Umm al Quwain) were captured as an allegory for the universality of the isolation being experienced in the UAE and around the globe.

    Daniel Johannes Flaten Rosnes - 05.05.2021 - 13:29

  9. Breathing

    Breathing, video, 10 min. Based on Utterings' recorded live performance of the same title during the STWST48x6 MORE LESS festival in Linz Austria. Edited by Daniel Pinheiro. In this video through the mixing of six audio and video streams emerges an image of a phantomatic breathing, pulsing entity. An entity that thrives through affection, attention, glitches, delays and even voids in a connected environment mediated by machines, cables and compression algorithms.

    Daniel Johannes Flaten Rosnes - 06.05.2021 - 12:52

  10. Sentenced to Covid: Voices of the Pandemic

    Sentenced to Covid: Voices of the Pandemic displays our single-sentence responses to the pandemic. You can read the responses in either manual or auto mode (the latter which provides an endless looping display of the responses). If you want, you can write your own response for others to see.

    (Source: Exhibition Documentation)

    Lene Tøftestuen - 06.05.2021 - 14:45
