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  1. Sunshine '69

    In this hypertext novel Bobby Rabyd [Robert Arellano] explores the pop-cultural shadow-side of 1969—from the moon landing to the Manson murders, from a Vietnam veteran's PTSD to a rock star's idolatry, from the love-in at Woodstock to the murder at Altamont—by relating intermixed stories and emphasizing graphics and music.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Directory)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:54

  2. The Unknown

    The Unknown is a collaborative hypertext novel written during the turn of the millennium and principally concerning a book tour that takes on the excesses of a rock tour. Notorious for breaking the "comedy barrier" in electronic literature, The Unknown replaces the pretentious modernism and self-conciousness of previous hypertext works with a pretentious postmodernism and self-absorption that is more satirical in nature. It is an encyclopedic work and a unique record of a particular period in American history, the moment of irrational exuberance that preceded the dawn of the age of terror. With respect to design, The Unknown privileges old-fashioned writing more than fancy graphics, interface doodads, or sophisticated programming of any kind. By including several "lines" of content from a sickeningly decadent hypertext novel, documentary material, metafictional bullshit, correspondence, art projects, documentation of live readings, and a press kit, The Unknown attempts to destroy the contemporary literary culture by making institutions such as publishing houses, publicists, book reviews, and literary critics completely obsolete.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 19:39

  3. White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares

    White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares is a JavaScript investigation of literary variants with a new text generated every ten seconds. Its goals are as follows. (1) To present a poetic evocation of the images, vocabulary, and sights of Costa Rica's language and natural ecosystems though poetic text and visuals. (2) To investigate the potential of literary variants. Thinking of poems where authors have vacillated between variant lines, Bromeliads offers two alternatives for each line of text thus, for an 8 line poem, offering 512 possible variants, exploring the multi-textual possibilities of literary variants. (3) It explores the richness of multiple languages. (4) It mines the possibilities of translation, code, and shifting digital textuality. Having variants regenerate every ten seconds provides poems that are not static, but dynamic; indeed one never finishes reading the same poem one began reading. This re-defines the concept of the literary object and offers a more challenging reading, both for the reader and for the writer in performance, than a static poem. The idea is to be able to read as if surfing across multiple textual possibilities.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 28.04.2011 - 10:42

  4. Down Time

    Down Time consists of twenty-one stories of the computer age, connected by shared characters, events and objects. A police officer, a terminal patient, a computer technician, and a high-school guidance counselor are just a few of the characters we follow as they try (and fail) to understand themselves, their lovers, and the strangers they meet. Interactive elements allow readers to create their own paths through different stories, revealing new correspondences and connections.

    (Source: Eastgate catalog description)

    Down Time consists of a set of twenty-one short fables named for, and metaphorically based on, computer jargon. In these stories a couple of dozen characters from many walks of life in a mythical Silicon Valley move and interact in complex ways through one another's lives.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.07.2011 - 16:05

  5. Winchester's Nightmare

    Author's description:

    Winchester's Nightmare is a work in Inform, premiered at Digital Arts and Culture '99 on October 29 in Atlanta. In its "hardback" form, it is a novel-length interactive fiction which includes a computer running software: a novel machine. The work consists of a primitive portable computer running this cybertext in the literary fiction genre, with a text-adventure interface. Ten hardbacks were manufactured for sale;some are still available. The softback, available free, contains the entire text of the hardback edition.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 08.09.2011 - 21:25

  6. Waxweb

    "Wax..." was my first feature, executed from 1985-1991 with a variety of arts funding, and a co-production commissioning from ZDF in Germany. The narrative is grotesque, an unresolved and unresolvable tragedy revolving around the perceptual and ethical misperceptions of one Jacob Maker, flight simulation systems programmer, and amateur beekeeper. Half-way between suspense and suspension, the movie moves through space, as the protagonist is translated from his home in Alamogordo out to the Army's Deseret Test facility, and beyond, to caves or the world of the dead, and perhaps even further, if his endless talking voice is to be believed (it should be). Dislocated, disoriented, fragmented, and finally flying, the hero and all those bees and other pictures accompanying him fly backwards and forwards through time. And in a sense the viewer does too.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 01:39

  7. noth'rs

    "noth'rs" is composed from transliteral morphs & based on: - Marcel Proust 'Du Coté de chez Swann' & the English translation by Montcrieff & Kilmartin - Jean Genet 'Miracle de la rose' & the English of Bernard Frechtman, - with additional texts from Virginia Woolf 'To the Lighthouse,' and Li Ruzhen 'Flowers in the Mirror' ('Jinghua Yuan' translated by Lin Tai-yi). - plus 'Sixteen Flowers' by Caroline Bergvall.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 12:47

  8. [raveling]

    Mary Flanagan, State University of New York, Buffalo (USA)

    [raveling] is a poetry performance piece for machines and human about memory and communication which posits verbal communication and text as iterative rituals that can mutate and change over time, distance, and repetition.

    Prior to the piece I produced a poem with my computer. This performance was a stream-of-consciousness spoken word event and was translated by the machine. My computer synthesized the words it recognized and I saved these words into a rough poem.

    In performance I read this synthesized computer/human poem to the public and to computer #1. This first computer/performer will listen to the poem and after listening, read back the composition as it recognized aloud to the audience and to the second computer/performer. The second computer/performer will listen to the poem composed by the first computer and read back the poem it recognized aloud to the audience. Each computer and human has its own voice and vocal qualities including timbre, speed, etc. They work together to bring meaning to the piece.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 12:58

  9. Opuscula

    "Opuscula" is a different interactive electronic poem which you may explore in several ways. Inside the poem you will find four different poems with various nodes of connections to each other: An interactive poem, a ParaPoem, and two poems to be read in linear form. The interactive Poem is an animated sequence of moving and floating words illustrated by graphical effects on the screen. You as the reader will interact with the poem, by clicking on words as they appear on the screen through your reading. When you click these words and lines, random text lines conceptually connected to the word/line you clicked will be sent to create your own poem, the ParaPoem, in a transparent field at the bottom of the screen. These lines are also links which (dependent on the meaning of the line) randomly may take you to a stanza belonging to one of the two linear poems (behind the interactive and the ParaPoem's interface), to a quote, or to a word definition which all will give new meaning to the link you clicked and the poems you read. The Parapoem will be different each time you create it and can be read alone, or as a part of the other poems.

    (Source: DAC 1999 Author's abstract)

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 13:38

  10. The Help File

    The Help File

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 14:18
