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  1. Formules

    Formules, la revue des créations formelles est une revue publiée par les Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde et par la chaire Melodia E. Jones de la State University of New York.

    Fondateurs : Jan Baetens et Bernardo Schiavetta ;
    Directeur-gérant : Jean-Jacques Thomas ;
    Éditeurs : Christelle Reggiani, Christophe Reig, Hermes Salceda ;
    Conseil de rédaction : Jan Baetens, Philippe Bootz, Daniel Bilous, Anne Garréta, Alison James, Warren Motte, Alain Schaffner ;
    Comité de lecture : Chris Andrews, Camille Bloomfield, Cécile de Bary, Marc Lapprand, Astrid Poier-Bernhard, Mireille Ribière, Frank Wagner.

    Formules a été crée en 1997 par Bernardo Schiavetta et Jan Baetens. Elle est une revue annuelle de création littéraire et graphique ainsi que de théorie esthétique et de critique littéraire.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 16:27


    A website, publisher, and event organizer focused on the curation of internet art, operated from 2006-2012.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.07.2013 - 20:49

  3. Open Humanities Press

    The Open Humanities Press (OHP) is an international academic press committed to Open Access publishing of peer-reviewed scholarly materials


    OHP is fully committed to Open Access as it was originally conceived by the founders of the Open Access movement: to maximize the free exchange of scholarly knowledge.

    All OHP publications are fully and rigorously peer reviewed. Journals affiliated with OHP are evaluated by OHP's editorial oversight group for scholarly excellence, editorial calibre and relevance to OHP's intellectual mission. Each OHP book series has independent review processes. Proposals for new book series are approved by members of OHP's Editorial Board.

    A diversity of critical approaches and voices is central to OHP's mission to foster leading research in the humanities. OHP aims to be internationally diverse in its content, editorial process and, as an open access publisher, makes its scholarly literature freely available to anyone with an internet connection around the world.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.11.2013 - 12:56

  4. Digital Literary Studies

    Digital Literary Studies is an international peer-reviewed interdisciplinary publication with a focus on those aspects of Digital Humanities primarily concerned with literary studies.

    Digital Literary Studies publishes scholarly articles on research concerned with computational approaches to literary analysis/criticism, or critical/literary approaches to electronic literature, digital media, and textual resources.

    In addition to longer, more traditionally-formed articles, this journal publishes positional papers and articles with a shorter experimental focus, as well as reviews of books and electronic literature. Contributors may also submit curated electronic texts for peer-review, as well as thoroughly-documented hermeneutical methods and tools. Any digital project with a literary focus, whether that be a digital edition, tool, or otherwise, may be considered for peer-review.

    (self-description on homepage)

    Gesa Blume - 26.08.2019 - 23:17

  5. Wydawnictwo Naukowe

    Description in Polish. Source: 

    Wydawnictwo Naukowe zostało powołane 1 stycznia 1989 r. jako ogólnouczelniana jednostka organizacyjna Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.

    Wydawnictwo jest usytuowane w pionie organizacyjnym Prorektora ds. Nauki i Współpracy Międzynarodowej, sprawującego nadzór nad działalnością wydawniczą uczelni. Organami wydawnictwa są: Rada Wydawnicza i Redaktor Naczelny/Dyrektor Wydawnictwa US. Organem kolegialnym spełniającym funkcję programującą i opiniodawczą jest Senacka Komisja ds. Wydawnictw. Zespół wydawnictwa składa się z pracowników o wieloletnim stażu, dbających o wysoki poziom merytoryczny i edytorski publikacji.

    Wydawnictwo publikuje i rozpowszechnia prace naukowe (monografie, prace habilitacyjne), podręczniki akademickie, skrypty, czasopisma, materiały konferencyjne informacyjne oraz inne wydawnictwa na potrzeby uczelni.

    Kristina Igliukaite - 10.02.2020 - 17:01

  6. McGraw-Hill

    McGraw-Hill is a learning science company and one of the "big three" educational publishers that provides customized educational content, software, and services for pre-K through postgraduate education. The company also provides reference and trade publications for the medical, business, and engineering professions.


    Kristina Igliukaite - 10.02.2020 - 17:51

  7. Textual Practice

    Since its launch in 1987, Textual Practice has been Britain"s principal international journal of radical literary studies, continually pressing theory into new engagements. Today, as customary relations among disciplines and media are questioned and transformed, Textual Practice works at the turning points of theory with politics, history and texts. It is intrigued by the processes through which hitherto marginal cultures of ethnicity and sexuality are becoming conceptually central, and by the consequences of these diverse disturbances for educational and cultural institutions.


    Kristina Igliukaite - 11.02.2020 - 16:37

  8. Universidad de Extremadura

    Universidad de Extremadura

    Kristina Igliukaite - 13.02.2020 - 13:53

  9. Arco-Libros


    Kristina Igliukaite - 18.02.2020 - 16:09

  10. Proquest


    University of Bergen Library - 08.02.2021 - 13:55
