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  1. Performative Modelling of Digital Literature

    This paper starts with a consideration of Jakobson’s model of communication and argues in favour of a more pragmatic version of this as articulated by Jean-Jacques Lecercle. His model introduces the notion of interpellation whereby the text calls the figure of author and reader into subject positions. For our purposes however, this pragmatic model doesn’t account for the presence/function of the machine, vital to any model of digital literature. One way of dealing with this is to posit a second communication layer, an identically shaped model of digital elements laid over the top of Lecercle’s. This raises the question of the connection between the two planes? The answer offered here is ‘performativity’. To develop this further, the language positions of the two models are used as an example, i.e. how are the language of the text and the language of the machine linked through performativity? To answer this question, the paper exploits certain conceptual tools, starting with integrational linguistics. This argues that in natural language, meaning is determined by the performance of communication in specific contexts.

    Alvaro Seica - 15.05.2015 - 14:09

  2. Biblio Unbound

    What is a bibliographical object in a distributed digital environment? What are the challenges in developing a bibliographical description of digital artifacts and how could these be addressed using post-colonial theories of knowledge production? When we try to apply traditional analytic or descriptive approaches to bibliography to digital artifacts, it quickly becomes clear that they are not “objects” in the analogue sense. Digital objects are constituted at the intersection of multiple dependencies—from file types and platforms to bandwidth, browser capabilities, and processing speeds to social and cultural conditions of production and reception. This talk draws on various models of bibliographical study and approaches to the history of the book to suggest some ways a general practice of digital bibliography might be developed.

    (Source: ELD 2015)

    Alvaro Seica - 16.05.2015 - 22:00

  3. Digital Poetry and Meta-Discourse: A Network of Self-References?

    This paper spins from an analysis of several works of critical writing in the field of digital poetry, which have been documented at the ELMCIP Knowledge Base (

    Alvaro Seica - 16.05.2015 - 22:06

  4. Critical Play & Responsible Design

    Critical Play & Responsible Design

    Alvaro Seica - 18.06.2015 - 13:19

  5. "Jailbreaking the Global Mnemotechnical System: Electropoetics as Resistance"

    This paper will explore subversive practices of electronic literature as contexts for the experience of agency within various systems of control. Through close readings of covert communication practices in prison narratives alongside the works like Rob Wittig’s Netprovs, Richard Holeton’s slideshow narratives, Nick Montfort’s !#, and Darius Kazemi’s “Tiny Subversions,” this essay will consider poetic interventions against media culture, professionalization, and cybernetic systems in relation to the codes, mnemonic devices, and flights of fancy used by political prisoners and POWs to maintain identity against isolation, torture, and manipulation. In particular, this paper will touch down on the question of “the ends of electronic literature” by exploring the interrelational aspect of writing as a process that is primarily concerned with the creator imagining an other (an “author” reaching out to a “reader,” in the conventional literary sense) and the user finding meaning in the text (the reader having an encounter with the work of literature).

    Xiana Sotelo Garcia - 04.08.2015 - 12:19

  6. ELO 2015 Conference Program and Festival Catalog

    This is the paperback version of the ELO 2015 The End(s) of Electronic Literature Conference Program and Festival Catalog. It includes abstracts to all workshops, roundtable discussions, lightning talks, research papers and panels, readings, performances and screenings, and exhibitions that are part of ELO 2015. For more information, see the individual elements of the programme.

    Hannah Ackermans - 02.09.2015 - 10:10

  7. Texto Digital 11.1 (2015)

    Texto Digital 11.1 (2015)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.09.2015 - 22:19

  8. Um Feixe Luminoso: Uma Leitura da Coleção de Literatura Eletrônica Portuguesa

    A Coleção de Literatura Eletrónica Portuguesa (CLEP), na base de dados ELMCIP, pretende abordar e recolher as obras criativas e teóricas mais relevantes produzidas por autores portugueses no campo da literatura eletrónica, durante os últimos quarenta e cinco anos. A coleção agrega também autores, eventos, organizações, editoras, periódicos, publicações, conferências, performances, instalações e exposições que estejam relacionadas com o contexto português.
    O presente ensaio analisa criticamente a CLEP, em torno de elementos literários, políticos, históricos, estéticos e tecnológicos, através de um fio condutor representado por um “feixe luminoso”, que pretende dar conta da transição e continuidade temática e medial, mas também da transgressão e ruptura, produzidas pela vanguarda do movimento de Poesia Experimental dos anos 1960 até aos ambientes computacionais de criação literária do século 21. Ao longo desta leitura, analisa-se igualmente várias obras de Pedro Barbosa, E. M. de Melo e Castro, Silvestre Pestana, Manuel Portela e Rui Torres.

    (Fonte: Resumo do Autor)

    Alvaro Seica - 03.09.2015 - 22:32

  9. p2p: Polish-Portuguese E-Lit

    The p2p exhibition brings to public different digital literary works produced by Polish and Portuguese authors in the past four decades. Polish and Portuguese literary, artistic, social, political, and even religious contexts are quite similar, even if geographically distant, and still quite divergent. It has been a fascinating surprise to find evidence of several common threads in works of experimental and generative literature, Spectrum-based animated poetry/Demoscene, and ActionScript-based digital poetry and fiction.

    The exhibition will therefore be constructed around three nuclei: experimentalism, activism and animation. For this purpose, the p2p exhibition proposes to present, face-to-face, works by authors such as Pedro Barbosa, Silvestre Pestana, E. M. de Melo e Castro, Rui Torres, André Sier, Manuel Portela, Luís Lucas Pereira, Józef Żuk Piwkowski, Marek Pampuch, Michał Rudolf, Kaz, Piotr Puldzian Płucienniczak, Leszek Onak and Andrzej Głowacki.

    A part of the ELO 2015 exhibition “Decentering: Global Electronic Literature” at 3,14 gallery in Bergen, Norway (August 4-23, 2015).

    (Source: Álvaro Seiça and Piotr Marecki)

    Alvaro Seica - 04.09.2015 - 22:29

  10. Polish Impact

    We believe that everything began and shall continue to begin in Poland. In Eden, Adam and Eve spoke Polish, the protong, or the first language, from which all other languages originated (which was scientifically proven by Stanisław Szukalski, Leonardo DiCaprio’s “Polish grandfather”), Christopher Columbus was Polish, and, of course, experimental literature also began in the land upon the Vistula River. “HOW COME”, YOU ASK? It is impossible to talk about experiments and pushing boundaries in literature without King Ubu or the Poles (because that is the full title of Jarry’s play). It is common knowledge that the teenage author set the action of his play “in Poland, that is, nowhere.” As, indeed, at the time he created his work, Poland was temporarily non-existent. We want to borrow Jarry’s metaphor to tell you about the existing/non-existing empire in the field of literary experimentation, literary thought, and digital textuality. The Polish empire. From this booklet you will learn that you have been misinformed about the history of world experimental literature.

    Hannah Ackermans - 21.09.2015 - 12:37
