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  1. Género y ciberespacio. Ciberfeminismo y cibercultura

    Género y ciberespacio. Ciberfeminismo y cibercultura

    Sandra Hurtado - 01.12.2011 - 16:42

  2. Apprendre la littérature en ligne: transformer les techniques communicatives du discours savant

    Apprendre la littérature en ligne: transformer les techniques communicatives du discours savant

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 11:49

  3. La creació literària digital i les textualitats electròniques des d’un observatori anomenat Hermeneia

    La creació literària digital i les textualitats electròniques des d’un observatori anomenat Hermeneia

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 12:08

  4. Writing as Erasure: Book Art, Memory, and Forgetting in the Digital Age

    Writing as Erasure: Book Art, Memory, and Forgetting in the Digital Age

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.12.2011 - 10:59

  5. Networked Improv Narrative (Netprov) and the Story of Grace Wit & Charm: Rob Wittig's Thesis Defense

    This is a recording of the 20 minutes or so of Rob Wittig's thesis presentation and oral exam for the MA at the University of Bergen, which was done on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 via Skype. Wittig's thesis outlines the genesis of a new network based genre at the interstices of game, improvisational theatre, literature, mass media and digital media. It was also the first MA thesis in the UiB Digital Culture program to include a fully developed creative project in electronic literature as well as an excellent theoretical thesis in print.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.12.2011 - 11:50

  6. Mark Amerika, "Remix the Book" (review)

    Review of Mark Amerika, Remix the Book, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.

    Jan Baetens - 14.12.2011 - 13:58

  7. Better Looking, Close Reading: How Online Fiction Builds Literary-Critical Skills

    [insert abstract here] On reading fiction as an ethical task...

    Presented on Saturday, 7 January at the 2012 MLA Convention, panel 442, "New Media, New Pedagogies," arragned by the Division of Prose Fiction. Other panelists included Heather Houser, Jay Clayton, and the moderator, Rebecca L. Walkowitz.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 07.01.2012 - 20:04

  8. Technologies That Describe: Data Visualization and Contemporary Fiction

    [insert abstract here]

    (Source: author's abstract)

    Presented on Saturday, 7 January at the 2012 MLA Convention, panel 442, "New Media, New Pedagogies," arragned by the Division of Prose Fiction. Other panelists included John David Zuern, Jay Clayton, and the moderator, Rebecca L. Walkowitz.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.01.2012 - 10:56

  9. Digitality and the Memory of Cinema (Special Issue of _Wide Angle_)

    Digitality and the Memory of Cinema (Special Issue of _Wide Angle_)

    Joe Milutis - 21.01.2012 - 17:12

  10. Understanding the Act of Reading: the WOE Beginners' Guide to Dissection

    Describes the process of reading the hypertext read-only file "WOE" (included on a disk with this journal) in which voices, memories, influences, and the process of text production all converge, rejecting the objective model of reality as the great "either/or" and embracing, instead, the "and/and/and."

    Scott Rettberg - 24.01.2012 - 14:13
