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  1. Focus

    “Focus” is a work that resulted from the Moscow Laboratory of Mediapoetry (2013-2014) curated by Elena Demidova. This interactive textual installation is based on Vito Acconci’s “READ THIS WORD THEN READ THIS WORD READ THIS WORD NEXT READ THIS WORD...” It explores the physicality of the reading process: the camera follows the reader’s glance, the text appears at the part of the screen, where the reader looks. (ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:21

  2. Machines of Disquiet

    Machines of Disquiet (iPad App) has been developed in the context of an ongoing research project at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and its goal is to create a Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet [Livro do Desassossego – LdoD], an unfinished work written by Fernando Pessoa between 1913 and 1935. Machines of Disquiet is the name chosen for a number of experimental applications for mobile devices (iOS and Android) that aim to provide reading and aesthetical experiences based on the text of the Book of Disquiet. Every application is an attempt to find a new setting for experiencing the LdoD as sensitive matter (i.e. matter experienced in different modalities – text, drawing, sound, image, motion) and explores the expressive potential of these types of devices, particularly in terms of interface (e.g. multi-touch interactions and motion sensors). (Source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:15

  3. Cierniste diody / Thorny diods

    This is a digital embezzlement of Bruno Schulz’s short story “Sierpień” (“August”). Some of the nouns have been cut out of Schulz’s text and randomly replaced with words taken from the book Polski Fiat 125p. Budowa. Eksploatacja. Naprawa (“Polish Fiat 125p: Construction, Use, Repair”). (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:47

  4. The Archetypture of Magical Reality

    It is a creative book app composed of words, images, and animations that—in addition to some ambitious poetic prose—offer a great reading adventure that can be controlled by the “rolling of the dice”. (source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:51

  5. Chez Moi: Lesbian Bar Stories from Before You Were Born

    There were few social spots for women when the Chez Moi opened in Canada in 1984, and it marks a cusp moment in Toronto’s lesbian bar scene, as women moved from dark basements and women’s community centre dances to the above-ground Chez. But who can blame the fictional narrator of your walk along Hayden Street in search of both company and an elusive lesbian imaginary, for missing those basements more than just a bit? (source: ELO 2015 conference catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 10.10.2015 - 10:23

  6. Redshift & Portalmetal

    Redshift & Portalmetal asks: as climate change forces us to travel to the stars and build new homes and families, how do we build on this land, where we are settlers, while working to undo colonization? The story uses space travel as a lens through which to understand the experience of migration and settlement for a trans woman of color. Redshift & Portalmetal tells the story of Roja, who's planet's environment is failing, so she has to travel to other worlds. The project takes the form of an online, interactive game, including film, performance and poetry.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.10.2015 - 18:40

  7. The Not Yet Named Jig

    The lexias for The Not Yet Named Jig appear at the will of the computer, one at a time, or, most effectively, in pages of five, where their meaning is magically changed by the lexias that randomly frame them. Thus, in the generating of many small scenes, a mise-en-scène for a larger narrative emerges. The time is the morning of April 24, 1660. The place is “Mystick Side” in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The question was: How could I create a world model of a time and place when many details were simply not available? The answer was to write all known details into lexias, fictionalize only when necessary, and allow the computer to bring up the lexias at will. Building on the authoring system developed for file three of Uncle Roger in 1987–1988, generative hyperfiction was used in Its name was Penelope to create a whole picture of a photographer’s life by accumulating details as seen through her own eyes. In The Not Yet Named Jig, it is used to create a world model of a certain place at a certain time by accumulating historic details of the people and the environment in which they lived.

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 08:41

  8. Kjell Theøry

    Kjell Theøry will be a site-specific mobile Augmented Reality poem mapped visually to geo-spatial coordinates in a public outdoor space in Bergen. The work responds to historical and fictive narratives of Norway as a landscape for exile and escape in conjunction with writings and memories from my residency as a Fulbright Scholar in Bergen last year. It will be accessible for viewing with internet-enabled smart phones and tablets throughout ELO 2015 and will be activated by a brief live event in which I manipulate and read from the virtual space and generate additional material by scanning augmented tattoos on the body of a local male performer. This work evolves out of my AR installation in June 2014 at the Bergen Bibliotek, The Empty House, but will be a substantially new iteration. (Source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 10:29

  9. Madame B

    With the classic text of Gustave Flaubert as its starting point, this multi-channel installation is scheduled for exhibition internationally from early 2014. A work about the link between capitalism and romance, Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker’s revisionist take on the 19th century novel was filmed in Åland, Finland in summer 2012 and Paris, France in winter 2013. The installations bring together the brilliant talents of actors Marja Skaffari, Thomas Germaine and Mathieu Montanier and many others. By creating deliberate anachronism and intertextuality, the work attempts to show how Flaubert was in many ways a post-modernist and feminist. It explores the way dominant ideologies – specifically capitalism and its association with emotions, and romantic love with its commercial aspects – are still dominant after 150 years. The Madame B. installation offers a radically new interpretation of the text, replete with powerful symbolism that evokes this reimagining. In this way, it questions visually the role of women in a society driven by masculine impulses.

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.02.2016 - 10:18

  10. Eight Short Talks About Islands ...and by islands I mean paragraphs

    Flocks of books open and close, winging their way web-ward. A reader is cast adrift in a sea of white space veined blue by lines of longitude, of latitude, of graph, of paper. The horizon extends far beyond the bounds of the browser window, to the north, south, east and west. Navigating this space (with track pad, touch screen, mouse or arrow keys) reveals that this sea is dotted with islands… and by islands I mean paragraphs. These fluid texts are continuously recomposed by JavaScript files calling upon variable strings containing words and phrases collected from a vast literary corpus – Deleuze’s Desert Islands (2004), Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1610–11), Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1719), Bishop’s Crusoe in England (1971), Coetzee’s Foe (1966), Ballard’s Concrete Island (1973), Hakluyt’s Voyages and Discoveries (1598–1600), Darwin’s Voyages of the Beagle (1838), and many other lesser-known sources including an out-of-date guidebook to the Scottish Isles, and an amalgam of accounts of the classical and quite possibly fictional island of Thule. Individually, each of these textual islands represents a topic – from the Greek topos, meaning place.

    J. R. Carpenter - 10.03.2016 - 09:42
