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  1. OCO

    “OCO”  esplora l'architettura tridimensionale delle lettere O, C, e I, e la molteplicità dei significati (in portoghese) che emergono quando la lettera I appare e scompare ritmicamente. Questi significati emergono attraverso le associazioni cognitive  dello spettatore e  dalle relazioni spaziali percepite tra le lettere. Originariamente presentato nel 1985 come holopoem interattivo (ormai perso), “OCO” è stato ricreato nel 1990 come poesia interattiva digitale.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 23:20

  2. Tesão

    Minitel animated poem shown online in the group exhibition Brazil High-Tech (1986), a minitel art gallery organized by Eduardo Kac and Flavio Ferraz and presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo. Words (in Portuguese) emerge and disappear through layers of lines and color masses, forming an ephemeral digital graffiti.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 23:29

  3. IO (Kac)

    Three-dimensional navigational poem in which the letters/numbers I and O appear as elements of an imaginary landscape. IO is "I" in Italian. In this piece it also stands for reconciled differences (one/zero, line/circle, etc.). The reader is invited to explore the space created by the stylized letters/numbers and experience it both as an abstract environment and as a visual text.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 23:38

  4. Letter

    A navigational poem that presents the viewer with the image of a three-dimensional spiral jetting off the center of a two-dimensional spiral. Both spirals are made exclusively of text. The reader is able to grab and spin this cosmic verbal image in all directions. Thus, reading becomes a process of probing the virtual object from all possible angles. The reader is also able to fly through and around the object, thus expanding reading possibilities. In "Letter" a spiraling cone made of words can be interpreted as both converging to or diverging from the flat one. Together they may evoke the creation or destruction of a star. All texts are created as if they were fragments of letters written to the same person. However, in order to convey a particular emotional sphere, the author conflated the subject positions of grandmother, mother, and daughter into one addressee. It is not possible to distinguish to whom each fragment is addressed. The poem makes reference to moments of death and birth in the poet's family. Letter is presented here as video documentation of an interactive reading experience.

    (Source: Author Description)

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2011 - 23:49

  5. After Parthenope

    After Parthenope is a generative variable fiction set in Naples, Italy. A man and a woman meet in a Naples caffetteria. They have a conversation recalling the origin myth of the city. What follows is the man's memories, and they are never the same twice. The story cycles after a time, offering new variations.

    Scott Rettberg - 05.04.2011 - 00:58

  6. Digitally Modified Organism

    Questo documento è un ODM. Nasce dalla trasformazione di un documento già esistente. Nel suo interno sono state sostituite delle parole con altre attraverso la funzione Trova e sostituisci di Word. Inoltre si è trasformato il file di word in un video: Attraverso queste trasformazioni digitali il documento è diventato un documento diverso: un ODM. Ma questo documento ha ancora la possibilità di essere letto e al suo interno contiene la definizione di ODM, cioè di Organismo Digitalmente Modificato. Il testo di questo documento è un prodotto di Letteratura elettronica. Come video è una opera di Letteratura ibrida che si presenta come un saggio su un argomento mentre risulta essere anche l’argomento del saggio.
    Un Organismo[1] Digitalmente Modificato (ODM) è un essere digitale che possiede un patrimonio digitale modificato tramite tecniche di ingegneria digitale, che consentono l'aggiunta, l'eliminazione o la modifica di elementi digitali o parti di essi.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 22.02.2011 - 13:10

  7. The Readers Project

    Programmatic or computational art is often, although not necessarily, related to art in other media: visual, performative, conceptual, and so on. The art systems of The Readers Project relate to writing and to reading, to our encounters with literary language. This project is an essay in language-driven digital art, in writing digital media. The Readers Project visualizes reading, although it does not do this in the sense of miming conventional human reading. Rather, the project explores and visualizes existing and alternative vectors of reading, vectors that are motivated by the properties and methods of language and language art.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.03.2011 - 11:04

  8. Etang

    Author Statement:

    Patricia Tomaszek - 10.03.2011 - 12:13

  9. Perdersi

    “Loss of Grasp” recreates the loss of self-control. What happens when one has the impression of losing control in life, of losing control of his/her own life? Six scenes tell the story of a man that is losing himself. “Loss of Grasp” plays with the self-control and the loss of self-control and invites the reader to experiment with these feelings in an interactive work.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.03.2011 - 12:03

  10. Series 1: the alphabetic

    This work is part of a series of interactive generative poems, inspired by Hansjorg Mayer’s alphabetenquadratbuch poem (alphabetsquarebook). It is an exploration of generative alphabets creating concrete forms with the input from the participants. The work doesn’t exist until the viewer interacts with it. By incorporating this aspect of essential interactivity into the work I emphasize the need for the engagement and participation of the reader/viewer in the production and existence of the work. When the viewer approaches the poems, he/she is faced with an empty screen and it is not until some sound is produced that the viewable space is filled in time with the help of sound and silence. All poems create a square formed by the letters of different alphabets, the three communication systems converge: image, writing and code activated by sound. The shifting from the visual and the linguistic is itself the poem; to create that in-between state of verbal-visual energy.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.05.2011 - 19:04
