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  1. Englen

    "Englen" - interaktiv tegneserie. Deadline (1999)

    "Englen" var en del af "Crosstown" - trilogien der var Deadlines bud på et dogme spil. Crosstown projektet var lavet af tre korte interaktive fortællinger, der alle var lavet på samme lokation (Crosstown), skrevet af tre forfattere efter hver sin dramaturgiske model og tegnet af hver sine tegnere, med forskellig streg, men i den samme by - og med lån af hinandens karakterer. User interfacet og navigationen, var også forskelligt i de tre produktioner selvom historierne delte location. Baggrunden for trilogien var alle de dramaturgiske erfaringer vi havde gjort med Blackout. Der var mange bud på hvilke fortællinger der var de bedste, hvilke dramaturgiske greb der var de rigtige og vi besluttede at drage fordel af de uenigheder. Der blev altså sat tre små produktioner i værk, hvoraf kun de to nåede at udkomme ("Giften" og "Englen"), selvom det tredie faktisk var tegnet færdigt ("Manipulatoren").

    Englen blev tegnet af Ole Comoll og instrueret af Simon Løvind, der også tidligere havde arbejdet på "Blackout".

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 14:05

  2. Explication de texte

    Explication de texte

    Scott Rettberg - 27.06.2013 - 12:26

  3. The Child

    DESCRIPTION FROM CRITICAL COMMONS: The materialization of text in an urban landscape is nowhere more in evidence than in French designer Antoine Bardou-Jacquet's video for Alex Gopher's The Child. Bardou-Jacquet's all-textual rendering of New York city borrows its basic concept from Jeffrey Shaw's Legible City project from the late 1980s, while stripping narrative volition away from the viewer. Whereas Shaw's project allows reader-users to simulate moving through geographically and architecturally correct streets of Amsterdam, Manhattan, or Karlsruhe on a stationary bicycle while reading the text of a story mapped onto buildings in the city, The Child delivers a high-speed chase through the streets of New York City with both landmarks and people rendered as all text. The tension that exists in these works hinges on the conflict between real and constructed environments, as well as the insistent interplay of surface and depth.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 22:20

  4. Aisle

    A work of interactive fiction.

    From IFwiki:

    • The original "one move" game. After the results of the player's command are displayed, the game pauses for a keypress, then returns the game back to the beginning so the player can make another choice.
    • Multiple endings. Although some endings are better than others, there is no best winning ending; the player is not playing to win or lose. Also, the endings, taken together, imply inconsistent past histories for the PC.
    • Puzzleless. The player is expected to explore the possibilities offered by the set-up. There is some emphasis on calling each variant a story, or part of a story.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 09:31

  5. Bliss: An Interactive Harrowing

    Bliss: An Interactive Harrowing

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 18:59

  6. Exhibition


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 22:36

  7. Varicella

    Varicella is a 1999 work of interactive fiction by Adam Cadre, distributed in z-code format as freeware. It is set in an alternate history which features roughly modern technology mixed with Renaissance-style principalities and court politics. The characters of Varicella use contemporary language from their home in a Renaissance castle, continuing the contrast between old and new. The player character is Primo Varicella, palace minister in Piedmont, who has to get rid of several rivals for the regency following the death of the king. The international situation in the game is described in passing: Piedmont is part of a loose confederation of kingdoms that make up a Carolingian League and is engaged in a war against the Republic of Venice. It won four XYZZY Awards in 1999 including the XYZZY Award for Best Game, and was nominated for another four.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 23:02

  8. For a Change

    For a Change

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 23:40

  9. Assoziations-Blaster / Association Blaster

    Der Assoziations-Blaster ist ein interaktives Text-Netzwerk in dem sich alle eingetragenen Texte mit nicht-linearer Echtzeit-Verknüpfung(TM) automatisch miteinander verbinden. Jeder Internet-Benutzer ist aufgerufen, die Datenbank mit eigenen Texten zu bereichern.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 12:12

  10. Net Art Generator

    Net Art Generator

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 13:14
