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  1. Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected Possibilities in its First Four Decades

    Chris Funkhouser - 09.03.2011 - 15:20

  2. Intermediation: The Pursuit of a Vision

    Twenty-first century literature is computational, from electronic works to print books created as digital files and printed by digital presses. To create an appropriate theoretical framework, the concept of intermediation is proposed, in which recursive feedback loops join human and digital cognizers to create emergent complexity. To illustrate, Michael Joyce's afternoon is compared and contrasted with his later Web work, Twelve Blue. Whereas afternoon has an aesthetic and interface that recall print practices, Twelve Blue takes its inspiration from the fluid exchanges of the Web. Twelve Blue instantiates intermediation by creating coherence not through linear sequences but by recursively cycling between associated images. Intermediation is further explored through Maria Mencia's digital art work and Judd Morrissey's The Jew's Daughter and its successor piece, The Error Engine, by Morrissey, Lori Talley, and Lutz Hamel.

    (Source: Project MUSE abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.03.2011 - 10:27

  3. Letters That Matter: Electronic Literature Collection Vol 1

    John Zuern considers the significance of the first volume of ELO's Electronic Literature Collection for the future of electronic arts.

    (Source: ebr)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 22:30

  4. Cybertext Yearbook 2007: Ludology

    Cybertext Yearbook 2007: Ludology

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 07.04.2011 - 11:22

  5. Hypertext: An alternative route to short story theorising

    Hypertext: An alternative route to short story theorising

    Theodoros Chiotis - 15.04.2011 - 21:33

  6. Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory and Praxis

    Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory and Praxis

    Theodoros Chiotis - 15.04.2011 - 21:34

  7. Tag Clouds: Reading the Poetic Interface

    From the event´s website: In "Tag Clouds: Reading the Poetic Interface," Jeremy Douglass theorizes tag clouds: web reading interfaces formed from dense clusters 'clouds' of weighted keyword links, or 'tags'. The poetics of tag clouds are best understood when situated in a history of spatially distributed text art, from contemporary visualization and (e.g. "TextArc," Legrady's "Making the Visible Invisible," Fischer's "Word News," Khan's "Net Worth," Jean V_(c)ronis' "-ogue") back through earlier typographic experiments (e.g. the concrete poetry of Augusto de Campos and the Vorticism of Wyndham Lewis). While interfaces have become emblamatic of the contemporary 'web 2.0' internet era, tag clouds have been fundamentally misunderstood in recent scholarship. Both the close association of tag clouds with 'folksonomy' website communities (e.g., Flickr) and the popularity of the misleading term 'cloud' have created a stereotype of tag clouds as reflecting a kind of aesthetics of prolific chaos.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.05.2011 - 18:18

  8. Toward a Semantic Literary Web: Three Case Histories

    In this talk, I introduce a new literary and arts collective, electronic text + textiles, whose members are exploring the convergence of written and material practices. While some associates create actual electronic textiles (the 'smart fabrics' produced by textile artist Zane Berzina in collaboration with materials scientists based in Greiz, Germany ), I myself have explored the text/textile connection as it manifests itself in writing produced within electronic environments. My online laboratory consists of two literary web sites, ebr (, a literary journal in continuous production since 1995, and the Electronic Literature Directory (, a project that seeks not just to list works but to define an emerging field. Rather than regard these sites as independent or free-standing projects, I present their development in combination with the current (and similarly halting) development of semantically driven content on the Internet (e.g., The Semantic Web, or Internet 2.0).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.05.2011 - 18:34

  9. Multimedia, Multiculturalism, Language and the Avantgarde

    This review gives a thorough account on the festival; it was originally written for the Mailinglist of the Institue for Distributed Creativity (IDC).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.05.2011 - 16:22

  10. Command Lines: Aesthetics and Technique in Interactive Fiction and New Media

    The Interactive Fiction (IF) genre describes text-based narrative experiences in which a person interacts with a computer simulation by typing text phrases (usually commands in the imperative mood) and reading software-generated text responses (usually statements in the second person present tense). Re-examining historical and contemporary IF illuminates the larger fields of electronic literature and game studies. Intertwined aesthetic and technical developments in IF from 1977 to the present are analyzed in terms of language (person, tense, and mood), narrative theory (Iser's gaps, the fabula / sjuzet distinction), game studies / ludology (player apprehension of rules, evaluation of strategic advancement), and filmic representation (subjective POV, time-loops). Two general methodological concepts for digital humanities analyses are developed in relation to IF: implied code, which facilitates studying the interactor's mental model of an interactive work; and frustration aesthetics, which facilitates analysis of the constraints that structure interactive experiences.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 27.05.2011 - 15:41
