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  1. Image and Text in Hypermedia Literature: The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot

    A detailed reading of the relations between image, text, and linkage in Strickland's hypermedia ballad.

    Scott Rettberg - 24.02.2011 - 11:39

  2. Literary Hypertext: The Passing of the Golden Age

    29 October 1999 Keynote Address, Digital Arts and Culture Atlanta, Georgia (This speech was also published in Feed in 2000.) Coover's DAC Keynote address discussed the transition from the "golden age" of narrative-driven, text-dominated hypertext fiction, mainly produced in Storyspace, to an era dominated by the practices and attention spans of the World Wide Web, and a new focus on the image.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 16:18

  3. Words and pictures ex machina? Hypertext and ekphrasis

    Following the concept of "remediation" and the premise that "all of our examples of hypermediacy are characterized by this kind of borrowing, as is also ancient and modern ekphrasis" (Bolter and Grusin, 1999: 44-45), I would like to take under consideration a literary work of Portuguese poet Vasco Graça MouraGiraldomachias / Em demanda de Moura (co-author Gérard Castello-Lopes; 2000). 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 10:28

  4. Literary Programming (In the Age of Digital Transliteration)

    This paper is proposed as the second part of an essay, the first part of which was presented at DAC'98, having the overall title 'Performances of Writing in the Age of Digital Transliteration'. Part one of this essay raised questions -- contextualized by reference to Walter Benjamin and Friedrich Kittler, amongst others -- concerning the intrinsically digital characteristics of text, along with certain implications of these characteristics (and what they have entailed, specifically and especially: the Net) for traditional literary culture, for the latter's critique, and for textual, especially artistic textual practices.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 01:23

  5. Les Basiques: la littérature numérique

    Ce Basiques se propose d'explorer les contrées de la littérature numérique. Ses approches sont diverses et relèvent de conceptions parfois antagonistes. Elle forme un continent ancré dans des cultures variées qui dialoguent entre elles en son sein parce qu'elle les mixe et les questionne. La littérature numérique s'insère ainsi pour partie dans la continuité de démarches littéraires parfois anciennes, mais présente par ailleurs des points de rupture d'avec elles. C'est pourquoi son rapport avec les littératures issues des traditions classiques demeure conflictuel, souvent à son corps défendant, et ce, sans doute, pour longtemps encore. Que cela ne t'empêche pas, ami lecteur, de l'explorer. Elle te réservera bien des surprises, enflammera ton imaginaire comme il sied à toute littérature et saura te procurer toute une alchimie d'émotions, tant affectives qu'intellectuelles, sur des modes inattendus et vierges de toute rengaine.

    (Source: Bootz's introduction to the project)

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:19

  6. Jumping to Occlusions

    "Jumping to Occlusions" is perhaps the first thorough statement of a poetics of online space. In the present hypertextual trickster edition, a lively investigative language of the link is employed helping to develop this essay's written argument through its own hypertextuality -- its jumps, sidebars, graphics, embedded sound files, misleadings, and other features. This essay explores electronic technology's opportunities for the production, archiving, distribution, and promotion of poetic texts but most importantly, argues that electronic space is a space of writing. For previous excursions into this a written terrain of links and jumps one need only look to the language experiments of certain poets writing in this century. Such poets include Gertrude Stein, Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, and Language-related experimentalists such as Charles Bernstein, Ron Silliman, and Susan Howe. Electronic writing, like previous instances of writing, engages the double "mission" of writing evident in some of this experimental poetry: to varying degrees, writing is about a subject, but also about the medium through which it is transmitted.

    Scott Rettberg - 01.07.2013 - 12:22

  7. Into the Space of Previously Undrawable Diagrams: An Interview with Stephanie Strickland by Jaishree Odin

    Into the Space of Previously Undrawable Diagrams: An Interview with Stephanie Strickland by Jaishree Odin

    Scott Rettberg - 07.07.2013 - 20:50