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  1. Letters That Matter: Electronic Literature Collection Vol 1

    John Zuern considers the significance of the first volume of ELO's Electronic Literature Collection for the future of electronic arts.

    (Source: ebr)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 22:30

  2. Publish and Die: The Preservation of Digital Literature within the UK

    Publish and Die: The Preservation of Digital Literature within the UK

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.04.2011 - 11:23

  3. Archivability of Electronic Literature in Context

    Archivability of Electronic Literature in Context

    Jörgen Schäfer - 08.07.2011 - 10:50

  4. European eLiterature Collection

    The European eLiterature Collection is a project developed as part of The eLiterature Research Project. The aim of the collection is to provide an essential tool to assist in formalizing e-Literature in Europe.

    In this respect, the European eLiterature Collection Board of Editors, evaluates, reviews, and publishes on the web works of Electronic Literature by European authors.

    Fabio De Vivo - 22.10.2011 - 12:16

  5. E-lit context as Records Continuum: the “lost” Michael Joyce’s Afternoon Italian edition and the archival perspective

    Devoted to the study and retrieval of those artifacts of the past for which a disruption in the continuity of preservation occurred, archaeological sciences operate with – and against – historical and cultural fractures. Likewise, computer forensics provides assistance whenever a need to recover data in the event of a hardware or software failure occurs. The textual shifting from page to screen experienced in the past twenty years represented both a cultural fracture (a call for paradigmatic changes in preservation which archival sciences themselves were not prepared for) and an opportunity to test computer forensics practices on text-based digital artifacts (software and hardware failures being named, in this case, “obsolescence”). Our paper draws attention to the fact that both digital archaeology and computer forensics, however, no matter how useful in shaping the current preservation practices and methodologies adopted by scholarly communities operating in the digital field, cannot replace or do without the extensive scholarship developed in disciplines that have traditionally dealt with textual preservation in situations of cultural continuity.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 16:07

  6. Missed Collections: Away From the Canon, Toward the Archive

    This paper expands on some of the questions raised by my presentation at the 2009 Digital Arts and Culture conference, held last December at UC Irvine. While examining the work of Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries (YHCHI), I asked what it might mean for a new media practitioner to intentionally disregard or shun many of the medium’s inherent capabilities. I was interested in the way in which YHCHI seemed to be protesting some of the assumptions or characteristics of the nascent canon of electronic literature, i.e. that works of new media are inherently multidirectional, adaptive, non-linear, etc.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 12:47

  7. Traduire et préserver des œuvres numériques : Les projets du Laboratoire NT2 : La revue bleuOrange et L’Abécédaire du Web

    Dans le cadre du thème “Chercher le texte nunérique” les Laboratoires NT2 proposent une table ronde afin d’aborder la question de la préservation et de la traduction de la littérature hypermédiatique. Par littérature hypermédiatique, les Laboratoires NT2 entendent des œuvres ayant un contenu littéraire et faisant usage des technologies numériques. Ce sont des œuvres qui combinent matériau textuel et multimédia (sons, images, vidéos, etc.), des hypertextes, des textes générés par ordinateur, des fictions interactives, etc. Lors de cette table ronde, nous présenterons l’importance ainsi que la difficulté de traduire les œuvres de ce corpus. L’importance découle du mandat des Laboratoires NT2 de faire connaître en français cette littérature. La difficulté résulte dans la traduction d’œuvres qui doivent se faire en équipe, avec des créateurs qui n’ont plus toujours accès au code informatique de leur travail ou qui doivent le reprogrammer, c'est-à-dire, retraduire leur propre œuvre pour l’adaptation de leur œuvre vers le français.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 15:26

  8. Archiving Roundtable

    Listed as one of the main themes of the Bergen 2015 ELO conference is the following question: is “electronic literature” a transitional term that will become obsolete as literary uses of computational media and devices become ubiquitous? If so, what comes after electronic literature?

    The notion of obsolescence has been a recurring issue in electronic literature since at least 2002, the date of the ELO Conference at UCLA. At that time, archiving became a general concern in the field. ELO responded with documents such as Born-Again Bits, Acid-Free Bits, and the ELC 1 and 2 Collections. Since that time, with the continual evolution of computational media and devices, the problems of archiving have continued to grow more complicated. The panel proposes to address issues of Archiving based on this re-wording of the conference theme: is electronic literature a transitional practice that will become obsolete as the multiplication of forms of both computational media and devices make literary artifacts more and more difficult to preserve?

    Hannah Ackermans - 31.10.2015 - 10:54

  9. Lyric Recollection and the Preservation of Ephemeral and Social Elit

    Though not an ideal solution, lyric reflection can be a significant method of preserving electronic literature. Having lost Flash, one solution is mimetic: a technical project resulting in a faithful copy of the original work, allowing the work to be experienced in all its particularity and interactivity. Failing that, footage, screenshots, and thorough, plainly descriptive writing can make a long-term accessible record so that at least that space in the genre’s history can be seen and understood by future generations. What happens, however, when a work a work features elements of ephemerality? On a computational level, this can happen to a far greater degree than with a traditional print book. Outside of rare tragedies, we can retrieve an old text from the archives, but we cannot retrieve the experience of, for instance, Multi-User Dungeons in the late 1990s. Lyric recollection, however, provides a literary model for securing something very close to the experience of the work.

    Lene Tøftestuen - 25.05.2021 - 16:56