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  1. Futures of Electronic Literature

    E-lit authors Stephanie Strickland and Marjorie Luesebrink organized a panel on the “Future of E–Lit” at the ELO 2012 conference, allowing emerging and early career authors to articulate institutional and economic, as well more familiar technological, developments that constrain and facilitate current practice. The panel papers were released in ebr in March 2014. Luesebrink and Strickland followed up with comments on the papers, offering a “progress report” on the future of the field. The individual responses are available as glosses on the essays and in full here. (Source: ebr)

    Sondre Skollevoll - 25.08.2016 - 15:42

  2. Electronic Literature: A Matter of Bits

    From January 19, 2016 through April 21, 2016, The Stedman Gallery will host an electronic literature exhibition entitled “Electronic Literature: A Matter of Bits.” The exhibition is sponsored by the Digital Studies Center and was curated by Director Jim Brown and Associate Director Robert Emmons.

    Alvaro Seica - 20.09.2016 - 14:09

  3. Oltre il lineare: la letteratura elettronica

    Questo lavoro è volto ad analizzare il tema della letteratura elettronica e a individuarne i legami con la letteratura postmoderna e l'opera dello scrittore e saggista Italo Calvino. Le teorie sulla narrativa combinatoria sono un inevitabile punto di partenza per molti degli scrittori che si sono dedicati a questo genere di composizioni. L'utilizzo del computer come mezzo per la produzione scritta presenta un grande potenziale di resa artistica e letteraria, e il lavoro di associazioni come ELO ed ELMCIP è di notevole importanza per la diffusione di nuove idee e nuove tecniche di scrittura.

    È stata ormai dimenticata "Ra-Dio", l'opera ipertestuale di Lorenzo Miglioli pubblicata vent'anni fa: anticipatore dell'estetica cannibale, il giovane scrittore partecipò al convegno "Ricercare" del 1993, organizzato da Nanni Balestrini e Renato Barilli. Il pubblico letterario non era però ancora pronto ad accoglierlo: è importante che lavori di questo tipo trovino il loro spazio all'interno della critica letteraria e vengano considerati a tutti gli effetti parte del nostro patrimonio artistico e culturale.

    Caterina Vafiadis - 29.10.2016 - 18:00

  4. Digital Poetry and Critical Discourse: A Network of Self-References?

    This article emerges from macroanalysis of several works of critical writing in the field of digital poetry, which have been documented in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base. The problems addressed in this context are the self-referentiality exhibited by authors who are both practitioners and theoreticians, and the need for a wider selection of digital poems in critical discourse. The dataset consists of monographs and Ph.D. dissertations on digital poetry (1995-2015), which have been exported into visualization software. Macro and network analyses enable new debate concerning the outlined problems and new findings. My findings suggest that criticism in this domain is chiefly endogenous and that a limited number of poems is being canonized. Therefore, a meta-discourse perspective can pave the way for an external view of the field, concerning its epistemology and evolution. The dataset is available online for download and can be tested and reconsidered by other researchers.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 07.11.2016 - 18:08

  5. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature

    The digital age has had a profound impact on literary culture, with new technologies opening up opportunities for new forms of literary art from hyperfiction to multi-media poetry and narrative-driven games. Bringing together leading scholars and artists from across the world, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is the first authoritative reference handbook to the field.

    Crossing disciplinary boundaries, this book explores the foundational theories of the field, contemporary artistic practices, debates and controversies surrounding such key concepts as canonicity, world systems, narrative and the digital humanities, and historical developments and new media contexts of contemporary electronic literature. Including guides to major publications in the field, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Electronic Literature is an essential resource for scholars of contemporary culture in the digital era.

    (Source: Publisher's description)

    Alvaro Seica - 09.02.2018 - 12:33

  6. Umieszczając poza centrum. Media cyfrowe a literatura eksperymentalna

    wykład, dyskusja

    Umieszczając poza centrum. Media cyfrowe a literatura eksperymentalna
    dr Piotr Marecki (UJ, Ha!Art)

    piątek, 26 maja 2017, g. 14:30, s. 3
    wstęp wolny

    Media cyfrowe, które są dzisiaj dominujące w komunikacji społecznej, służą także jako narzędzia do różnych form ekspresji (literatura elektroniczna, sztuka mediów, gry, demoscena). Truizmem jest powiedzenie, że język angielski jest dominujący w mediach cyfrowych. Zarówno wszelkie badania, jak i dzieła kanoniczne funkcjonują w języku angielskim i to Zachód uważany jest jako dominujący w tej dyscyplinie. Ale z drugiej strony od kilku lat w obszarze mediów cyfrowych zaobserwować można nowe trendy, które zmierzają do odkrycia tego, co centrum znacząco nazywa „obrzeżami”. Szczególnie interesujące wydają się perspektywy i zjawiska, które zostały rozwijane bez wpływu i inspiracji centrum (na przykład kraje za Żelazną Kurtyną, Ameryka Łacińska czy kraje arabskie).

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 12:16

  7. The Freedom Adventure of Portuguese Experimentalism and Kinetic Poetry

    The Freedom Adventure of Portuguese Experimentalism and Kinetic Poetry

    Ana Castello - 27.04.2018 - 14:25

  8. Humor & Constraint in Electronic Literature

    Humor & Constraint in Electronic Literature

    Carlos Muñoz - 03.10.2018 - 15:23

  9. Third Generation Electronic Literature

    We are witnessing the emergence of a third generation of electronic literature, one that breaks with the publishing paradigms and e-literatury traditions of the past and present.

    N. Katherine Hayles first historicized electronic literature by establishing 1995 as the break point between a text heavy and link driven first generation and a multimodal second generation “with a wide variety of navigation schemes and interface metaphors” (“Electronic Literature: What Is It?”). Even though Hayles has since rebranded the first wave of electronic literature as “classical,” generational demarcations are still useful, especially when enriching the first generation with pre-Web genres described by Christopher Funkhouser in ​Prehistoric Digital Poetry​ and others. My paper redefines the second generation as one aligned with Modernist poetics of innovation by creating interfaces and multimodal works in which form is invented to fit content.

    Hannah Ackermans - 04.12.2018 - 13:40

  10. Post-Digital: Dialogues and Debates from electronic book review. Volume 2

    Post-Digital: Dialogues and Debates from electronic book review. Volume 2

    Gesa Blume - 17.09.2019 - 14:37
