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  1. Stud Poetry

    Author description: Stud Poetry is a poker game played with words instead of cards. Your goal is to build as strong a poetry hand as you can and, of course, to win as much money as you can. Stud Poetry is a game of courage and faith, and a bit of luck too. To become a great master of Stud Poetry, you need to believe in the power of words, their magic capability to move mountains, minds, and souls. Surely it won't be easy, but when you finally have won all the money with your wonderful five-word poetry hands, you'll know it's worth it.

    (Source: Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.03.2011 - 09:52

  2. The Dazzle as Question

    The Dazzle as Question is an animated hypermedia poem which traces the conflict between the left and right brain inclinations of an erstwhile 'old school' artist [as] experienced via his encounter with the digital realm. This conflict notes the[digital] media/um's seemingly unrivaled sway as pitted against the narrator's right brain predilections [heralds of an identity within which he was formerly ensconced, as if such were an ethic of his very being …].

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 14:54

  3. Lasting Image

    A short hypertext fiction set in Japan after WWII. Each node consists of a brief text accompanied by an image reminiscent of a Japanese style brush painting, and a few areas of the picture are more clearly in focus than others. These are linked to other nodes. The reader may also use back and forwards arrows to navigate. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 10:37

  4. Turning Away

    Taglined "a revolving haiku", this poem displays a three line haiku on the screen. After a few moments, a line is replaced by a new line, until the whole haiku slowly has shifted to a completely new poem.

    Author's description:

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 22:10

  5. Ask Me for the Moon: Working Nights in Waikiki

    Brief poem presented as text slowly moving on the screen, accompanied by a white skyline of Waikiki on a black screen. Later, moon-blue images of hotel signs invite clicks that bring forth further reflections on the nighttime work of those who tend the tourists.

    Editorial statement from Electronic Literature Collection:

    John David Zuern’s Ask Me For the Moon is a digital poem created in Adobe Flash using juxtaposed images, words, and sounds, to create the feeling of the labor behind the scenes at a Hawaii resort.

    The images and colors (black, white, and turquoise dominate) paint a picture of Waikiki that is emphasized in Zuern’s notes on the piece, which observe that at the time the piece was made there was approximately one worker for every two and a half visitors to Waikiki. The text of the piece plays over the faded gray landscape of the island, while the moving pictures depict fragments of labor moving through like waves along the shore.

    The visual poetics serve as a poignant reminder of how much work is done at night, out of sight of the tourists who swarm the island.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 22:25

  6. The Bomar Gene

    While most social dynamics focus on the exterior of the human condition, the outward body and its many appearances, it is the interior, the cellular level of humanness that has the greatest influence on who we become. And yet, those microscopic worlds inside our bodies, the genetic codes that drive our growth and eventual dissolution have eluded any attempt at full comprehension. Yet these discoveries are, sadly, subject to power relations that claim ownership over gene sequences and sell back to us cynical futurities of an ideal human form through genetic manipulation. This new science, what some are calling 'the hinge' in contemporary human development, drives and bursts the net-based new media creation "The Bomar Gene".

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 22:43

  7. riverIsland

    [Note that the 2007 is for the Quicktime version. riverIsland was certainly published several years before this, but I have not been able to find the year. -JWR] riverIsland is a navigable text movie composed from transliteral morphs with (some) interliteral graphic morphs. It is an investigation of procedures of textual transformation associated with translation, which are proposed as transliteral.  (Source: author description)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 13:27

  8. Morpheus: Biblionaut

    The story of a poet sent to Alpha Centauri to test a nuclear bomb that can destroy a planet, who returns to Earth to discover that Earth has a ring instead of a moon and that there is - perhaps - no longer life there. The narrative is told linearly and lasts for about 20 minutes, with no opportunity to rewind  - it’s worth watching in a single setting though, both for the story itself and for the grungy space visuals created by Travis Alber: a scratched metal background with a window through which to watch the stars passing by, and dream images superimposed on or maybe reflected in the dull, stained metal.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 13:42

  9. The Uninvited

    The Uninvited was originally written and developed in the late 90s as an interactive hybrid narrative formatted for presentation on CD-ROM. It was never publicly shown. In 2003, it was reformatted as a stand alone video. The Uninvited was included in the traveling exhibition, Art AIDS America, curated by Jonathan Katz and Rock Hushca.

    (Source: Artist's Statement)

    One of the video experiments in Lemcke’s series Light F/X.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 15:20

  10. We Descend : Archives Pertaining to Edgerus Scriptor, Volume One

    A story of our far future, unearthed by a Scholar to whom it is the distant past. But for that far-off scholar, as for every reader, the paths followed and the connections forged among the diaries, letters, confessions, and artifacts lead only to further questions. Some documents speak to us of Egderus, a young boy at the isolated Mountain House. What -- or who -- lives in the rocky hills around him? What secrets bind his superiors in fear and silence? What is it that creeps out, undetected, to drive a man mad, or to tear him limb from limb? Why must Egderus later leave the Mountain House as amanuensis to the Good Doctor, interrogator and torturer? What intrigue surrounds one prisoner, the Historian, that makes the Good Doctor so relentless in his attack? Why, ultimately, is this Historian the one victim that Egderus attempts to rescue? Years later, as an old man at the Mountain House, Egderus uncovers only more mysteries. What did the Historian learn that drove him to his death? Does something live, still, in the rocks around him? And how shall Egderus pursue this disturbing legacy that could shake the foundations of his darkening world?

    Scott Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 23:43
