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  1. The Ballad of the Internet Nutball: Chaining Rhetorical Visions from the Margins of the Margins to the Mainstream in the Xenaverse

    This dissertation is just one portal into the cyberspace-based virtual world called the "Xenaverse," so named because of its association with the world-wide syndicated television program, "Xena: Warrior Princess." The Xenaverse cannot be contained by this dissertation, but this project seeks to link and merge with the webbed Xenaverse culture in cyberspace. To learn about the Xenaverse you must step through a portal, become immersed and explore, both within and beyond the blurred boundaries of this dissertation, and into the Xenaverse itself. When you are ready to leave, you will have to find your way out, for just as this hypertextual dissertation has an entry portal, it also has an exit portal, a space for you to debrief and share your thoughts on your way out, to contribute to the ongoing dialogue that is this dissertation web on the Internet.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 02.10.2015 - 10:51

  2. Imersão e Interactividade na Ficção Digital

    A presente tese de doutoramento é dedicada a uma forma de contar histórias com cerca de três décadas de existência. Recém-chegada ao horizonte literário, a ficção digital começou por definir-se através de uma contraposição face ao livro impresso. A transgressão da linearidade e a tentativa de reduzir a presença autoral no texto, foram tornadas em características fundamentais desta forma literária. As primeiras obras de ficção digital eram descritas como objectos fragmentados que continham lexias interligadas através de hiperligações. Esta estrutura tinha como objectivo oferecer liberdade de escolha ao leitor e uma maior participação na construção do texto. No entanto, a expansão da World Wide Web e a emergência de novo software e de novos dispositivos permitiram a criação de experiências adicionais de leitura e de escrita. A tecnologia possibilitava a introdução de novas formas de contar histórias, mas também novos paradigmas. A hiperligação acabaria por ser substituída por novas ferramentas de navegação e a divisão em lexias acabaria por dar lugar a novos tipos de organização textual.

    Daniela Côrtes Maduro - 20.09.2016 - 14:29

  3. Network Narrative: Prose Narrative Fiction and Participatory Cultural Production in Digital Information and Communication Networks

    Network Narrative: Prose Narrative Fiction and Participatory Cultural Production in Digital Information and Communication Networks

    dmeurer - 18.06.2018 - 18:18

  4. From Dada to Digital: Experimental Poetry in the Media Age

    At least since Mallarme, if not before, poets in the Western tradition have responded to changes in media technologies by reflecting on their own relationship to language, and by reassessing the limits and possibilities of poetry. In the German- speaking world, this tendency has been pronounced in a number of experimental movements: Dada, particularly in Zurich and Berlin between 1916 and 1921; Concrete poetry, especially its Swiss and German variants in the 1950s and '60s; and finally, digital or electronic poetry, a genre that is still developing all around the world, but has roots in Germany dating back to the late 1950s. For each of these movements, the increasing dominance of new media technologies contributes to an understanding of language as something material, quantifiable, and external to its human users, and casts doubt on the function of language as a means of subjective expression, particularly in the context of poetry.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 07.08.2018 - 14:27

  5. Beyond Oral/Digital: Ghanaian Electronic Literature as a Paradigm for African Digital Textuality

    This dissertation speaks to a massive dearth of research in African electronic literature (African e-lit), a discipline that boasts a growing number of works but little scholarship. With African literature incorporating digital technology into its creative process, and with electronic literary criticism focusing on areas outside its predominantly western cannon, African e-lit positions itself as an important area of scholarly endeavor. After considering the implications of placing African e-lit as the direction in which both African literature and electronic literature take, this dissertation looks at three different genres of African e-lit in the context of oral literature. There are analyses of examples of concrete poetry, conceptual poetry, and mobile video games, all from Ghana. Ultimately, the aim of this project is to ascertain the ways in which oral tradition influences the nature, form, and shape of African electronic literature.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 16.10.2018 - 23:20

  6. Reading Digits – Haptic Reading Processes in the Experience of Digital Literary Works

    The intensification of tactile/haptic research by academia and the digital technology industry, has given rise to several instrumentalizations of the adjective haptic, often contradicting an entire philosophical haptological tradition, going back to Aristotle and allowing us to think of the haptic from a multisensory perspective capable of destabilizing the idea of pure sensory modalities. On the one hand, such intensification is evidenced by the ubiquity of digital technological devices that call for interaction through touch and gesture as tactile/haptic functions necessary for experiencing digital content. On the other hand, it may be seen in the increasing demand for tangibility between human and machine, particularly through sensory experiences made possible by virtual/augmented reality, as well as, mixed reality/virtuality platforms. Such intense literalization of the haptic also, paradoxically, ends up reinforcing the existence and primacy of a visual culture inherent to an ocularcentric society.

    Diogo Marques - 05.12.2018 - 15:56

  7. A Cultural Analysis of Resistances to Digital Poetries

    A Cultural Analysis of Resistances to Digital Poetries

    Scott Rettberg - 27.08.2019 - 15:02

  8. Early Electronic Literature in the Romantic Tradition

    In searching for literary models for digital writing, current scholarship will often suggest James Joyce, yet pioneering writers working directly indigital forms looked repeatedly instead to British Romantic authors. This dissertation examines the early history of electronic literature, showing the significance of a Romantic tradition with which a selection of digital authors self-consciously identified themselves and their goals. Electronic literature is an emerging genre of literary works which are designed to be read on a computer, and by focusing on the pre-Web 2.0 era, my project looks specifically to the largely text-based sub-genres of interactive fiction and hypertext fiction, non-linear works which respectively enable progression through text inputs from users or clicking hyperlinks. Though many major scholars of digital humanities are Romanticists by training, the critical history of electronic literature focuses heavily on the genre’s modernist and postmodernist contexts.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.09.2020 - 15:15

  9. Digital Literary Arts - Scandinavian E-Texts: Criticism, Theory, and Practice

    Electronic literature (e-lit) constitutes one of the most innovative and exciting literary forms occurring today; it is the unique child of this new technological age. Scandinavian e-lit is no exception, yet it has frequently been overlooked by literary academics in both the United States and Scandinavia. This dissertation investigates how Scandinavian e-lit engages with printed Scandinavian literature, and how critical analysis of Scandinavian literature can benefit from an understanding of e-lit. In this dissertation I argue that, far from relegation to the outer margins of Scandinavian literary research and studies, Scandinavian e-lit, and scholarship on such works, ought to occupy a central position in the field, alongside print-based counterparts. Such a shift in focus would create a new vantage point from which Scandinavianists could analyze canonical and contemporary works of print-based Scandinavian literature.

    Anika Carlotta Stoll - 16.09.2020 - 10:50

  10. Experimental Poetics of the Asian Diaspora: Readings in Meatspace and Cyberspace

    Since the 1980s, experimental poets of Asian descent writing in English around the world have created works informed by both their experiences of being in the Asian diaspora and their subjectivities in the age of advancing computing technologies. Studies of these works have been scarce and few have put them all together in order to make an argument about how to read them in connection with each other. The aim of this dissertation is to make a case for what I call the diasporic reading framework, and to argue that this way of reading fills in crucial gaps in our understandings of experimental Asian poetry.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 16.09.2020 - 10:58
