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  1. The End of Books

    Coover's "The End of Books" essay in the New York Times significantly introduced hypertext fiction to a wider literary audience. The essay describes that ways that hypertext poses challenges for writers and readers accustomed to coventional narrative forms, including assumptions about linearity, closure, and the division of agency between the writer and reader.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:33

  2. Destination Unknown: Experiments in the Network Novel

    PhD, University of Cincinnati, Arts & Sciences : English & Comparative Literature, 2003.

    Advisor: Dr. Thomas LeClair

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 16:15

  3. False Pretenses, Parasites, and Monsters

    A meditation on parasites and montrosity in American novels and hypertext fictions.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.03.2011 - 15:57

  4. From Papyrus to Hypertext: Toward the Universal Digital Library

    Reflections and predictions of technology's effect on reading and writing In this study, Christian Vandendorpe examines how digital media and the Internet have changed the process of reading and writing, significantly altering our approaches toward research and reading, our assumptions about audience and response, and our theories of memory, legibility, and context. Reflecting on the full history of the written word, Vandendorpe provides a clear overview of how materiality makes a difference in the creation and interpretation of texts. Surveying the conventions of reading and writing that have appeared and disappeared in the Internet's wake, Vandendorpe considers various forms of organization, textual design, the use (and distrust) of illustrations, and styles of reference and annotation. He also examines the novel components of digital texts, including hyperlinks and emoticons, and looks at emergent, collaborative genres such as blogs and wikis, which blur the distinction between author and reader. Looking to the future, reading and writing will continue to evolve based on the current, contested trends of universal digitization and accessibility.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.03.2011 - 15:37

  5. A Cartography of the Aesthetics and Locality of Forgetting: Preliminary Remarks on Samuel Delany’s Dhalgren, Mark Amerika’s Hypertextual Consciousness [beta-version] and Christopher Nolan’s Memento

    Theodoros Chiotis - 15.10.2011 - 13:52

  6. The Monstrous Book and the Manufactured Body in the Late Age of Print: Material Strategies for Innovative Fiction in Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl and Steve Tomasula’s Vas

    In recent decades a growing number of innovative writers have begun exploring the possibility of creating new literary forms through the use of digital technology. Yet literary production and reception does not occur in a vacuum. Print culture is five hundred years in the making, and thus new literary forms must contend with readers’ expectations and habits shaped by print. Shelley Jackson’s hyptertextual novel Patchwork Girl and Steve Tomasula’s innovative print novel Vas: An Opera in Flatland both problematize the conventions of how book and reader interact. In both works an enfolding occurs wherein the notion of the body and the book are taken in counterpoint and become productively confused. Jackson’s book, alluding to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, is about a monster composed of various bodies while the book itself is also a monstrous text: a nonlinear patchwork of links across networks of words and images.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 13:12

  7. Writing at the Limit: The Novel in the New Media Ecology

    While some cultural critics are pronouncing the death of the novel, a whole generation of novelists have turned to other media with curiosity rather than fear. These novelists are not simply incorporating references to other media into their work for the sake of verisimilitude, they are also engaging precisely such media as a way of talking about what it means to write and read narrative in a society filled with stories told outside the print medium. By examining how some of our best fiction writers have taken up the challenge of film, television, video games, and hypertext, Daniel Punday offers an enlightening look into the current status of such fundamental narrative concepts as character, plot, and setting. He considers well-known postmodernists like Thomas Pynchon and Robert Coover, more-accessible authors like Maxine Hong Kingston and Oscar Hijuelos, and unjustly overlooked writers like Susan Daitch and Kenneth Gangemi, and asks how their works investigate the nature and limits of print as a medium for storytelling.

    J. R. Carpenter - 08.07.2013 - 12:20