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  1. The Language of New Media

    In this influential book Manovich proposes five principles of new media: 1) Numerical representation: new media objects exist as data. 2) Modularity: the different elements of new media exist independently. 3) Automation: new media objects can be created and modified automatically. 4) Variability: new media objects exist in multiple versions. 5) Transcoding: The logic of the computer influences how we understand and represent ourselves. Another often cited point in the book is his discussion of database aesthetics and database narratives. Manovich's work is based in cinema studies and his book was especially rapidly taken up in media studies departments.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 20:16

  2. Remediation: Understanding New Media

    Media critics remain captivated by the modernist myth of the new: they assume that digital technologies such as the World Wide Web, virtual reality, and computer graphics must divorce themselves from earlier media for a new set of aesthetic and cultural principles. In this richly illustrated study, Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin offer a theory of mediation for our digital age that challenges this assumption. They argue that new visual media achieve their cultural significance precisely by paying homage to, rivaling, and refashioning such earlier media as perspective painting, photography, film, and television. They call this process of refashioning "remediation," and they note that earlier media have also refashioned one another: photography remediated painting, film remediated stage production and photography, and television remediated film, vaudeville, and radio.

    (Source: MIT Press)

    Maria Engberg - 28.03.2011 - 17:22

  3. The End of Books--Or Books Without End: Reading Interactive Narratives

    J. Yellowlees Douglas looks at the new light that interactive narratives may shed on theories of reading and interpretation and the possibilities for hypertext novels, World Wide Web-based short stories, and cinematic, interactive narratives on CD-ROM. She confronts questions that are at the center of the current debate: Does an interactive story demand too much from readers? Does the concept of readerly choice destroy the author's vision? Does interactivity turn reading fiction from "play" into "work" - too much work? Will hypertext fiction overtake the novel as a form of art or entertainment? And what might future interactive books look like?

    (Source: Book jacket)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 07.06.2013 - 11:03

  4. La poétique de l'espace

    In The Poetics of Space Bachelard applies the method of phenomenology to architecture basing his analysis not on purported origins but on lived experience of architecture. Wikipedia

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 13:52

  5. Les Basiques: la littérature numérique

    Ce Basiques se propose d'explorer les contrées de la littérature numérique. Ses approches sont diverses et relèvent de conceptions parfois antagonistes. Elle forme un continent ancré dans des cultures variées qui dialoguent entre elles en son sein parce qu'elle les mixe et les questionne. La littérature numérique s'insère ainsi pour partie dans la continuité de démarches littéraires parfois anciennes, mais présente par ailleurs des points de rupture d'avec elles. C'est pourquoi son rapport avec les littératures issues des traditions classiques demeure conflictuel, souvent à son corps défendant, et ce, sans doute, pour longtemps encore. Que cela ne t'empêche pas, ami lecteur, de l'explorer. Elle te réservera bien des surprises, enflammera ton imaginaire comme il sied à toute littérature et saura te procurer toute une alchimie d'émotions, tant affectives qu'intellectuelles, sur des modes inattendus et vierges de toute rengaine.

    (Source: Bootz's introduction to the project)

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:19

  6. Heuristics: The Logic of Invention

    Heuristics: The Logic of Invention

    Scott Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 12:02

  7. Cyberspace Textuality: Computer Technology and Literary Theory

    Computers were once thought of as number-crunching machines; but for most of us it is their ability to create worlds and process words that have made them into a nearly indispensable part of life. As Jacques Leslie puts it, if computers are everywhere, it is because they have grown into "poetry machines." The term "cyberspace" captures the growing sense that beyond - or perhaps on - the computer screen lies a "New Frontier" both enticing and forbidding, a frontier awaiting exploration, promising discovery, threatening humanistic values, hatching new genres of discourse, and alerting our relation to the written word. The purpose of this book is to explore the concepts of text and the forms of textuality currently emerging from the creative chaos of electronic technologies.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.07.2013 - 13:04

  8. A Hacker Manifesto

    A double is haunting the world--the double of abstraction, the virtual reality of information, programming or poetry, math or music, curves or colorings upon which the fortunes of states and armies, companies and communities now depend. The bold aim of this book is to make manifest the origins, purpose, and interests of the emerging class responsible for making this new world--for producing the new concepts, new perceptions, and new sensations out of the stuff of raw data.

    A Hacker Manifesto deftly defines the fraught territory between the ever more strident demands by drug and media companies for protection of their patents and copyrights and the pervasive popular culture of file sharing and pirating. This vexed ground, the realm of so-called "intellectual property," gives rise to a whole new kind of class conflict, one that pits the creators of information--the hacker class of researchers and authors, artists and biologists, chemists and musicians, philosophers and programmers--against a possessing class who would monopolize what the hacker produces.

    J. R. Carpenter - 01.10.2013 - 14:38

  9. Theoretical Permutations for Reading Cybertexts

    "Theoretical Permutations for Reading Cybertexts" is a review essay on Markku Eskelinen, Cybertext Poetics: The Critical Landscape of New Media Literary Theory (London: Continuum, 2012), and C.T. Funkhouser, New Directions in Digital Poetry (London: Continuum, 2012). Both books engage new media works and practices in ways that are transformative of the conceptual apparatus and tools of literary theory and literary analysis. Moving between the deep analysis of the Funkhouser’s and the high-level abstraction of Eskelinen’s will give readers an exhilarating sense of just how new media is changing our aesthetical experience and our way of thinking and writing about the textual experience.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.02.2014 - 17:44

  10. Autorschaft und digitale Literatur: Geschichte, Medienpraxis und Theoriebildung

    Autorschaft und digitale Literatur widmet sich dem Phänomen der Neukonfiguration der Trias Autor, Leser und Text in Literatur, die den Computer als ästhetisches Ausdrucksmedium nutzt. Dabei beantwortet der Band die als beängstigend attribuierte Frage nach dem Autor dieses "neuen Etwas", indem erstmals ein systematisches Beschreibungsverfahren für das Zusammenspiel aller an der Textproduktion und -rezeption Beteiligten vorgestellt wird. Mit dem Entwurf des theoretischen Modells des Textuellen Handlungsraums überbrückt Zimmermann auch die bisher angenommene strukturelle Distanz zwischen gedruckter und digitaler Literatur. Der detaillierten Analyse exemplarischer kanonischer Werke der englischsprachigen digitalen Literatur ist ein grundlegender komparatistischer Überblick über die Entwicklung dieser Literaturform vorangestellt, die in ihren definierenden Eigenschaften gleichsam als Fortsetzung einer viel älteren Literaturgeschichte aufgefasst wird. Auch die Geschichte von Autorschaft und der Reflexion über Autorschaft wird von Zimmermann ausführlich nachgezeichnet.

    Heiko Zimmermann - 30.10.2015 - 22:08
