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  1. Can We Help Being Creative?

    People on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea take responsibility for the fertility and reproduction of land and people. Through gardening, hunting, ceremony and initiation, they are continually ‘creating’: both people/places, and the conditions for the emergence of these things as recognisably human. Engaging in the continual creation of the human world is not optional for them but intrinsic to what it means to be a human being. Creativity is necessarily distributed in such circumstances, power over creation or destruction oscillates, but to be a person means participation. As such, the emergence of persons or things, as objects of contemplation, or exchange, or value and beauty, are achieved momentarily as elements of the wider process of which they are part and through which they have meaning.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 08.09.2011 - 16:41

  2. Nonlinearity and Literary Theory

    Originally published in Hyper/Text/Theory, Rpt. in The New Media Reader.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.09.2011 - 08:07

  3. Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination

    In Mechanisms, Matthew Kirschenbaum examines new media and electronic writing against the textual and technological primitives that govern writing, inscription, and textual transmission in all media: erasure, variability, repeatability, and survivability. Mechanisms is the first book in its field to devote significant attention to storage—the hard drive in particular—arguing that understanding the affordances of storage devices is essential to understanding new media. Drawing a distinction between "forensic materiality" and "formal materiality," Kirschenbaum uses applied computer forensics techniques in his study of new media works. Just as the humanities discipline of textual studies examines books as physical objects and traces different variants of texts, computer forensics encourage us to perceive new media in terms of specific versions, platforms, systems, and devices.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 13.09.2011 - 14:38

  4. Uncreative Writing

    Uncreative Writing

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 16.09.2011 - 15:20

  5. "Distance, Homelessness, Anonymity, and Insignificance": An Interview with Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries

    In this interview with Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries by Thomas Swiss the duo describes artistic and cultural influences, and discusses web writing.  

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 30.09.2011 - 13:23

  6. The Digital Poem against the Interface Free

    Recent e-literature by Judd Morrissey and Jason Nelson represents a broad movement in e-literature to draw attention to the move toward the so-called “interface free” – or, the interface that seeks to disappear altogether by becoming as “natural” as possible. It is against this troubling attempt to mask the workings of the interface and how it delimits creative production that Judd Morrissey creates “The Jew’s Daughter” – a work in which readers are invited to click on hyperlinks in the narrative text, links which do not lead anywhere so much as they unpredictably change some portion of the text. Likewise working against the clean and transparent interface of the Web, in “game, game, game and again game,” Jason Nelson’s hybrid poem-videogame self-consciously embraces a hand-drawn, hand-written interface while deliberately undoing videogame conventions through nonsensical mechanisms that ensure players never advance past level 121/2. As such, both Morrissey and Nelson intentionally incorporate interfaces that thwart readers’ access to the text so that they are forced to see how such interfaces are not natural so much as they define what and how we read and write.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 05.10.2011 - 09:09

  7. Computers as Theatre

    Computers as Theatre

    Scott Rettberg - 06.10.2011 - 17:22

  8. All Together Now: Hypertext, Collective Narrative, and Online Collective Knowledge Communities

    Revision of essay previously titled "All Together Now: Collective Knowledge, Collective. Narratives, and Architectures of Participation."

    This essay explores the history and methodologies of collective narrative projects, and their relationship to collective knowledge projects and methodologies. By examining different forms of conscious, contributory, and unwitting participation, the essay develops a richer understanding of successful large-scale collaborative projects. The essay then examines large-scale architectures of participation in Wikipedia and Flickr to extrapolate from those observations potential methodologies for the creation of collective narratives.

    Scott Rettberg - 14.10.2011 - 13:01

  9. Digital Literature: From Text to Hypertext and Beyond

    In this study, I have chosen "hypertext" as the central concept. If we define hypertext as interconnected bits of language (I am stretching Ted Nelson's original definition quite a lot, but still maintaining its spirit, I believe) we can understand why Nelson sees hypertext "as the most general form of writing". There is no inherent connotation to digital in hypertext (the first hypertext system was based on microfilms), but it is the computerized, digital framework - allowing the easy manipulation of both texts and their connections - which gives the most out of it. In addition to the "simple" hypertexts, there is a whole range of digital texts much more complex and more "clever", which cannot be reduced to hypertext, even though they too are based on hypertextuality. Such digital texts as MUDs (Multi User Domains - text based virtual realities) are clearly hypertextual - there are pieces of text describing different environments usually called "rooms" and the user may wander from room to room as in any hypertext.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 21:30

  10. Nonce Upon Some Times: Rereading Hypertext Fiction

    Nonce Upon Some Times: Rereading Hypertext Fiction

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 22:54
