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  1. Digital Poetics or On the Evolution of Experimental Media Poetry

    The academic and literature critical discussion on new media poetry or about digital texts swings to and fro, in method and conception between two poles: one is the 'work immanent' approach of structure description and classification, and the other the deduction of abstract media esthetics. At a tangent to this the communication on media, culture and media art has been more or less committed to the priority of technological reasoning since the nineties at the latest. The concern with technology remains a dilemma: Technology has to be taken into account when dealing with concrete structure analyses of works of digital poetry, but some traps lie in wait. Is the knowledge accounted for here really sufficient? I would say that few of those taking part in the discussion who do not actually work in the specific area artistically are capable of programming digital texts (the same may be said of some artists). Another problem is something I have casually termed a new techno-ontology: a ‘cold fascination’ for technological being (also of texts), which flares up briefly with each innovation pressing for the market in the respective field.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.09.2010 - 14:16

  2. Ping Poetics

    Sandy Baldwin investigates the manner in which a computer "ping trace" can be classified as a form of digital poetics, and discusses the underlying symbolic practices of both poesis and poetics that encompass coding and computation.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.09.2010 - 11:27

  3. A Poem Is a Machine to Think With: Digital Poetry and the Paradox of Innovation

    A Poem Is a Machine to Think With: Digital Poetry and the Paradox of Innovation

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2011 - 14:46

  4. Close Reading in the Realm of Static and Dynamic Texts

    Review and discussion of Reading Digital Literature at Brown University, organized by Roberto Simanowski (Brown University and Dichtung Digital) October 4-7, 2007.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.11.2011 - 15:28

  5. Writing to be Found and Writing Readers

    Poetic writing for programmable and network media seems to have been captivated by the affordances of new media and questions of whether or not and if so, how certain novel, media-constituted properties and methods of literary objects require us to reassess and reconfigure the literary itself. What if we shift our attention decidedly to practices, processes, procedures — towards ways of writing and ways of reading rather than dwelling on either textual artifacts themselves (even time-based literary objects) or the concepts underpinning objects-as-artifact? What else can we do, given that we must now write on, for, and with the net which is itself no object but a seething mass of manifold processes?

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.12.2011 - 10:59

  6. Review of Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations, by Chris Funkhouser

    Review of Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations, by Chris Funkhouser

    Patricia Tomaszek - 13.02.2012 - 00:53

  7. Une poésie pour tous les langages artistiques : poéticité et lecture numériques

    Ce travail examine les concepts de poéticité et de littérarité appliqués aux poètes numériques : il analyse de façon comparatiste les œuvres de Philippe Bootz, Belén Gache et Óscar Martín Centeno afin de distinguer les traits qui définissent la poésie numérique. L’article montre quels éléments de poéticité sont restés immuables, nous permettant de continuer à appeler poésie ces nouvelles formes numériques, et quels sont les traits qui ont fait avancer le concept de poéticité au point de nous obliger à redéfinir certaines des caractéristiques de ce que nous considérons traditionnellement comme littérature.

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 14:17

  8. Writing with the Code: A Digital Poetics

    This paper (presented at Digital Arts and Culture Conference, Bergen 2000) proposes a digital poetics, which focuses on the possible digital transformations of writing and reading with examples from current cybertextual literature. The paper discusses how programming structures (algorithms, cybernetics, object oriented programming, hypertext) can be interpreted as literary forms. The outcome is a literary way to read programming structures and a discussion of a digital literary poetics. As a consequence this paper argues (by taking some initial steps) for further crossdisciplinary research in the field of digital writing between literary theory and computer science as a way to understand the general cultural impact of the computer and as a way to further develop creative innovation.

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 06.05.2015 - 13:26

  9. Moving Text in Avant-garde Poetry: Towards a Poetics of Textual Motion

    Recent innovations in digital environments may suggest that the possibility to manipulate the literal movement of the text could be one of the essential variables separating digital literature from printed literature. This bipolar distinction between digital and print media hides, however, a complex historical background. A fuller comprehension of movement as a variable in literature calls for the clarification of the historical development from the "analogies of movement" in printed literature to the innovations in video art, experimental film and multimedia poetry.

    In classifying types of textual movement at least the following questions are relevant: What can be kinetic in the poetic text? How does the movement take place? Where does it take place? What is the result of the movement? And finally, what (or who) makes the text move? The article develops conceptual divisions that make answering these questions possible and thus helps to make the question of the specificity of digitally manipulated movement more precise.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 06.05.2015 - 13:52

  10. The End of Landscape: Holes by Graham Allen

    In her discussion of the textual, technical, and figurative characteristics of Graham Allen’s Holes (2017), Karhio “argues that [Allen’s text] is not a landscape poem in the customary sense” and explores the ways in which the digital platforms deployed in the project’s creation and publication contribute to the signifying structures that “challenge the idea of landscape as symbolic representation of the inner world of the speaking subject.”

    Mona Pihlamäe - 10.10.2017 - 11:15