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  1. Concrete Poetry in Digital Media: Its Predecessors, its Presence and its Future

    How does concrete poetry develop in digital media? What is its intention? What is the meaning behind it? Does the play with the symbolic orders of language question social patterns as in concrete poetry in the 1960s? Does it rather aim to free the word from its representational, designational function towards the "pure visual"? And how should one approach it? With a meaning driven soul asking for the message behind the technical effect and disparaging any brainless muscle flexing? With a spectacle driven soul enjoying all the cool stuff you can do with programming and embracing de "pure code" as new avant-garde? This essay discusses the aesthetic concept of concrete poetry and places the subject into the ongoing discussion of "software-art" and the aesthetic of the spectacle. It begins with a look back to the predecessors of concrete poetry in print media before introducing to examples of concrete poetry in digital media.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 15.02.2011 - 18:53

  2. These Waves of Memories: A Hyperfiction by Caitlin Fisher

    The web-based ‘hypermedia novella’ These Waves of Girls by Caitlin Fisher won the first prize in the fiction category awarded by the Electronic Literature Organization in 2001. In this article I’ll take a closer look on some of the aspects of this work, a confessional autobiography about a girl coming to terms with her lesbian identity. The article is structured around a set of relations: the relation between the critic and the work; textual and audio-visual representation; personal and social relations; hypertextual structure and autobiographical, unreliable narration. These Waves is a class-room example of the so-called associative hypertext. The hypertextual structure is also closely linked to the problematics of autobiographical narration.. As readers we get to ponder about the nature of remembering, of telling stories about one’s life. One of the genuine accomplishments of Fisher’s work is to bring forth these questions in a tangible, and still discreet, way.

    (Source: author's abstract).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 20.03.2011 - 09:58

  3. On Media and Modules

    A review of Cognitive Fictions by Joseph Tabbi.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.06.2011 - 13:18

  4. Involvement, Interruption, and Inevitability: Melancholy as an Aesthetic Principle in Game Narratives

    Although many issues about how we can construct and analyze electronic narrative remain to be settled, it is clear, then, that a central concern will be the ability of these game narratives to create the emotional impact inherent in our involvement in a story. Emotional involvement is especially important for the interactive text because the user must be prompted to act and move through the text to a degree not required by more traditional reading. In this essay, I would like to consider how electronic narratives balance interactivity and emotional force. Doing so means thinking about emotional involvement and its relation to narrative teleology, as well as its tolerance for interruption by everything from writerly asides to interactive play. To investigate this, I will draw not only on hypertext and computer games but also on American metafiction, which I will show confronts the same problems of emotional force within interactive or game-like patterns. (Source: Introduction to the essay)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 25.08.2011 - 17:05

  5. Tending the Garden Plot: Victory Garden and Operation Enduring....

    A reading of Moulthrop's Victory Garden seen primarily as a war narrative, in the light of the contemporary (to the article) war on Iraq.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 21:26

  6. Digital Literatures and Theoretial Approaches

    Digital Literatures and Theoretial Approaches

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 12:29

  7. Literal Art

    John Cayley dadas up the digital, revealing similarities of type across two normally separate, unequal categories: image and text. "Neither lines nor pixels but letters," finally, unite.

    (Source: ebr First Person thread page)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.02.2012 - 13:15

  8. Expanding the Concept of Writing: Notes on Net Art, Digital Narrative and Viral Ethics

    Expanding the Concept of Writing: Notes on Net Art, Digital Narrative and Viral Ethics

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.03.2012 - 11:55

  9. Dichtung Digital 33

    The texts to be found in this edition of Dichtung Digital derive from the papers presented at the International Conference "Literatures digitals i aproximacions teòriques" (Under construction: Digital literatures and theoretical approaches), which was organised by the international research group Hermeneia and held at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in Barcelona on 14-16 April 2004.
    Source: Laura Borràs Castanyer

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.11.2012 - 15:24

  10. The Making of "The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders"

    The Making of "The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders"

    Johannes Auer - 05.11.2012 - 17:27
