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  1. A Bot Sampler in Two Voices

    This 8-10 minute performance will feature two persons reading from a selection of bot generated output. The readers will choose several bots to read aloud, and will read them back and forth to produce a conversation between bots, much as might happen on Twitter. The resulting juxtapositions should be both humorous and thought-provoking, with the individual readers’ voices lending continuity to the bots. For variety and emphasis, there will be a few moments in the performance in which one reader focuses on the text generated by a single bot, in the tradition of a solo riff. (Source: ELO 2015 Conference Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 30.11.2015 - 07:38

  2. Grita

    It is a digital poem that can only be read by screaming to the screen. Once the user screams the verses of the poem appear and when the user stops, the words are not longer seen. It is an interactive sound poem. It can be related to Loss of Grasp by Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert and Zang Tumb Tumb by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. Aburto is a Peruvian poet and professor at the PUCP. Having worked in Communicative Arts has permitted him use different formats for his poetry: oral, written and digital. His Peruvian origin can be seen in the way his work relates to other 2000s writers from Peru: vindication of publication of poetry and interest for combining conceptual, textual and visual aspects. In this work, the use of the screen, the microphone and the appearing and disappearing letters permit a communicative situation between poet and reader, the reader becomes a creator of the poem because his participation is essential for watching the words. The effort of crying out loud that the work demands to the reader increases the effects of the messages of desperation and vindication

    (Source: Maya Zalbidea)

    Maya Zalbidea - 08.01.2016 - 20:28

  3. The US political poetry generator

    American politics isn’t usually poetic, but what happens when you throw in actual poetry? Behold, our political poetry generator. We’ve gathered the transcripts of the latest Republican and Democratic presidential debates, and programmatically stirred in hundreds of lines of classic poetry. Pick a candidate, poet, and style below, and see what beauty you can generate.

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.04.2016 - 10:06

  4. newscomic

    Newscomic recycles the news, re-mixes it, subverts and distorts it.
    It takes live news feeds (RSS feeds) from major news sources, chops them up at random and puts the resultant text into speech bubbles in a comic. The comic illustrations reflect the current latest news, and are regularly updated to keep up with the news. The result is a disjointed comic, where the words and pictures don't quite fit but make their own story.

    Often the story is quite surreal, but can by chance make sense, and even be quite revealing.
    To make the story more fun, you can contribute by adding your own words and sentences (up to a hundred characters long). These replace the word 'the' and other characters in the speech text. You can use this to perhaps get your own views across, or to manipulate the story so it makes more sense to you. Your word or sentence is stored and seen by the world until the next person comes along, and adds their words, replacing yours.

    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 16:53

  5. samen dichten

    samen dichten is een poëziemachine waarbij mens en computer elkaar kunnen versterken. zo ontstaat er een gedicht dat de gebruiker niet zonder computer en de computer niet zonder deze specifieke gebruiker had kunnen schrijven.
    het idee achter dit project is om poëzie toegankelijk te maken voor een breder publiek. de poëziemachine laat mens en machine samenwerken, maar belangrijker: iedereen kan zo de kracht van taal ontdekken.


    Hannah Ackermans - 13.04.2016 - 17:32

  6. Shirley Bassey Mixed Up

    Shirley Bassey Mixed Up' is an experimental illustrated 14-page biography, following her early years up to the present day.
    The illustrations are network generated, built dynamically from Internet searches. By specifying different Yahoo searches and playing with the customisation options, you can influence the look of each illustration.

    By pulling in data from the Internet and manipulating/ transforming it within a story, this work can be described as a networked narrative. But the structure is basically a traditional (linear) 14-page story built on top of a generative composition tool, that uses Internet search data as its input.

    What is it?
    a traditional linear story
    a networked narrative
    a generative composition tool, controlled by the user, but containing controlled randomness.
    By adding unexpected and uncontrolled elements to the story we are influencing and changing the presentation of the story, how it's experienced and what we take away from it. In effect we are shaping the story, even making a new story, changing fact into fiction, sometimes disrupting the story.

    Hannah Ackermans - 25.04.2016 - 09:19

  7. News Wheel

    News Wheel, 2016 is an iOS app that explores the poetics of ever changing news headlines. It begins as a static disk divided into nine sections each representing a different news source. Tapping anywhere on the screen causes the wheel to spin. Another tap stops the wheel and suddenly a headline in one of nine pre-selected colors appears on the screen. This playful interface invites users to start and stop the wheel eventually filling the screen with a collage of current headlines. Individual words can be deleted and repositioned so users can create their own poems from this content. In addition, dragging one's finger across the screen creates an animated chain of fragmented and poetic text derived from today's headline news. News Wheel is a creative and poetic way to view, juxtapose and interpret world events. (Source:

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.06.2016 - 17:03

  8. Mastering the Art of French Cooking and Systems Theory

    Mastering the Art of French Cooking explores variable communications platforms and randomly accelerated speeds of reading. The work projects a four-column machine-based mode of reading two works that are difficult to master: Julia Child's The Art of French Cooking, and a text by Niklas Luhmann on the subject of systems theory. The default speed of reading is set at 1200 words per minute but is variable and may be changed by adjusting the URL.

    (Source: Author's Statement from ELC 3)

    Nikol Hejlickova - 30.08.2016 - 16:13

  9. Dwarf Fortress

    Dwarf Fortress is a complex, text-based computer game that has been in development by Tarn and Zach Adams since 2002. The game begins by first procedurally generating an expansive, dynamic world in which players attempt to guide an exponentially increasing colony of temperamental dwarves to build and manage within an ever expanding fortress. The task is made difficult by both the unpredictable and emergent behaviors of the simulation as well as by the anachronistic and arduous interface: a screen full of ASCII characters recalling the personal computers of the early 1980s. Inspired by games like Rogue (1980) and Sim City (1989), the stark textual interface contrasts with the game's complexity as Dwarf Fortress can easily consume all available processing power of a contemporary computer.

    Eirik Tveit - 06.09.2016 - 15:30

  10. Loss, Undersea

    Loss, Undersea is an interactive narrative/multimedia semantics project by Fox Harrell in which a character moving through a standard workday encounters a world submerging into the depths -- a double-scope story of banal life blended with a fantastic Atlantean metaphor. As a user selects emotion-driven actions for the character to perform, the character transforms -- sea creature extensions protrude and calcify around him -- and poetic text narrating his loss of humanity and the human world undersea ensues. (Source: MIT Icelab)

    Magnus Knustad - 07.09.2016 - 12:41
