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  1. The Origins Of Electronic Literature As Net/Web Art

    The Origins Of Electronic Literature As Net/Web Art

    Shanmuga Priya - 29.06.2022 - 00:41

  2. Research Methods for Auto/biography Studies

    Research Methods for Auto/biography Studies

    Andrea Brandmüller - 28.01.2023 - 15:21

  3. Reading Digital Lives Generously

    The scale, scope, privacy, ephemerality, and “amateurism” of prevailing modes of digital self-representation pose challenges for scholars seeking to understand these phenomena. In this chapter, we draw on our experiences as researchers and editors to outline methodological approaches that can address these challenges. We advocate for a “generous” critical engagement with digital life narratives that welcomes methods and concepts from other disciplines while reaffirming the ongoing commitment of auto/biography studies to an inclusive view of what counts as a “life” and what signs of life—however transient, fragmentary, and enigmatic—we are willing to learn how to read.

    (Source: Reading Digital Lives Generously | 18 | Research Methodologies for Aut ( accessed Jan 28, 2023)

    Andrea Brandmüller - 28.01.2023 - 15:21

  4. ReRites - Raw Output / Responses (paperback)

    ReRites is a project consisting of 12 poetry books (generated by a computer then edited by poet David Jhave Johnston) created between May 2017-18. Jhave produced one book of poetry per month, utilizing neural networks trained on a contemporary poetry corpus to generate source texts which were then edited into the ReRites poems. (The limited edition boxset) is a conceptual proof-of-concept about the impact of augmented creativity and human-machine symbiosis.

    This book contains 60 pages of poems selected from the over 4500 pages of ReRites poems;  some of the Raw Output generated by the computer; and 8 Response essays. 

    Introduced & edited by Stephanie Strickland with essays by Allison Parrish, Johanna Drucker, Kyle Booten, John Cayley, Lai-Tze Fan, Nick Montfort, Mairéad Byrne, Chris Funkhouser, and an author-note from David (Jhave) Johnston.

    David Jhave Johnston - 25.05.2021 - 19:20

  5. Close Reading of Stephanie Strickland, Cyntia Lawson Jaramillo and Paul Ryan’s slippingglimpse

    Close Reading of Stephanie Strickland, Cyntia Lawson Jaramillo and Paul Ryan’s slippingglimpse

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.07.2022 - 14:26

  6. Building Augmented Reality Freedom Stories

    Building Augmented Reality Freedom Stories

    Caitlin Fisher - 28.07.2023 - 22:30

  7. Computer as co-author: Creative Writing & artificial intelligence

    Autor*innen von elektronischer Literatur erforschen die experimentelle Seite des Schreibens und spielen mit meist radikalen Abweichungen zu herkömmlichen, linearen Printformen. Deshalb ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass mit dem Aufkommen der KI die Technologie immer stärker Einzug in die künstlerische Praxis von E-Lit-Autor*innen gefunden hat.



    David Wright - 02.01.2024 - 06:26
