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  1. A manifesto supporting a creative digital literature

    L’école comme l’université ont trop long- temps asservi l’écriture au seul dogme de l’accès aux savoirs et à l’injonction de la communication.

    Elles l’ont cantonnée à un rôle instrumental, en marge du sillage du capitalisme cognitif (Yann Moulier Boutang), à travers des modes de production industrielle des connaissances, la vidant peu à peu de ses dimensions artistiques, esthétiques et politiques (Luc Dall’Armellina, a).

    La situation est telle aujourd’hui qu’écrire n’est plus pour la plupart des élèves et étudiants qu’un passage obligé, une compétence parmi d’autres, une technique qu’il faut bien manipuler puisqu’elle est nécessaire pour réussir à l’école, quelle que soit sa discipline.

    Scott Rettberg - 19.06.2014 - 20:27

  2. Subvirtiendo signos: la estrategia de la apropiación en la cultura contemporánea

    Desde las artes visuales, a partir de los años 60, el pop art hace profuso uso de la apropiación. El tema de la apropiación se acerca peligrosamente al de la paranoia. Aquí aparecen alteregos y fantasmas esquizoides de lo propio-ajeno y de lo mismo-otro. En este juego de signos duplicados y dobles códigos (de expectación, de lectura, de escucha), la significación se duplica, siempre alterada, dando lugar a una serie de cuestionamientos. ¿Referencia sin referente, según planteaba Derrida? ¿Dobles de nada, al decir de Baudrillard? La apropiación nos invita a desconfiar de todo texto, de todo signo, de toda identidad.

    Maya Zalbidea - 26.07.2014 - 15:40

  3. Biblumliteraria. Literatura electrónica

    Biblumliteraria. Literatura electrónica

    Maya Zalbidea - 31.07.2014 - 14:36

  4. Interdisciplinaridade

    A brief review of Álvaro Seiça's works on the transducer function applied to e-lit and digital art, under the perspective of interdisciplinary studies.

    Alvaro Seica - 24.09.2014 - 09:11

  5. Border Connections in Electronic Literature

    In 1962, MIT scientist Steve Russell presented one of the first videogames in history: Spacewar! in which two starships maneuvered around a star and tried to destroy each other. A year earlier, Raymond Queneau had published Cent mille milliards de poèmes, a potential literature book consisting of ten sonnets printed onto cards, with each line written on a separate strip, offering readers 100 trillions of possible combinations.

    At first glance, the connection between these two milestones from worlds as different as literature and computer science would seem to be remote, but they are actually the start of a convergence of experiences and interests that have radically changed the way we read and write stories.

    The sixties marked the start of a series of experiments in both literature and computing that mutally influenced each other and challenged the narrative, physical and conceptual boundaries of literature. This text looks at some of these connections.

    (Source: Author's Introduction)

    Carles Sora - 09.03.2015 - 21:21

  6. Lexia to Perplexia:

    hypertext? cybertext? hypermedia? webart? while new media critics debate the terms, Talan Memmott has produced the thing itself, a creative use of applied technology.

    (Source: ebr)

    Lisa Berwanger - 17.10.2017 - 15:28

  7. Air-B-N-Me: Self Representation in the Digital Age

    Air-B-N-Me: Self Representation in the Digital Age

    Davin Heckman - 27.04.2018 - 14:41

  8. ELO 2018: Database Collaboration, Facial Recognition, and Third Generation Electronic Literature

    The annual conference and festival of the Electronic Literature Organization took place in 2018 at UQAM (Montreal, Canada) to present state-of-the-art research and creative projects as well as discuss future collaborations and strategies of the field. This blogpost outlines the elements of the conference that are relevant to Machine Vision, and show examples of works using machine vision from the exhibition and performances.  

    Hannah Ackermans - 02.10.2018 - 11:17

  9. Activist Media Poetics: Electronic Literature Against the Interfacefree

    For the last year or two I’ve been focusing most of my research and writing on the notion of ‘interface’ – a technology, whether book or screen, that is the intermediary layer between reader and writing. What I’ve found is that ‘interface’ gives us a wedge to approach the broad and complex question of how the reading and writing of poetry have changed in the digital age and how the digital age has in turn changed the way in which we understand what I call “bookbound” poetry. It seems to me that a discussion of digital poetry in terms of interface – a discussion whose methodology is driven by the field of Media Archaeology – could be a crucial intervention into both poetry/poetics and media studies in that it meshes these fields together to 1) make visible the Human-Computer interfaces we take for granted everyday; and 2) to frame certain works of electronic literature as instances of activist media poetics.

    Ana Castello - 02.10.2018 - 18:39

  10. La littérature numérique francophone : enjeux théoriques et pratiques pour l’identification d’un corpus

    La littérature numérique francophone : enjeux théoriques et pratiques pour l’identification d’un corpus

    Hannah Ackermans - 03.10.2018 - 10:41
