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  1. Contrapoemas & Anfipoemas

    Contrapoemas & Anfipoemas

    Luciana Gattass - 28.11.2012 - 13:19

  2. Notes on N. Katherine Hayles: Literature and the Literary: Why Electronic Literature is Key to Their Future

    Kate Hayles‘ keynote here at The Future of Electronic Literature (ELO2007)  discusses why literature departments and programs should and in fact need to incorporate electronic literature in their curriculum. Here are my notes from her talk.

    There are three ways of integrating e-lit in universities:
    1. A department of media arts – film people, computer people, literary people.
    2. An interdisciplinary program where students from different departments come together.
    3. Depts of English or other literatures that introduce electronic literature as a component of their faculty lines, curriculum etc. Such a dept is often hard to convince of the importance of e-lit in the general study of literature.

    The development of literary studies since mid-twentieth century has posed a number of challenges to literary scholars: cultural studies, ethnic studies, post-colonial studies, diaspora studies. Each of those has placed pressure on the dept and changed the kind of questions that literary studies must ask. E.g. what does it mean to write literature in English? (Rather than just in Britain or the US)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.01.2013 - 11:22

  3. E-Poetry 2007 Paris Cellfone Documentary Extravaganza (Grand Text Auto)

    A trip report from E-Poetry 2007, featuring short video clips of performances shot on a cell phone.

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 12:26

  4. Hvis Adam i stedet havde spist en løg

    Hvis Adam i stedet havde spist en løg

    Sissel Hegvik - 01.04.2013 - 21:29

  5. Electronic Literature Review ELR

    Electronic Literature Review ELR

    Patricia Tomaszek - 27.06.2013 - 23:58

  6. Hyperizons: Hypertext Fiction

    This is a collection that documents the "hypertext fiction activity" between 1995-1997.

    Among its features are:

    • Approximately 230 citations to electronic fiction, its print precursors, and criticism
    • Approximately 100 annotated citations for selected works
    • Individual bibliographies of selected authors
    • Announcements about the field and links to related sites of interest

    Source: Michael Shumate (resume)

    The page was last updated in 1997 and disappeared from the Web shorty after this record was created with a link to an active site in August 2013 (PT).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 30.08.2013 - 18:13

  7. Electronic Literature as Cultural Heritage (Confessions of an Incunk)

    This is the text of a talk given at the plenary panel at the Electronic Literature Showcase at the Library of Congress, curated by Kathi Inman Berens and Dene Grigar.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 22.10.2013 - 18:12

  8. Abstract Language #2: ottar ormstad’s bokstavteppekatalogen

    As part of my on-going “Abstract Language” column at Abstract Comics: The Blog, this month I discuss ottar ormstad’s 2007 op art visual poetry suite bokstavteppekatalogen.

    Source: author's blog

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.11.2013 - 13:54

  9. A Review of Twelve Blue

    A review of Michael Joyce's Twelve Blue contributed to the CultureNet's course-blog.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.02.2014 - 14:32

  10. Literatura digital. Cul de Sac

    ¿La literatura electrónica está en un callejón sin salida, en un cul du sac sin escapatoria?Para el gran público sólo existe la literatura digitalizada. Los e-books, los e-readers, la industria de la autopublicación, las tabletas, las bibliotecas digitales, las editoriales en red, etc. Para que pueda revivir y encontrar una plasmación real, viva, que importe al mundo, deben darse las siguientes condiciones: 1. Que el corpus de obras digitales (no digitalizadas) de calidad y populares aumente exponencialmente. 2. Que el texto, que las palabras, vuelvan a estar en el centro de la obra, algo que la anteriormente citada van Dijk menciona al hablar de las críticas que Simanowski hace al arte digital en cuanto que canibaliza el texto, que olvida lo realmente importante, la historia, para ocultarla con unos efectos especiales que a pocos interesan. 3. Que exista una crítica profesional severa sobre las obras digitales.

    Maya Zalbidea - 15.03.2014 - 20:20
