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  1. Continuous Paper

    Work in progress, presented at the History of Material Texts workshop at the University of Pennsylvania 23 February 2004 (references therefore are omitted).

    Montfort investigates into human-computer interaction before the screen and questions "how early print-based interfaces inform our understanding of print and paper metaphors in current computer interfaces."

    Patricia Tomaszek - 20.01.2012 - 23:59

  2. The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History

    The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.02.2012 - 14:08

  3. Literal Art

    John Cayley dadas up the digital, revealing similarities of type across two normally separate, unequal categories: image and text. "Neither lines nor pixels but letters," finally, unite.

    (Source: ebr First Person thread page)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 15.02.2012 - 13:15

  4. Creating Screen-Based Multiple State Environments: Investigating Systems of Confutation

    The intentions of this practice-led thesis are to investigate the interplay between Internet based digital narrative, image and interaction, and ultimately develop new practice, which primarily within the experiencing of the artwork articulates a new contribution to the field of study. The dual literature and contemporary practice reviews highlighted this as desired output. The predominant research in the field is not focused on the production of new projects but uses various forms of literary and critical theory to search out new interpretations and structural understanding of the artefacts in question. Similarly the reviews revealed a strong set of visual hegemonies - namely the ascent of neo-minimalism and a preoccupation with the replication of reality. My practice sits between these poles as being a hybrid of detailed line art, handcrafting and popular imagery, and as such, functions with uniqueness. The interstitial paradigm is used to support the practice, as parallels are drawn not only in the aesthetics of the work but also the politic of the communication.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 19.02.2012 - 19:37

  5. Further notes on codework

    Further notes on codework

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 19.02.2012 - 20:00

  6. Text-Spiele: Anmerkungen zur Netzliteratur

    Text-Spiele: Anmerkungen zur Netzliteratur

    Jörgen Schäfer - 05.03.2012 - 14:58

  7. Expanding the Concept of Writing: Notes on Net Art, Digital Narrative and Viral Ethics

    Expanding the Concept of Writing: Notes on Net Art, Digital Narrative and Viral Ethics

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.03.2012 - 11:55

  8. Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age

    Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 19.04.2012 - 02:58

  9. What Hypertext Is

    Over the past couple decades, as the term "hypertext" has gained a certain popular currency, a question has been raised repeatedly: "What is hypertext?" Our most respected scholars offer a range of different, at times incompatible, answers. This paper argues that our best response to this situation is to adopt the approach taken with other terms that are central to intellectual communities (such as "natural selection," "communism," and "psychoanalysis"), a historical approach. In the case of "hypertext" the term began with Theodor Holm ("Ted") Nelson, and in this paper two of his early publications of "hypertext" are used to determine its initial meaning: the 1965 "A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing, and the Indeterminate" and the 1970 "No More Teachers' Dirty Looks." It is concluded that hypertext began as a term for forms of hypermedia (human-authored media that "branch or perform on request") that operate textually. This runs counter to definitions of hypertext in the literary community that focus solely on the link. It also runs counter to definitions in the research community that privilege tools for knowledge work over media.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.05.2012 - 14:15

  10. Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia

    Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia

    Scott Rettberg - 25.05.2012 - 14:17
