Kathleen Blake

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Short biography: 

Her main area of teaching and scholarship is 19th C. British literature and culture. She recently completed a book ms., Victorian Literature, Bentham, and Political Economy, which places literature in relation to economic theories and actualities of a capitalist, industrial, imperial age. In addition to economic themes, themes of nature increasingly fascinate me. Romantic nature poets spoke out of the same culture that produced Victorian industry, commerce, and colonialism. The interests she pursues in studying the 19th C. period in Britain have also led her to some teaching of texts of our own time, and nation. She teaches postcolonial writers Narayan, Rushdie, and Naipaul. She also teaches a course on literature of nature treating 20th -21st C. writings on the American West. 


Source: University of Washington

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Kathleen Blake
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Ana Isabel Jimenez Sanchez