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Title Type Record Status Edit
J. R. Carpenter Person Approved record
From Oral Poetry to Tridimensional Poetry Critical Writing Not yet reviewed
Agata Chiusano Person Incomplete record (stub)
Digital Literary Text as a Play and a Ride Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Janez Strehovec Person Approved record
Digital Arts and Literature – Is it Just a Game? Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Alexandra Saemmer Person Approved record
WIKIARTPEDIA Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Multimodal Metaphor and Intersubjective Experiences: The Importance of Eye-Contact in Davidson’s Graphic Novel The Spiral Cage and in Annie Abrahams Net-Project On Collaboration Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Asunción López-Varela Azcárate Person Approved record
Derrick de Kerckhove Person Incomplete record (stub)
Tommaso Tozzi Person Incomplete record (stub)
What is "The Asian Tower"? Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Lorenza Colicigno Person Incomplete record (stub)
Collaborative Art Experiments on Facebook Critical Writing Incomplete record (stub)
Letizia Caiazzo Person Incomplete record (stub)
Raffaele Pinto Person Incomplete record (stub)
Officina di Letteratura Elettronica (OLE) Organizations Incomplete record (stub)
Officina di Letteratura Elettronica/Workshop of Electronic Literature Event Not yet reviewed
The New Media Reader Critical Writing Approved record
Noah Wardrip-Fruin Person Not yet reviewed
Diagrams Series 6: 6.4 and 6.10 Creative Work Approved record
Jim Rosenberg Person Incomplete record (stub)
Poetics Today Publisher Not yet reviewed
Electronic Literature as World Literature; or, The Universality of Writing under Constraint Critical Writing Approved record
Joseph Tabbi Person Approved record
Call for Submission of Artworks: Remediating the Social Story
The Company Therapist Creative Work Approved record
Olga Werby Person Incomplete record (stub)
Christopher Werby Person Incomplete record (stub)
