Media Art Net

Databases and Archives
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Media art—by definition multimedia, time-based or process-oriented—cannot be sufficiently mediated in book form. Mainstream art and cultural mediation, still being primarily print-based, do little justice to its specificity. On the other hand, Net-based media have not yet been able to establish platforms that reach more than the usual circle of insiders. Introducing the range of topics related to media and art, «Media Art Net» thus aims at establishing an Internet structure that offers highly qualified content by granting free access at the same time. Tendencies of art and media technology development throughout the twentieth century serve as the background for promoting historic and contemporary perspectives on artistic work in and with the media. A combination of diverse representational modes will offer a condensed, attractively presented multimedia focus for the interested 'surfer,' as well as profusely documented in depth information for users specifically involved in research. The main objective is, therefore, to establish theoretically and audio-visually convincing forms of relationships and references that cross the boundaries of genre. A consistently bilingual version (German/English) further transmits the international character of this undertaking.


«Media Art Net» foremost promotes topical cross references offering various access points:

specific: the classic index and search engine based on a complex structure of database links
the exploratory approach: via visual summaries
the artistic perspective: as it emerges in newly commissioned Net projects by Blank&Jeron, Ismael Celis, Daniela Alina Plewe and others
scientific-historic aspect: as formulated in topical essays by competent authors


An initial step is the exemplary survey of historic and current positions and contexts of media art. In a second phase, exploring eight thematic topics locates seminal interfaces between media and art. A network of curators presents a variety of approaches and contexts:

Aestethics of the Digital MECAD, Barcelona, Claudia Giannetti
Image-Sound-Relations HGB, Leipzig, Dieter Daniels
Cyborg Bodies HGKZ, Zürich, Yvonne Volkart
Generative Tools IMG, Mainz, Tjark Ihmels
Photo/Byte HGB Leipzig
Art and Cinematography HfBK, Dresden, Gregor Stemmrich
Mapping and Text ZKM, Karlsruhe, Rudolf Frieling
Public Sphere_s ZKM, Karlsruhe, Steve Dietz


«Media Art Net» cooperates with the educational portal-site «Bildungsportal Sachsen,» and the project «» which is financed by BMB+F. A student program was set up for a residency at ZKM in cooperation with MECAD, Barcelona, and the Centro Multimedia, Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City.


Contributors' notes: 

Concept: Dieter Daniels, Rudolf Frieling

Editorial team: Dieter Daniels, Rudolf Frieling, Heike Helfert (Inke Arns for «Survey of Media Art»)

Project management: Heike Helfert

Assistants: Urs Müller, Heike Pitschmann, Gunther Reisinger, Christiane Remm, Martina Sauerwald, Matthias Schreiber, Klaus Siegle, Nicole Sudhoff, Sybille Weber, Max Weise

Art Direction (until Feb. 2003): Schönerwissen (Marcus Hauer, Anne Pascual)

Programming GSS — Mario Röhrle —

System administration: Arne Gräßer, Jürgen Enge, Urs Müller, Mario Röhrle

Digitizing: Ismael Celis, Urs Müller, Matthias Schreiber, Max Weise, Christian Ziegler

Text authors: Marie-Luise Angerer, Inke Arns, Tilman Baumgärtel, Josephine Bosma, Eric de Bruyn, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, Robin Curtis, Dieter Daniels, Diedrich Diedrichsen, Steve Dietz, Söke Dinkla, Martin Dodge, Wolfgang Ernst, Golo Föllmer, Rudolf Frieling, Ursula Frohne, Julia Gerlach, Oliver Grau, Graham Harwood, Heike Helfert, Tom Holert, Susanne Holschbach, Anette Hüsch, Tjark Ihmels, Barbara John, Verena Kuni, Ulf Langheinrich (Granular Synthesis), Thomas Levin, Robert Lippok (to rococo rot), Stephane Marchand-Maillet, Ivone Margulies, John Miller, Margret Morse, Markus Popp (Oval), Ingeborg Reichle, Julia Riedel, Sigrid Schade, Jens Schröter, Jill Scott, Gregor Stemmrich, Stephen Vitiello, Yvonne Volkart, Frank Wagner, Matthias Weiß, Michael Wetzel

Translations: Uli Nickel, Nikolaus G. Schneider (German) Brian Currid, Gloria Custance, Rebecca van Dyck, Karl Edward Johnson, Jane McDonald, Tom Morrison, Michael Robinson, Jennifor Taylor-Gaida (English)

Thanks for their cooperation to: Sven Bauer, Blank&Jeron, Heike Borowski, Andrea Buddensieg, Ismael Celis, Günter Cepek, Peter Cornwell, Steve Dietz, Jürgen Enge, Monika Fleischmann, Claudia Gehrig, Claudia Giannetti, Alejandra Gilling, Anja Gossens, Arne Gräßer, Susanne Holschbach, Tjark Ihmels, Hartmut Jörg, Andreas Kühner, Andreja Kuluncic, Verena Kuni, Jens Lill, Iván Marino, Priamo Lozada, Anne Nigten, Winfried Pauleit, Christoph Pingel, Daniela Alina Plewe, Christiane Riedel, Julia Riedel, Sigrid Schade, Bernd Scherer, Steffen Schröder, Joachim Schütze, Volker Sommerfeld, Brett Stalbaum, Gregor Stemmrich, Sybille Weber, Peter Weibel, Christian Ziegler.

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Media Art Net (Website screen shot)
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Alvaro Seica