Critical Ecologies

Critical Writing
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Abstract (in English): 

The original editors of Critical Ecologies, Joseph Tabbi and Cary Wolfe, constructed this green and grey thread “to explore convergences among natural and constructed ecosystems, green politics and grey matter, silicon chips and sand.” Texts from this period include a 2004 Joseph McElroy Festschrift that hints at the literary implications of an ecological, medial turn in literary theory. The Critical Ecologies thread will continue these explorations under the editorship of Stacy Alaimo, who encourages inquiry and debate on new materialisms, animal studies, posthumanism, and science studies.

(Source: EBR)

Contents (Critical Writing):

Title Author
Words and Syllables Sven Philipp
Where do we find ourselves? A review of Herbrechter's "Critical Posthumanism" John Bruni
What Lies Beneath? Gene Kannenberg Jr
Vectoral Muscle in a Great Field of Process Yves Abrioux
Unworldly Reflections Stephen Dougherty
Things They Wrote With: The Material Making of Modern Fiction Joseph Conte
The World is Flat Amy Elias
The Question of the Animal Matthew Calarco
The Maypole is the Medium: A Review of The Networked Wilderness by Matt Cohen Madeleine Monson-Rosen
The Godfather Seen Through The Lens of Elite Criticism (and Vice Versa)Jp Joseph Urgo
The Emperor's New Clothes Diana Lobb
The Cybernetic Turn: Literary into Cultural Criticism Joseph Tabbi
Tales of Almost Linda Carroli
Systems Theory for Ecocriticism Stephen Dougherty
Sublime Latency and Viral Premediation Kim Knight
Strange Sympathies: Horizons of Media Theory in America and Germany John Durham Peters
Slow, Spare, and Painful Steffen Hantke
Roderick Coover, Larry McCaffery, Lance Newman and Hikmet Loe: A Dialogue about the Desert. Roderick Coover
Review of Stacy Alaimo's Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self John Bruni
Re-opening Hind's Kidnap Joseph Milazzo
Racial Remix Trey Strecker
Printed Privileges Carsten Schinko
Optical Media Archaeologies Anthony Enns
On Being Difficult Ken Hirschkop
Of the Cliché and the Everyday Christopher Leise
Notes from the Middleground: On Ben Marcus, Jonathan Franzen, and the Contemporary Fiction Combine Davis Schneiderman
Not Just a River Rob Swigart
New Media and Old: The Limits of Continuity Geniwate
Multimedia Textuality; or, an Oxymoron for the Present Katherine Acheson
Modernism Reevaluated Walton Muyumba
Mister Squishy, c'est moi: David Foster Wallace's Oblivion Kiki Benzon
Mindful of Multiplicity Linda Carroli
Metaphysics after the Western Wall Has Come Down Amy Elias
Metahistorical Romance Christopher Douglas
Merely Extraordinary Beings Elizabeth Jane Wall Hinds
Meditations on the Blip: a review Lisette Gonzales
Manuel DeLanda's Art of Assembly Aron Pease
Man Saved by Wolfe Neil Badmington
Language Liquor Scott Hermanson
Karl Steel’s How To Make A Human: Animals and Violence in the Middle Ages Nicole Shukin
Joseph McElroy's Cyborg Plus Salvatore Proietti
Introduction - Illuminated Criticism Andrew McMurray
Inside God's Toolbox Jon Adams
In Praise of "In Praise of Overreading" Clint Burnham
If It Could Be Wrapped Joseph McCleroy
How to Do Word with Things Stephen Dougherty
How to Avoid Being Paranoid Melissa Gregg
Hollywood Nomadology? Linda C Brigham
History as Accretion and Excavation Paul Gleason
Histories of the Present Darren Tofts

Critical writing published in this series:

Titlesort ascending Author Publisher Year
Where do we find ourselves? A review of Herbrechter's "Critical Posthumanism" John Bruni Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2015
Unworldly Reflections Stephen Dougherty Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2011
Things They Wrote With: The Material Making of Modern Fiction Joseph Conte Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2010
The Maypole is the Medium: A Review of The Networked Wilderness by Matt Cohen Madeleine Monson-Rosen Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2011
Systems Theory for Ecocriticism Stephen Dougherty Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
Sublime Latency and Viral Premediation Kim Knight Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2015
Strange Sympathies: Horizons of Media Theory in America and Germany John Durham Peters Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2009
Roderick Coover, Larry McCaffery, Lance Newman and Hikmet Loe: A Dialogue about the Desert. Roderick Coover Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2010
Review of Stacy Alaimo's Bodily Natures: Science, Environment, and the Material Self John Bruni Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2011
On Being Difficult Ken Hirschkop Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2007
Not Just a River Rob Swigart Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
Multimedia Textuality; or, an Oxymoron for the Present Katherine Acheson Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
Modernism Reevaluated Walton Muyumba Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
Man Saved by Wolfe Neil Badmington Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2010
Karl Steel’s How To Make A Human: Animals and Violence in the Middle Ages Nicole Shukin Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2014
Introduction - Illuminated Criticism Andrew McMurray Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
Inside God's Toolbox Jon Adams Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2008
In Praise of "In Praise of Overreading" Clint Burnham Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2011
How to Do Word with Things Stephen Dougherty Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2007
Gaia Matters Bruce Clarke Electronic Book Review (ebr) 2006
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Malene Fonnes