Pepitos: The Beak Saga

Creative Work
Record Status: 
Description (in English): 

Pepitos: The Beak Saga is an immersive storybook native to VR that delves into the timeless themes of love and friendship, with a unique twist. The story follows Pepitos who is confronted with a difficult decision when two strangers arrive on his planet to claim his magical beak for themselves. The core message emphasises the importance of collaboration and acceptance in a world where choices are shaped by personal life experiences. Innovative cinematography techniques and vibrant visual effects breathe life into the narrative, inviting viewers into a world of fantasy where every frame bursts with colour. This experience challenges how stories are delivered, aiming to seamlessly transition TV animation into the realm of virtual reality.

Screen shots: 
screenshot of work, showing a cast of colorful cartoon characters and animals

Venice Immersive 2023 - Pepitos: The Beak Saga

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Record posted by: 
Martijn Holtkamp