
Creative Work
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Description (in English): 

“Paddle” builds upon the previous poem but emphasizing the phonic dimension of language both with the words and the animation. This poem consists of five words, only four of which we can see. The initial word establishes the setting, the second word provides a visual stream of a letter that causes and forms a new onomatopoeic word, the third word transforms the word into something else entirely but its animation focuses the frame of reference. The final word is the payoff as Hennessy creates a disconnect between the spelled word and its animation. It is by reading it aloud that we realize that the animation is referencing a homophone— the fifth word in the sequence, which is both visible, invisible, and audible.

Truly “verbivocovisual.”

From I ♥ E-Poetry

I ♥ E-Poetry entry: 
Screen shots: 
Piddle, paddle and puddle shifiting
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Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg