Odyssée 3 min 50

Description (in English): 

The starting point of "Odyssey 3mn50" is a film crossing a bridge a period of 3mn50. From this starting point the cinematic space unfolds in its temporality, offers openings. This film delivers bifurcations: it opens paths towards a more profound secret, which is revealed to the viewer. (http://www.epoetry2007.net/)

Description (in French): 

Le point de départ "d'Odyssée, 3mn50" est un film d'une traversée d'un pont d'une durée de 3mn50. A partir de ce point de départ l'espace cinématographique se déploie dans sa temporalité, offre des ouvertures. Ce film délivre bifurcations: il ouvre des cheminements vers une structure plus profonde, secrète, qui se révèle au spectateur.

(Source: http://www.epoetry2007.net/)

Screen shots: 
Website with a flash player playing a video of an odyssey, with black text on a white background underneath
The permanent URL of this page: 
Record posted by: 
Marthin Frugaard