Jargon Reducer

Description (in English): 

"Jargon Reducer" is a software art project which manipulates text.

Artist Statement
"Jargon Reducer" is a software art project which manipulates text. It removes or reveals words which might be considered "jargon," specialized language that is not a part of the common vocabulary. The project comes with twelve significant texts ready for filtering demonstration and analysis; and invites the user to input text for jargon filtering.

With "Jargon Reducer" I am interested in the analysis of language; the systems which require us to be mindful of how we use language; what happens to our thinking when we become aware of how others use language and for what purposes; subverting these system; and ultimately having a laugh.

(Source: 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

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Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg