The ELO and Two E-Lit Exhibits
After introducing the Electronic Literature Organization and some ways to
characterize the concept of e-lit, I describe two small exhibits that
worked well by taking the opportunities offered by two different contexts:
Codings, an exhibit at the Pace Digital Gallery, Pace University, New
York. Curated by Nick Montfort. Featuring work by Giselle Beiguelman;
Commodore Business Machines, Inc.; Adam Parrish; Jörg Piringer; Casey
Reas; and Páll Thayer. Gallery directors, Frank Marchese and Jillian
Mcdonald. February 28 - March 30, 2012.
Games by the Book, an exhibit at the Hayden Library, MIT, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. Curated by Clara Fernández-Vara and Nick Montfort.
Featuring work by Douglas Adams, Steven Meretzky, and the BBC; Charlie
Hoey and Pete Smith; Jon Thackray and Jonathan Partington; and the
Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab. September 7 - October 8, 2012.