Laura Zaylea

United States
Georgia US
United States
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Short biography: 

Laura Zaylea is an experimental filmmaker and media artist. Her independent feature film Hold The Sun (Co-Directed with David Yun) was recently awarded Best Avant-garde Film at the 2010 Amsterdam Film Festival, and her screenplay Closer Than Rust recently won the 2011 Atlanta International Film Festival Screenplay Competition. Zaylea’s short experimental films have screened at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Pacific Film Archives, PS1 and the Notthatbalai Ar Festival. She was awarded an independent distribution grant from the Open Meadows Foundation to send her queer-themed video works, Lydia Li (2003-2006) and Camouflage Pink (2002), to queer- and diversity-focused youth groups around the US. Zaylea also works in media installation. She is currently working as a Film Lecturer at Georgia State University and is converting her screenplay into an interactive, hybrid-media novel. 

(Source: The ELO 2012 Media Art Show.)

Full Name: 
Laura Zaylea
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Record posted by: 
Eric Dean Rasmussen