Tonnus Oosterhoff
Oosterhoff was born in Leiden, and is poet, novelist and essay-writer. He works in a small village in the empty countryside of Groningen, Netherlands. He received the Buddingh-price for his printdebut in 1990, and the Multatuliprice for his novel The Thick Heart. For his poetry-collection (Robuuste tongwerken,) een stralend plenum he recieved the Jan Campertprijs. In 2002 his first CD-rom appeared, accompanying a print colection of poetry, for which he received the prestigious VSB-price. He has continued to publish print poetry with CD ROMs (Hersenmutor, for example), and adding new works to his website, which always features a few of his digital works. These are always text-based Flash-poems, sometimes accompanied by little drawings by the author.