The LA Flood Project

Description (in English): 

The LA Flood Project is a [work in progress] locative media experience made up of three segments:

  1. Oral histories of crises in Los Angeles
  2. A locative narrative about a fictional flood
  3. A flood simulation

(Source: Project site)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry: 
Contributors note: 

LA Inundacion

Creative Director: * Mark C. Marino

Creators: * Jeremy Douglass * Juan B. Gutierrez * Jeremy Hight * Mark C. Marino * Lisa Anne Tao

Authors: Jeremy Douglass, Jeremy Hight, Juan B Gutierrez with writing from LA Inundacion, including, Abel Salas, Nzingha Clarke, Lisa Anne Tao, Sean Henry, Roberto Leni, Daniel Olivas, Laura Press, Ann Gustafson, Kevin Schaaf, and Ne TAylor

Voices: * Percival Arcibal (Sonny Barstow) * Matisha Baldwin (Leticia West) * Jim Holmes (Narrator, Austin Grant, Prof. Sid) * James Hurd (Rev. Les. R. Fretten, Travis Barabbas Kingsilver) * Roberto Leni (Manny Velasco) * Michelle Ortiz (Elizabeta)

Teaching Resource that references this work:

Resource Author Teaching Resource Type Year
Digital Storytelling (DTC 354) Dene Grigar Syllabus 2011
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Record posted by: 
Scott Rettberg