Creative Works

3957 records
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Format: 2024
Title Author Year Updatedsort descending Tags
The Last Song of Violeta Parra Charles Deemer, Andres Espejo 1996 01.07.2015 hypertext, drama, performance, play, comedy of manners
Folgen Michelle Teran 2011 01.07.2015 narrative, site specific, locative, Berlin, urban, geolocative, social media, YouTube
Reabracadabra Eduardo Kac 1985 01.07.2015 early Brazilian electronic poetry, Eduardo Kac, epoetry
Skriv rätt Karl-Erik Tallmo 1992 01.07.2015 dictionary, hypercard
Strange Possessions Todd Sanders 2002 01.07.2015 elements, HTML, hypertext, image and text
Heartbeat Dora García 1999 01.07.2015 hypermedia, hypertext fiction, interactive
The Basho's Expansion Paul-Eerik Rummo 2000 01.07.2015
Icône Philippe Bootz 1990 01.07.2015 algorithmic text generation
Writing To Be Found In Common Tongues John Cayley, Common Tongues 2013 01.07.2015
Poesia Ú~ Dia Inú~ Bruno Ministro 2013 01.07.2015 everyday poetry, useful poetry, hour
Book of Waste Andy Campbell 2003 01.07.2015 short fiction, dark, video, audio, multilinearity
Protect the Poet Alan Bigelow 2015 01.07.2015 ars poetica, state of the nation, web narrative, text, image, controller, politics, poetry, war, welfare, invasion
OCO Eduardo Kac 1985 01.07.2015 lettrist, spatial, holopoem
exquisite_code Brendan Howell 2009 01.07.2015 collaboration, constraints, algorithm, codework, algorithmic, performance
Series 1: the alphabetic María Mencía 2011 01.07.2015 alphabetic, letters, reading patterns, generative, generated audio
Mar de Sophia Rui Torres 2004 01.07.2015 collaboration, aleatory, animated text, appropriated texts, code, cybertext, digital poetry, e-poetry, Flash, generative poetry, interactive poetry, intermediality, intertextuality, kinetic poetry, new media poetry, poetry generator, sound
Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls J. R. Carpenter 1996 01.07.2015 hypertext, hypertext fiction, hypertext narrative, narrative, intertextuality, internet art, mapping, gender, early web, feminism
Every Word I Saved (Book) Cristobal Mendoza 2007 01.07.2015 software-generated text, web harvested work, database, e-lit print
Pushkin Translation Megan Sapnar 2000 01.07.2015 translation, collaboration, multilingual, Flash, poetry, love letter, Russian
Nomad Lingo David Jhave Johnston 2000 01.07.2015 language – sound - picture relationship, experience, Flash, audio, responsive
Inside Blackwell Mansion Claudia Yi Leon 1999 01.07.2015 3D, spatial narrative, Quicktime VR, haunted house, voice, narrative
Sinking Ingrid Ankerson 2000 01.07.2015 Flash, scheduled, audio, swimming
Gólem Péter Farkas 1997 01.07.2015 hyperfiction, hypertext, autobiography, diary, fragmented writing
Cannibal Dreams Lacy Cunningham, Justin Talbott 2010 01.07.2015 HTML, CSS, javascript, hypertext, static, responsive
Englen Michael Valeur 1999 01.07.2015 interactive comic, narrative, CD-ROM
aktra Álvaro Seiça 2014 01.07.2015 poem-play, nomination, theatre, rehearsal, writer, poet
Stagno Alexandra Saemmer 2011 01.07.2015 animation, interactive, re-enchantment
make-shift Paula Crutchlow, Helen Varley Jamieson 2010 01.07.2015 cyberformance, networked performance, improvisation, online performance space, connectivities, consequences, translation, process, chat, webcam, community, online stage
Recaos Eduardo Kac 1986 01.07.2015 early Brazilian electronic poetry, animated text, Eduardo Kac, electronic poetry
CARNIVAL Steve McCaffery 1967 01.07.2015 typewriter, concrete poetry, sound poetry
Four Guillemets Loss Pequeño Glazier 2013 01.07.2015
Digitalvitalism Michael J. Maguire 2014 01.07.2015
Tesão Eduardo Kac 1986 01.07.2015 animation, minitel, digital graffiti
We Feel Fine: An Almanac of Human Emotion Sep Kamvar, Jonathan Harris 2009 01.07.2015 networked, language-driven digital art, big data, statistical computation, web harvested literature, found text, infographics, data visualization
Memoirs from Hijiyama Jonathan Yuen 2002 01.07.2015 nuclear bomb, Hiroshima, human suffering, grave, memorial, javascript, HTML, hypertext, poetry, visual poetry, prose poem
Voice Mosaic Martha Carrer Cruz Gabriel 2004 01.07.2015 media art, voice, speech, participatory, interface
v i r a l p o e t i c s Mary Flanagan 1999 01.07.2015 virus, poetics. collage, repurposing content, audio, video, database
Death Valley June Hayes 2000 01.07.2015 Flash, scheduled, audio, responsive
The Sonatas of Saint Francis Michael Joyce, Carolyn Guyer, Matthew Hanlon, Andrea Morris 1999 01.07.2015
Mummypoem (Sympathies Of War - A Postscript) Tom Konyves 1978 01.07.2015 video, digital poem, pioneering
Poemfields 1-8 Stan VanDerBeek 1966 01.07.2015 cinepoetry, poetry, film, cinema, algorithmic, computational
BEAST Jacques Servin 1997 01.07.2015 hypertext, hypermedia, semiotics, image and text, pop-ups, commodification, Java
Baila Loss Pequeño Glazier 2006 01.07.2015 digital poetry, dance, randomness
Candles for a Street Corner Robert Kendall, Michele D'Auria 2004 01.07.2015 Flash, collaboration, epoetry, electronic poetry, audio, city, melancholy, double entendre, sex
Le Noeud Jean-François Verreault 1998 01.07.2015 hypertext, fiction, hypertext fiction
The Click Poems David Knoebel 1997 01.07.2015 HTML, aural, static, haiku, e-poetry
Firefall John Jesurun 2006 01.07.2015
Huis Clos / No Exit Annie Abrahams 2012 01.07.2015 performance, communication, cross-cultural communication, mediation
Deus Eduardo Kac 1986 01.07.2015 early Brazilian electronic poetry, God, Eduardo Kac, electronic poetry
Empty Thoughts for Real Life Jody Zellen 2007 01.07.2015 language, Flash, responsive
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