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  1. Five Days

    This film was created in a very short amount of time during an experimental course in Bergen, Norway.

    The assignment consisted of everyone receiving a fictional character who had recently experienced a "strange event" and was sent to Bergen to try and figure out what the root cause was. Each student was put into a group of about four, and it was up to the team to figure out a way to tell a narrative, while still weaving together some very random stories, events, and details. Our group decided on showing our narrative via a film. There are perhaps some gaps in the narrative logic, but perhaps a little character info can help fill those.

    Jackson Sullivan: woke up on day on an island in his hometown with strange ruins tattooed onto his arm. He heads to Bergen to decipher them.

    David Butler: an older gentlemen possessing the diary of his explorer grandfather. Inside is information regarding Norse ruins...

    Aurora Berg: a British spy is doing her best to warn the world of potential harm.

    Liam Omar: a scuba diver who notices the strange rise in water levels in the Bergen area. What can it mean?

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 01:23

  2. Two Headlines

    Two Headlines is a Twitter bot that attempts to automate a kind of lazy Twitter joke where a human confuses the subjects of two news items that everyone is talking about on Twitter. An unintended consequence of its particular algorithm is that the bot that also writes near-future late-capitalist dystopian microfiction, in a world where there is no discernible difference between corporations, nations, sports teams, brands, and celebrities. (Source: Authors statement from the elc3)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.10.2014 - 09:12

  3. Everything Is Going To Be OK :)

    Teenage heartache has become a public commodity. On social media, young people now broadcast the most intimate moments of their lives to a global audience. Context collapse has replaced the small, specific audiences we once opened our hearts to with a vast, undifferentiated swarm of humanity. Falling in and out of love, breaking up and reconciling, seeking solace or revenge – all are enacted in the midst of the data stream. Everything Is Going To Be OK :) explores this new, performative model for love and loss that is emerging in networked environments. Deploying what might be described as a “poetics of search”, the artwork sources relevant tweets from Twitter in real-time, performs string manipulation and anonymizes them, then assembles the fragments into a three-act dialogue that is projected onto the installation space. What results is an emergent narrative that reflects the new modes of online interaction unique to millennials – but also the timeless tropes, customs, dreams and anxieties experienced by every generation.

    Marius Ulvund - 29.01.2015 - 15:43

  4. Seven Stories About Drones

    Seven Stories About Drones

    Ana Castello - 28.10.2018 - 17:27

  5. @NSA_PRISMbot


    Ana Castello - 28.10.2018 - 18:15