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  1. Sign After the X

    Sign After the X

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.10.2011 - 09:46

  2. Galactic Tides by Night

    Scheduled work made in Flash, presented to match the beat of the jazz music playing.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 11.10.2011 - 13:18

  3. How Am I Not Myself

    With Jason Huff's "How Am I Not Myself?" we have a play on biography and the refraction of the self as replicated within a Wikipedia entry by workers from Amazon's Mechanical Turk. As Huff tells us, this piece "aggregates information about all the Jason Huffs on the Internet [and] acts as an open-source platform for identity remix." That is, as long as Wikipedia doesn't find out about it.

    (Source: Alan Bigelow in The New River)

    Note: this page was deleted from Wikipedia.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 14:20

  4. Résumé I?

    A 2007 Rhizome commision.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 12.10.2011 - 22:23

  5. Literature and Media: Electronic Literature (EN1126, Fall 2010)

    Literature and Media: Electronic Literature (EN1126, Fall 2010)

    Talan Memmott - 14.10.2011 - 18:02

  6. Rhetoric and New Media (EN1306, Spring 2010)

    Rhetoric and New Media (EN1306, Spring 2010)

    Talan Memmott - 14.10.2011 - 18:23

  7. Muds


    Marthin Frugaard - 18.10.2011 - 13:48

  8. To Be or Not To Be Mouchette

    Me, Mouchette, the online virtual character, I have an unusual status of existence. Regarding the art of my website ( I am the author and the creation at the same time, and yet through my remote internet life I remain invisible, anonymous, genderless, untouchable, neither alive or dead. Therefore participants of my interactive website confide in me in the most intimate way, as if were an imaginary being, living in their own head. Inside their own thoughts, no subject is taboo, fear, pain, life and death or even the temptation of suicide, and with me people feel free to talk about everything. With the reactions of the participants to my website I have composed animation films displaying many of the texts I received, spoken out by pixellated characters who tell their most private thoughts about their experience of surviving suicide, their own or someone else’s. My personality embraces all of my participant’s minds and together we form a collective consciousness pondering over questions of life and death in the digital era.

    David Prater - 24.10.2011 - 10:40

  9. Droites et Courbes / Lines and Curves

    Lines and Curves

    Lines and Curves is a collection of electronic poems for PC andApple Macintosh available on Internet. I needed a player everybody has on his computer which could be downloaded easily, even with a slow connection. These conditions once performed, my purpose was to focus on one of electronic poetry Fundamentals : moving shapes generated by algorithms. The items which appear upon the screen will be different for each computer. Letters are made of lines, thick or thin, up or down strokes, round or straight, vertical, or horizontal. Words are made of letters, and sentences are made of words. Lines and curves are the basic units of all writing and printing. The most elementary written (or printed) poetry is the combination of lines and curves. « A » is line-line-line « B » line-line-curve-line-curve-line. Only the « O « is a single closed curve, a circle impossible to write perfectly but by Raphaël. This reminds me that writing is drawing. Young children know this very well. Lines and Curves is drawn poetry; not drawn by me or somebody else, but by a device.

    Patrick Burgaud - 31.10.2011 - 14:29

  10. Look, here she lies (Kijk, hier ligt ze)

    Interactieve tekst met liggende letters over een zij die ligt en wordt opgetild door een jij die haar wegdraagt en ergens anders neerlegt waarop zij opstaat, terugloopt en weer gaat liggen enz. 
    De woorden worden alleen leesbaar als een speciaal cursorhandje de letters overeind duwt, op die manier krijgt de lezer/kijker een zelfde soort rol als de jij uit de tekst.

    David Prater - 09.11.2011 - 14:03
