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  1. Ink After Print

    Ink After Print is a digital literary installation exhibited in public settings such as libraries. The installation allows readers-users to perform, reenact and rewrite recombinant poems written by Peter-Clement Woetmann "and you" (user-reader). AS -- Ink After Print is an interactive, participatory, digital literary installation made in a collaboration between PIT-researchers, CAVI/Tekne Productions and Roskilde Libraries initiated during the Literature Takes Place (Litteraturen Finder Sted) project and first exhibited in 2012. Ink is designed to make people affectively engage with, and reflect on, the ergodic qualities of digital literature in public settings such as libraries and events. Through their engagement with Ink, people can – individually or collaboratively – produce poems by interacting with three books embedded with a custom-made sensor system, the DUL Radio. The interactive books let people control a floating sentence in an ocean of words toward a sheet of paper to produce a poem, all visualized on a large display. The sentences, written by Danish author Peter-Clement Woetmann, are retrieved from a database.

    Alvaro Seica - 04.12.2014 - 12:19

  2. View from Within

    View from Within is an experiment in storytelling using an infinite canvas framework. The project was inspired by Scott McCloud’s vision for the future of webcomics as an infinite canvas, with the browser as a portal to an experience unbounded by the traditional borders of the printed page. The work is constructed from layers of hundreds of hand-drawn illustrations all viewed as if at one scale, and thus incapable of forming a coherent scaling scene without a zooming digital framework. When used continuously in this manner, the infinite canvas does not resemble the panel-based methods of sequential art: the space in-between, along, and outside the path are as or more essential than the linear chain of nodes. This iteration is built in Unity as a 2D canvas designed for viewing through a prototype augmented reality headset, the Seebright. The Seebright uses a set of mirrors and optics to overlay a stereographic view of a smartphone screen in front of the viewer. By eliminating the physical screen, we can explore the idea of the infinite canvas as a virtual construction, fully removed from the metaphor of page and portal. (Source: ELO 2014 Conference)

    Marius Ulvund - 29.01.2015 - 14:51

  3. Quantum Collocation: Experimental Poems for Mobile Digital Devices

    Quantum Collocation is a work of experimental writing designed as an application for mobile digital devices. An interactive erasure of an excerpted page from a foundational essay by preeminent physicist Niels Bohr, Quantum Collocation applies the laws of quantum mechanics to the user’s experience of the work, allowing her to uncover a range of unique poetic possibilities within Bohr’s original text through her positioning and repositioning of the mobile device in space. The work embodies Bohr’s notion of “complementarity,” in which the way an experimental apparatus designed to measure a particle’s properties is configured is crucial to determining precisely which of those particle’s characteristics become determinate at the moment of observation. In Quantum Collocation, Bohr’s words are the particles under observation, and the mobile device is the experimental apparatus through which those observations are made possible; each of the device’s unique positions in space uncover a unique poetic possibility within Bohr’s original writing.

    Magnus Lindstrøm - 29.01.2015 - 14:54

  4. Abra

    Abra is an exploration and celebration of the potentials of the book in the 21st century. A collaboration between Amaranth Borsuk, Kate Durbin, Ian Hatcher, and a potentially infinite number of readers, the project merges physical and digital media, integrating a hand-made artist's book with an iPad app to play with the notion of the “illuminated” manuscript and let readers "hold the light" of language. In the artist’s book, the poems grow and mutate as the reader turns the pages, blurring the boundary between text and illumination, marginalia and body. Animating across the surface, the poems coalesce and disperse in an ecstatic helix of words, taking turns "illuminating" one another's margins and interstices.They play with the mutation of language, both by forming new portmanteaus and conjoined phrases, and also through references to fecundity as it manifests in the natural world, the body, human history, popular culture, decorative arts, and architecture, placing the shifting evolution and continuous overlap of all these spheres in dialogue with the ever-changing technology of the book.

    Thor Baukhol Madsen - 29.01.2015 - 15:06

  5. Everything Is Going To Be OK :)

    Teenage heartache has become a public commodity. On social media, young people now broadcast the most intimate moments of their lives to a global audience. Context collapse has replaced the small, specific audiences we once opened our hearts to with a vast, undifferentiated swarm of humanity. Falling in and out of love, breaking up and reconciling, seeking solace or revenge – all are enacted in the midst of the data stream. Everything Is Going To Be OK :) explores this new, performative model for love and loss that is emerging in networked environments. Deploying what might be described as a “poetics of search”, the artwork sources relevant tweets from Twitter in real-time, performs string manipulation and anonymizes them, then assembles the fragments into a three-act dialogue that is projected onto the installation space. What results is an emergent narrative that reflects the new modes of online interaction unique to millennials – but also the timeless tropes, customs, dreams and anxieties experienced by every generation.

    Marius Ulvund - 29.01.2015 - 15:43

  6. And the Robot Horse You Rode In On

    The post-apocalypse is a uniquely queer setting: a future where the institutions that keep queer banditas from screaming across the desert with their rayguns drawn and robot horses vibrating between their legs are ash and dust. And the Robot Horse You Rode In On is a breakup story set in the Old West of the Far Future.

    (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Thor Baukhol Madsen - 29.01.2015 - 15:48

  7. AdLiPo

    AdLiPo is a browser plugin that replaces advertisements with generated language art. Leveraging the ad-detection techniques of popular ad-blockers, AdLiPo not only blocks ads, but replaces them with calls to a JavaScript language library (the RiTa library, in this case), filling the advertising regions of pages with static or kinetic text created for the specific context (the containing page, advertising-content, and dimensions of the ad-frame). (Source:

    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 14:52

  8. #4artforfreedom

    In “#4artforfreedom” I sustain a mode of writing I began in 2007: exploring possibilities in creating anagrammatic digital poetry in multimedia contexts—now with the added feature of enabling multiple sonic possibilities. Works like this represent my own way of seeing language and imagery (in poetic texts) as a sustainable, or at least self-sustaining, self-supported form. For “Art for Freedom” I was thinking about gender equity, and the need—from Confucius, who I revise, onward—to demand parity. My presentation reflects and oscillates between the physical strength of everyone, visualizing a sensibility that bestows power to all. I render a plain yet artful visual aesthetic in order to support an unconventional and inventive constraint-based verse.

    (Source: ELO 2014 Conference)

    Marius Ulvund - 05.02.2015 - 14:54

  9. The Obsolete Book in a Post-Obsolete World as Represented by a Post-Obsolete Book About Dance

    The Obsolete Book in a Post-Obsolete World as Represented by a Post-Obsolete Book About Dance is a multimedia archival rhizome ecology in ten parts, and a reflection on the obsolescence of obsolescence, documented on the cloud, and open-sourced as a defense against post-post-obsolescence. It is a performable website, a pseudo-academic lecture, and a dance about architecture, in the spirit of Michelle Ellsworth. It exists as a website, and/or an installation, and/or a 10-minute performance. The book is dead. Long live the book. (Source: ELO Conference website)

    Elias Mikkelsen - 05.02.2015 - 15:09

  10. Give Me Your Light

    One day in 2008 in Malaysia, by chance, I videotaped two starkly ordinary events: a dying kitten and a chained monkey. Give me Your Light explores the archetypal capacity of these creatures. The archetypes are death and enslavement. The dying abandoned kitten in a parking lot stands-in for the fatally ill, homeless runaways and abandoned children. The chained monkey suggests slaves, prisoners, abductees, captives, convicts, detainees and internees. Give me Your Light is about the limits of empathy and ubiquitous complicity. The display of Give me Your Light is not a linear video, it is a set of video-clips, sounds, music and words reassembled every two minutes into a new sequence by an algorithm. Events repeat but never in the same order. Clips appear in both monochrome and colour, with music and without, with sound and silent. Contextual structure and affective content collide. (Source:

    Daniela Ørvik - 05.02.2015 - 15:13
