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  1. Kuryokhin: Second Life

    Kuryokhin: Second Life is a (meta)simulator of Sergey Kuryokhin’s afterlife, an IF loosely based on the bio of the avantgarde composer and the legendary leader of Leningrad’s cultural life in the 1980s and early 1990s. (Meta)simulator allows you to earn scores in health, knowledge and madness, while giving you opportunities to rethink the paths of the post-Soviet culture and politics. At a certain point one discovers that the unfolding story is just an attempt of media-archaeologists from the far future to reconstruct the lost simulator of Kuryokhin (therefrom the concept of metasimulation). (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 11:48

  2. Machines of Disquiet

    Machines of Disquiet (iPad App) has been developed in the context of an ongoing research project at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and its goal is to create a Digital Archive of the Book of Disquiet [Livro do Desassossego – LdoD], an unfinished work written by Fernando Pessoa between 1913 and 1935. Machines of Disquiet is the name chosen for a number of experimental applications for mobile devices (iOS and Android) that aim to provide reading and aesthetical experiences based on the text of the Book of Disquiet. Every application is an attempt to find a new setting for experiencing the LdoD as sensitive matter (i.e. matter experienced in different modalities – text, drawing, sound, image, motion) and explores the expressive potential of these types of devices, particularly in terms of interface (e.g. multi-touch interactions and motion sensors). (Source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:15

  3. Przemówienia / Speeches

    This generator, dedicated to politicians, is good proof that Pampuch succeeded especially well in the tricky art of imitating the kind of political discourse which in Polish is called “grass-talk” or “empty talk”. The algorithm perfectly fulfills its stylistic constraints—generating a text that does not have to carry any concrete content or message.

    (source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:21

  4. Poeta /Poet

    Textual generator written in Perl, which generates poems using a context-free

    (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:38

  5. Fifth Demo

    The old-school demo based on scroll-text, which moves up and down the screen. Fifth Demo is a kind of short story about the author’s imaginary struggles with the computer and his attempts to rein it in, as illustrated by the strange behavior of the scroll, allegedly caused by the computer. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:43

  6. Cierniste diody / Thorny diods

    This is a digital embezzlement of Bruno Schulz’s short story “Sierpień” (“August”). Some of the nouns have been cut out of Schulz’s text and randomly replaced with words taken from the book Polski Fiat 125p. Budowa. Eksploatacja. Naprawa (“Polish Fiat 125p: Construction, Use, Repair”). (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:47

  7. The Archetypture of Magical Reality

    It is a creative book app composed of words, images, and animations that—in addition to some ambitious poetic prose—offer a great reading adventure that can be controlled by the “rolling of the dice”. (source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

    Hannah Ackermans - 12.09.2015 - 12:51
