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  1. Je t'aimerai

    Je t'aimerai

    Scott Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 14:55

  2. I mellom tiden

    I mellom tiden er et hypertekstuelt nettkunstverk bestående at statiske og dynamiske elementer, lyd, skrift, bilde, video og grafikk. Verket er sentrert rundt fire temaer; venner, alene, familie og elskere. Ved å traversere verket får leseren mulighet til å oppleve ulike hverdagslige aspekter i livet, på tvers av de fire temaene. Gjennom sampling og et samspill mellom temaer, stemninger, modaliteter, sjangrer og ulik grad av brukerstyring framstiller I mellom tiden en mangefasettert og kompleks estetikk, der ulike livsverdener interagerer med hverandre, der det virkelige møter det kunstige, det private møter det offentlige, og der det åpne møter det dunkle. [verkbeskrivelse av Hans-Kristian Rustad / ELINOR]

    Scott Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 16:10


    Heldén's usual sophisticated visual language has here been cast aside in preference for a strictly simple HTML construction where texts, photographs and the urging to keep moving forwards drive the reading of this short work (next, next...). The work shows how digital techniques can allow for relatively simple arrangements of text and images that still belong in a digital environment.

    (Source: Maria Engberg, for ELINOR)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:16

  4. Enter the Plains

    Heldén utforskar kartans möjligheter för litterär navigering med ett verk som kopplar texter till platser på den flygbildsliknande kartbild läsaren måste navigera. Genom att klicka på ’hotspots’ i bilden frammanas en text till vänster. Geografi och en känsla av platsen genomsyrar texterna som bygger upp en klaustrofobisk text där de öppna vidderna blir ett hot. De neutrala kartkoordinater och tidsangivelser som man normalt navigerar efter ställs jämte högst personliga berättelser, kanske handlar det om soldatens upplevelser av krig. Berättelserna är fragmentariska och låter oss bara ana vad som händer, vem som berättar.

    [Maria Engberg, ELINOR.]

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 21:23

  5. Surrender Control

    The reader of this piece received SMSes over the course of 72 hours with instructions to do many strange things, thereby spreading the narrative into her or his physical surroundings. Invitations to sign up were both advertised on the web and distributed on unsigned fliers in London, thus combining physical and networked spaces. Here are some examples of messages sent, with the date and time they were sent out: 28. Write the word SORRY on your hand and leave it there until it fades. (21/11/01, 00:01) 29. Look at the stars. (21/11/01, 00:59) 30. Think about an ex-lover, naked and tied to a bed. (21/11/01, 10:00) 31. Call someone. Tell a lie. (21/11/01, 13:15) 32. Call them back. Admit that you lied but do not tell the truth about why. (21/11/01, 13:30) Surrender Control is not a narrative in the formal sense, but it may enact a narrative with the recipient of the text messages.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:00

  6. Kind of Blue

    An email novel that forms a sequel to Rob Wittig's Blue Company, originally sent out in emails to a small group of readers over the course of the summer of 2002, and later published on the web as an archive of emails in August 2003 by frAme Journal of Culture and Technology.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:03

  7. SKIN: A Mortal Work of Art

    A short story where each word was tattooed on the skin of a volunteer. These volunteers were the only people who saw the full text of the story. The website documents the work using photographs of tattooed words, a map showing where the words "live", and describing the concept: 'From this time on, participants will be known as "words". They are not understood as carriers or agents of the words they bear, but as their embodiments. As a result, injuries to the printed text, such as dermabrasion, laser surgery, tattoo cover work or the loss of body parts, will not be considered to alter the work. Only the death of words effaces them from the text. As words die the story will change; when the last word dies the story will also have died. The author will make every effort to attend the funerals of her words.'

    (Source for quoted text: Author's Project Announcement)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:07

  8. Truisms

    Holzer began her career as a text artist in the late seventies by writing out phrases–truisms–on stickers and posting them around Manhattan. Later her truisms and subsequent writings have been displayed on tickers on Times Square, they’ve been carved in granite and published in books and posted on the web. Holzer’s works sometimes present micronarratives, but open, viral distribution by the general public has not been a focus in her work. Instead, she herself has planned each new spot her words are displayed.

    The project is ongoing.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:11

  9. She's a Flight Risk...

    A presumably fictional blog about a wealthy heiress who flees her family for not entirely clear reasons, possibly to do with a forced marriage. The blog begins, "On March 2, 2003 at 4:12 pm, I disappeared. My name is isabella v., but it's not. I'm twentysomething and I am an international fugitive."

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:21

  10. Kaycee Nicole

    This was a very popular blog from 1999-2001 about teenaged Kaycee Nicole's struggle with cancer. The blog was presented as real, and Kaycee Nicole eventually "died", as told by another fictional character blogging as her mother. The hoax, once discovered, caused many loyal fans and friends great distress.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:32
