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  1. Public Override Void

    A vault installation featuring Jim Carpenter's Electronic Text Composition (ETC).

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 14:04

  2. MACHINE reading series

    In a series of events between 2004-2007, MACHINE showcased the literary uses of the computer. Poets, fiction writers, and others have been combining the networked and computational capabilities of digital machines with the workings of literature to produce new sorts of writing that exists online and on-screen: writing that plays on the context of the Internet, requires interaction and input from the reader, and brings many different media together in new ways. MACHINE, was a series co-sponsored by the Electronic Literature Organization in which writers of electronic literature came to the Kelly Writers House to read from and demonstrate their work, and to discuss the literary uses of the computer with area writers and members of the Penn community.

    Members of the MACHINE Team: Charles Bernstein, Jim Carpenter, Cecilia Corrigan, Steve McLaughlin, Nick Montfort, and Catherine Turcich-Kealey.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 14:46

  3. New Directions in Digital Poetry Launch Party

    A celebration of Chris Funkhouser's New Directions in Digital Poetry, featuring presentations by Francisco J. Ricardo, editor of the Continuum book series, "International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics," in which Funkhouser's book appeared, and other e-lit figures including John Cayley, Angela Ferraiolo, Mary Flanagan, Alan Sondheim, Stephanie Strickland, and others.

    Sound recordings are available from PennSound:

    Patricia Tomaszek - 05.02.2012 - 12:43

  4. Digitale Kunst in der Bibliothek - Digital Art in the Library

    Das Ende des Gutenbergzeitalters ist längst ausgerufen und Medienhistoriker konstatieren eine Entwicklung von Medien des Sinns (Schrift, Buch) zu Medien der Sinne (Fotografie, Film). Der Computer erschien in seiner textbasierten Anfangszeit als Revanche des Wortes am Fernsehen. Inzwischen gibt es Fernsehen auch im Internet. Schlechte Zeiten für den Text? Die neuen Medien führen auch zu neuen Formen der Textnutzung: interaktiv, effektvoll, dekorativ, oft eher darauf aus, mit dem Text zu spielen als ihn zu lesen. Die Ausstellungsreihe "Digitale Kunst in der Bibliothek" zeigt einige davon, beginnend mit "Overboard", einem Beispiel für animierte konkrete Poesie.

    Mittwoch 28. März um 18:15 Uhr 
    im Katalogsaal der UB: Ausstellungseröffnung "Overboard" von John Cayley und Buchvernissage: "Textmaschinen - Kinetische Poesie - Interaktive Installation" von Prof. Dr. Roberto Simanowski. Anschliessend Apéro.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 24.03.2012 - 14:28

  5. PW12 Performance Writing Weekend

    The weekend comprises performances, readings, a workshop on Writing & Mapping, ‘events on the plinth', an exhibition and discussions about multi- and inter-medial writing. We will be considering how, as the printed book comes under threat, new writing will be made, displayed and talked about. See attached PDF full details.


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.05.2012 - 16:21

  6. &Now Festival (Event Series)

    &NOW is a biennial traveling festival/conference that celebrates writing as a contemporary art form: literary art as it is practiced today by authors who consciously treat their work as a process that is aware of its own literary and extra-literary history, that is as much about its form and materials, language, communities, and practice as it is about its subject matter.

    &NOW brings together a wide range of writers who are interested in exploring the possibilities of form and the limits of language and other literary modes and who are interested in literature that emphasizes text as a medium, that investigates the essential emptiness of language, and that articulates an assumption that literary form both reflects and emerges from its location in time, forming multiple associations within competing matrices of power and value.

    Scott Rettberg - 02.06.2012 - 15:45

  7. E-Poetry Summer Intensive

    I-2012 presents an engaging range of topics in and out of digital media and language, film, interactive art, and performance in an innovative format typified by human communication, generous presentation times, extended segments for response by peer scholars, and open and creative thinking as a group. The idea here is for presenters to propose their own field of references — in an effort to enlighten themselves and to help others locate new resources for themselves — in open conversations exploring connections. In terms of content, though numerous other venues exist for considerations of processor determined digital arts (the unreadable, machinic cum machinic, special effects, and data-dominant informatic), I-2012 focuses on the LANGUAGE edge of innovative emergent media practice, i.e, as we speak, read, and intimate, what is happening between the cracks in processing? Such attention is given as simply ONE relevant locus in the larger conversation and it is given cognizant that practice does not fall into distinguishable camps, but exist as contours within a larger media fabric. It asks: What are words when we “mean” through them?

    Leonardo Flores - 13.06.2012 - 17:48


    The Nordic Association for Comparative Literature (NorLit) organizes every two years an international scholarly conference. The aim of NorLit is to develop the study of Comparative Literature through Nordic collaboration both in its own discipline and in Modern Language and Cultural studies. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.06.2012 - 10:41

  9. NORLIT 2009: Codex and Code Aesthetics, Language, and Politics in an Age of Digital Media

    The Nordic Association for Comparative Literature (NorLit) organizes every two years an international scholarly conference. The aim of NorLit is to develop the study of Comparative Literature through Nordic collaboration both in its own discipline and in Modern Language and Cultural studies. The next conference will take place in Stockholm, August 6-9, 2009. The conference is organized by the School of Computer Science and Communication, Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), the Department of Comparative Literature, Stockholm University, the Department of Communication and Culture, Södertörn University College, and the Department of Comparative Literature, Uppsala University. 

    The theme for the meeting is ”Codex and Code: Aesthetics, Language and Politics in an Age of Digital Media”. The conference venue is the Royal Institute of Technology. The conference languages are the Nordic languages and English.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.06.2012 - 10:42

  10. Digital Humanities in Practice (DIKULT 207, Fall 2012)

    Digital Humanities in Practice (DIKULT 207, Fall 2012)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 24.08.2012 - 14:00
