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  1. Prosthesis

    Prosthesis is a set of live vocal performances addressing complicities inherent in the use of digital technology and emergent artificialities in cognition, language, and the physical body. It consists of nine main sections, including readings augmented by projections and recorded voice, and concludes with a song.

    (Source: Author's site)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 23:47

  2. Searchsonata 181

    Die SearchSonata 181 ist der letzte Teil der SEARCH TRILOGIE (search lutz!, 2006 - searchSongs, 2008 - searchSonata 181, 2011), die algorithmisch generierte Texte aufführt. Konstante dieser Trilogie ist die Verwendung von Worten, die gerade in Suchmaschinen wie Google & Co. eingegeben werden. Diese Suchworte werden algorithmisch verarbeitet. 
    Im ersten Teil, bei searchLutz!, zu Texten, im zweiten, bei searchSongs, zu Tönen und im letzten, der searchSonata 181, zu Lauten, die ja die akustische Brücke bilden zwischen Text und Ton. Das Webinterface der searchSonata 181 ist nur Mittel zum Zweck. Das Eigentliche entsteht, wenn die algorithmisch generierten Texte live durch eine Sprecherin performt werden. Die Botschaft muss durch den Algorithmus hindurch, ohne dort hängen zu bleiben.

    Beat Suter - 01.10.2011 - 13:46

  3. Canticle

    "Canticle" was written for Brown University's CAVE immersive virtual reality environment. Like a concerto, it was composed in three movements and arranged for collaborative performance between a solo user and programmed VR environment. In "Canticle", The CAVE system and its user operate in concert: rendering the world through cooperation and opposition. The tone of "Canticle" plays upon the spectacle of VR by inducing an aesthetic environment that is overly saturated despite its basic composition of greyscale letterforms. Evocative text and audio were used to assist this effect: "The Song of Solomon" and Nico Muhly's MotherTongue. A study of "The Song" resonated with the project's themes: the seduction of spectacle and awareness of a physical body within immersive spaces of illusion. Movements were written in response to spectacles that are native to the CAVE. Description of each movement refers to the specific quality of spectacle it explores: periphery, reactivity, stereoscopy, interface, depth or immersion.

    Stig Andreassen - 20.03.2012 - 15:12

  4. Reality: Being @SpencerPratt

    This Twitter fiction netprov is based on a simple enough premise: reality star Spencer Pratt lost his his cellphone while in London for Celebrity Big Brother, and it was found by a struggling poet who began to use it in whimsical ways to promote poetry. During the three-week performance, the poet prompted Pratt’s followers to write poems based on constraint he provided, was outed as an impostor, dubbed as Tempspence, continued to develop a relationship with his readers as he shared details of his life, and eventually migrated (reborn?) to a new account, @Tempspence, as Pratt regained control of the account. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 18:15

  5. Reading Club

    Reading Club is a project started by Emmanuel Guez and Annie Abrahams in 2013. Eleven sessions were organized with more than 40 different “readers” in English and/or French based on text extracts from Raymond Queneau, from Mez and the ARPAnet dialogues to Marshall McLuhan, Michel Bauwens and McKenzie Wark. Guez and Abrahams experimented with different reading and writing constraints (color, duration, text-length, number of “readers”, etc.) and different performance conditions (online vs. live performance, with and without sound, etc.). In a session of the Reading Club, readers are invited to read a given text together. These readers simultaneously write their own words into this text given a previously fixed maximum number of characters. The Reading Club can be seen as an interpretive arena in which each reader plays and subverts the writing of others through this intertextual game.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.09.2013 - 11:21

  6. Motions

    Motions by Hazel Smith (text), Will Luers (image and coding), and Roger Dean (sound) is conceived as a multimedia web book, and optimized for swiping and scrolling on tablets and computers. It is also a performance piece. It is programmed in HTML 5/Javascript. Motions takes human trafficking and contemporary slavery as its focus. Human trafficking is an accelerating form of crime and is a world-wide problem. It is one of the darker outcomes of globalization, the breakdown of the nation-state, and increasing ease of travel. Static and moving, variable and sequential, the piece presents image and text fragments from different genres: documentary, journalism, poetry and narrative. These fragments are programmed to evoke the subjective experience of enslavement in motion. The sound is constructed as an interactive mosaic. It includes musical transformations of train and plane journeys. It also features two compositions that use instrumental, timbral, rhythmic and harmonic devices characteristic of very different parts of the world. These materials are compositionally transformed with electroacoustic music techniques, including a range of algorithmic compositional devices.

    Elias Mikkelsen - 05.02.2015 - 15:53